Message from @Ramrod1992

Discord ID: 695962784604618792

2020-04-04 11:40:22 UTC  

Im not a comms guy, but I know the radio equipment on our trucks when turned on would make my nose bleed. Often

2020-04-04 11:40:23 UTC  

Une petit peu des champignon aussi

2020-04-04 11:40:35 UTC  

legit put out less radation than a microwave

2020-04-04 11:40:40 UTC

2020-04-04 11:40:45 UTC  

. . . wait literally nose bleed?

2020-04-04 11:41:03 UTC  

you some sort of xmen

2020-04-04 11:41:26 UTC  

When driving with all the cell phone jammers and radio antennas if i stayed in the truck longer than 4 hours, like clockwork

2020-04-04 11:41:40 UTC  

Idk, some of tbose old school jammers in the back of those trucks do some weird shit

2020-04-04 11:41:43 UTC  

Army tech is bad fer ya

2020-04-04 11:42:13 UTC  

Normal comms stuff is gucci from my understanding, but those jammers or whatever were brutal

2020-04-04 11:42:37 UTC  

I dont know. I was exposed to alot of bad shit over there

2020-04-04 11:42:48 UTC  

It be like that

2020-04-04 11:44:33 UTC  

Constantly had jet fuel on my skin, burning trash, pills for malaria that were only approved for horses(causes brain damage and now being used to treat da wuhan),jammers signals, explosions, fucking firefights and whatever else. I just know radio waves do weird shit to some folks

2020-04-04 11:45:43 UTC  

jammers are alot more powerful

2020-04-04 11:45:50 UTC  

Oh yeah, the mefilquin or whatever

2020-04-04 11:45:55 UTC  

they have to drown out all the other wave lenghts

2020-04-04 11:46:04 UTC  

would not recommend long term exposer

2020-04-04 11:46:15 UTC  

I heard it was even for a strain of malaria that wasnt in the country

2020-04-04 11:46:29 UTC  

it puts out a noteable amount of rads

2020-04-04 11:46:59 UTC  

its the kinda thing they would turn off before we would go up to work on anttanes

2020-04-04 11:47:38 UTC  

Now i have emphysema from trash burning.
I can't do math in any relative capacity, thinking its the pills.
Maybe the radios did it something I dont know. I do know I dont trust the gov/msm. They told me shit was safe and dont worry about it. I listened

2020-04-04 11:51:39 UTC  

So everytime we pull the trucks onto the FOB we had to refuel them and top them off. At night theres no way to see how much fuel in the maxxpro. Them bitches liked to squirt out of the tank and all over me(I was the platoon fuel guy because my kit was already soaked in jet fuel). So imagine 3 gallons of jet fuel spraying in your eyes mouth nose and ears. Completely fucking soaked. Go to the med Bay, no paperwork, you'll be fine kid, go shower.
3 days pass i get weird twitch in my eye that never went away

2020-04-04 11:53:27 UTC  

The government doesnt care what they expose people to, and the media backs their stories.

2020-04-04 11:54:04 UTC  

oh i'm aware i've inhaled mercury dust before

2020-04-04 11:54:37 UTC  

all i'm saying is 5g is is a safe wave lenght so long as you are in an active tower

2020-04-04 11:55:45 UTC  

its in the non ionizing wave lenght still

2020-04-04 11:56:16 UTC  

I keep hearing that its safe, but im not easily convinced. The government has done more heinous shit than scrub the stats on 5g, and with help of companies unrolling 5g what better way to get ya weapon in the towers than assuring people its safe

2020-04-04 11:56:55 UTC  

i mean i could show you on a wave length chart if it will make you feel better

2020-04-04 11:57:33 UTC  

Plus its a comms thing. Cell phones are the booj main comms. Can't take out the weapon without cutting comms. Double edged sword, and that's how its protected from us

2020-04-04 11:59:00 UTC  

i mean they can cut cell signal either way

2020-04-04 12:00:22 UTC  

I mean it makes sense i understand that it is less than detrimental to your health on paper. But I dont trust these companies stats on a weaponized form of comms. Of course they gonna say "its safe" till they crank up the power and everyone gets severely ill and the gov starts a state of emergency which they have set the precedent on nabbing your rights as soon as shit hits the news

2020-04-04 12:01:00 UTC  

And that's my conspiracy theory. Thanks for coming to muh Pwave talk

2020-04-04 12:02:43 UTC  

i mean unless they put some serious hardware in thoes towers they wouldnt be effective

2020-04-04 12:02:53 UTC  

and i mean serious hardware

2020-04-04 12:03:11 UTC  

And yeah they can, but why? Then the gov will look like a bad guy for cutting comms, they counting on boojie bois getting to them and making a spectacle, in which the gov says the DT word and our cause loses righteousness

2020-04-04 12:03:18 UTC  

like a massive directonal anttena powered by its own power plant

2020-04-04 12:03:37 UTC  

it also depends on what wavelength you're talking about, because the one people are scared of 5g Millimeter waves, but cell towers use 5g midband waves

2020-04-04 12:03:50 UTC  


2020-04-04 12:03:52 UTC

2020-04-04 12:04:08 UTC  

comms are around that wave lenght

2020-04-04 12:04:10 UTC  

and they've been using a form of 5g for years already, 5g lowband, which is the highest form of 4g wave