Primal Ghost

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ive been analysing movies and tv shows for years now, mgtow is just one angle about how they propagandize it

you know what movie is about the biggest simp in the world? the goofy movie

that nigga has that pussy so high on a pedestal its getting pounded by aliens in space

also big fish

its about a thirsty beta cuck

spiritual enlightenment

financial success

seeking of knowledge is mine

I have come a long way in my understanding of the world over the last few years

its good to have a finite goal to reach though

but yea

whats wrong with being alone

the happiest moments of my life was when i was alone


the loneliness goes away when you focus on a hobby or skill

i have some demons to face for sure

like my ex wife

jk ive never been married

just thought it was funny

i love solo camping

theyll use you and throw you away like a tampon

for me its just books

i have so many books to read and so much spiritual progress to embark on

i could just focus on that for several hundred years

of course, thats your simp lizard brain giving you a reason to stay with the naggy female

you must control it or it will control you

no lol but mgtow is a translation of the beautiful ones in the mouse utopia

yep its true. and its way better to live like that than to deal with one of the mentally ill females

it takes a village to raise a child. what village will be raising your child?

@LOGICWINS i prefer binaural beats or relaxing music

you live in an area with only single fathers?

arent you worried someone else is gonna fap to your waifu?

cucked by a 2d waifu

happy bday to my favorite uncle

im going to listen to hhh video about the mouse utopia later today

i got a long drive

ive watched it myself and seen other people talk about it, should be interesting to hear what he has to say

well i mean watched the documentary about it myself, I wasnt actually there lol


leave the doll

even with the doll, you are sleeping alone

its an inanimate object

why lie to yourself?

im neutral towards dolls

im not a fan of lying to myself though

I think most mgtow channels are pro sex doll to bring in ad revenue

maybe i should create my own channel to speak the truth with no ad revenue

i think sex with a doll is way better than a disgusting real life female

sticking your dick in a sloshpit of stds and cum? no thanks

nofap is what works for me

I want to become a monk

most of their money comes from selling sex toys

thats why you wont see many mgtow videos encourage nofap

I think we can all agree female validation is something we need to get rid of

its encouraged here

just go your own way and do what you want

its not nice

you should never feel good about being validated by a female

because thats how they trap you

sure, then they have you in their hands

yea but apparently you like getting manipulated

so who cares

but if youre already getting a bj youre already trapped

playing with fire

like Yuri said

yea thats what Im saying

i just fapped earlier today. but im able to go longer and longer without fapping over time

@YuriBezmenov i think its cause the other day i said someone is โ€œlike the vegan of nofapโ€ and he probably made it after that.

because people kept saying he preached it on and on

whats decapitated

like death metal?

i got some pagan metal and some satanic death metal

which one do you want

i think youd like the pagan stuff

oh woops

cant send links

ill pm it to you

hey its good lifting music

yea deicide was the band i was going to mention

me neither

probably cause the real satanists are super rich

theres two kinds of satanists, edgy teenagers and actual elite child rapist sacrificing satanists

look up marina abromavic if you wanna look into elite satanism

or spirit cooking

sabaton is good too lol

have you heard the final stand by sabaton

im into relaxing music now

like the spa channel on sirius xm

lady gaga, katy perry, hugh jackman

lots of celebrities

john podesta, hillary clinton, barack obama, tony podesta, huma abedin

anthony weiner

feminism is communist in nature

making the sexes equal by destroying both of them

id say a woman that makes a good housewife isnt a bum

pretty much yea @YuriBezmenov but it didnt used to be 8%

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