
Discord ID: 409955854457110540

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No. What you really do is send blue pilled mangina white knights to go kill them because they know they'll get pussy for it.

I take it back. They're the fall guys and won't get any. Remember, men are disposable slaves according to them.

But we know better don't we? We're the prize.

I hear that VPNs completely disguise your IP address.

I don't have one, but I thought about having one.

I think they're expensive though.

Oh shit! That I didn't know. Fuck that shit.


Great song. I can rap that shit too.

Lol Hell yeah boyyy! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Ice Cube, Eminem, NWA, Easy E, Dr. Dre, etc. The kinds of rap.

Yeah. I'm not really a fan of memes.

Kings* not kinds. Lol

I've never really heard him that much.

I haven't heard much of Kendrick either.

I'm not a big fan of wrestling. I'm more of a UFC kind of guy.

Or boxing. Boxing is cool. ๐ŸฅŠ

Although I still don't really watch TV that much. I'm more of a gamer.

Poor Mike Tyson. Lol

Okay MGTOW brothers! It's GoT time. Ttyl

Back. I can't wait to see season 3!

That Intel business sounds like shit. They seriously do that?

That's fucking gay.

I think what the old man is saying makes sense, but his problem is shitting on a man who chooses to separate himself from the world.

He is flawed in his argument.

One question though. Is a hermit someone who works a job or doesn't? I thought a hermit is someone who just lives for himself away from society. Basically a live off the land kind of person. Let's say for instance that even if we didn't have contact with women, would that really make us hermits or careful lone wolves?

Oh boy! What if we all did a group phone call talking about this?!

Lmfao ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Let's do it!


What is tasteless?

No. I was kidding, but I do seriously think it would be awesome for us to at least band together for a group discussion on a stream. Not roasting, just talking as a new topic maybe.

I don't know. Just a suggestion.

Oh. Okay. Nevermind then. I suppose it would just be more frustration than anything.

No I haven't seen one.

I've only watched your regular videos and calls.

Really? Am I the only one?

Shame on you guys. Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

Oh my God you guys!

Happy Humble Hermit!

Seriously though. YouTube search Happy Humble Hermit and start watching. Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ You sacrilegious heritics.


I can't remember when I started watching, but I know I've been absorbing content for several months now. I can probably tell you my stats of how much I watched if I can find it.

Okay. So it doesn't tell over the course of months, but it updates weekly.

Past week 23 hours and 48 minutes, yesterday 6h8m, today 6h24m, and my daily average is 3h24m. If I were to watch all the 1h+ videos it would be more.

A red pill a day keeps the greedy tradcucks and crazy feminists from stealing half or all of your shit away. Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ Is Sandman in this server? We need him!

I probably should've switched greedy and crazy.

Oh well. Can't be right all the time.

Can one of you link a round table for me so I can watch one?

Or is there not one?

I'm going to sort some clothes and shower, then go back to videos.

Thank you.

Ooh! Doom music intro! Noice!

Legend he is indeed.

I wish I wasn't struggling financially because if I wasn't I'd be donating as much as I can to each and every one of the MGTOW creators.

What game is in this roundtable? Hermit, you play some great games.

Oh God. Speaking of Australia! You guys need to watch Sydney Watson shit talk feminists and all the political crap going on and Sydney MGTOW. He's pretty awesome and hilarious too. I love his feminist impressions and now, not only does he have the glasses, but now he has a red headed bob cut wig. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Yes. He's back. His beard is gone though. I think he got him a job and stuff.

But he made more videos.

I don't think I'll shave my beard for a long time. I want to grow a Kratos beard.

I actually grew my beard quite long once. I think it was like an inch or more.

I don't remember what happened. It was days ago when I caught up with his videos and it took me like two or three days to catch up on Ken DelRican's content. I imagine trying to catch up on TFM's videos will take me five or six days I don't know. I wasn't able to watch videos for a couple of months because of bullshit.

You're welcome.

Lol I disagree. I think when you clean shave you're shaving off your masculinity. When you sport a beard your behavior changes. Besides, people of the soy can't grow beards.


This roundtable is awesome. I'm on the last ten minutes of it.

The quality was pretty decent.

I mean think about it. Real men don't shave their legs. It's women that want us to shave all of our hair so they can validate us by the amount of hair we have. Women probably feel the same, but women really aren't supposed to have that much hair though. They don't understand that if a woman has too much hair, she has too much testosterone, and that usually means she might not be as fertile.

The one that was linked just now.

MGTOW Roundtable #1.

Well, mustaches are cool, but they've been given a bad rep like pit bulls unfortunately. In my honest opinion, I love handlebar mustaches much more than standard ones. They look dope while regular mustaches look quite plain on some people.

Depends on the shape of your face really.

I look best with a full beard versus anything else. I don't look too bad with a goatee, but I think they have bad reps too.

It shows manhood.

Women don't sport beards until they get old. Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

Even then it's lightly patchy.

Oh yeah man. Neckbeard away. Let it grow wildly everywhere. Get that rugged look about you.

We already do. It's just most if at any women actually make it.

Most if any at all*

I'm typing terribly right now.

It's just that most women if any at all never make it.

Biologically, it just doesn't work. Women were not bred for war. Hell, in truth the whole human race isn't actually bred for war.

Yeah I know they do, but what I'm saying is either gender can do it, unless you mean actually being drafted like in the old days.

Doki Doki Literature Club?

Either gender can go into the military now. Pretty much anyone can join the military. It's just that most women never make it. There are a ton more men in the military and for the most part stay longer than women. Besides, do you remember the conversation TFM had with someone? They tried that whole equality thing of forcing women into the military, but the men rebelled against the commander or colonel.

Well, not forcing, just letting them in regardless of capability.

Basically like what they're doing with the workforce, college, and universities now.

Them and their stupid diversity quotas.

Yes. That's an excellent part of the point.

No we are not. Don't let any of those lies that feminists tell get in your head.

Maybe we should do it. There are more men than women anyway. Fuck it. They want equality, we'll give them equality. Send them to Hell. Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jk

Those are insects.

Let them go die in the military.

Then when there are more men than women, they'll be like, "Maybe this equality thing was a bad idea after all." Well, no shit.

Nah! That's forced selection believe it or not. Natural selection is nature killing you through disease and such.

Not humans deciding who lives and dies based on preference. That's not natural at all.

I suppose.

It's not that bad. It's actually the economy and lack of responsibility that causes that.

Because if you delve any further into this, you might as well be for eugenics which is also bad.

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