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... or not with 155cm legs lol

understand mr elite is having a hiatus after a debate with a woman called price i dunno her but seems a shame aside from the roasts some of his content was good recently

seems legit lol

well in retrospect they seem to be winning alot

so he might have a point

well im pretty sure its a tennant to have lots of kids. in the bible it says about it but muslims take that stuff serious

plug it?

oh i see sweaty ball syndrome

hair helps keeps a distance to the cloth

thermal sure but if you hug something with thermal you will end up with wet boxers if you have a gap you can get some airflow and evaporation going

i have a jungle and have no issue

no wet boxers just steam when i undo my belt lol

yeah didnt he have a harem of young girls and rape a 14 year old might be off on my facts but im sure he wasnt a celebate

well you cant say no if gagged this is true

oh sure

ah like europe use daughters to strengthen allinaces

marry them off

that was common everywhere back then my son gets her she has a 5 cows he has land to have those 5 cows lets do a deal

know i didnt get 5 cows my first time i just got the one <:yay:523032349563158528>

sex sells


hence the importance of virginity

oh sure but not for one you took serious

well pinnicles of societies before collapse they did

i mean they still gathered but didnt hunt i guess thats why you had to have an initiation ceromony where a man was born by trial from a boy

well back then sure but i would argue that has been flipped on its head antonio

now the poor have all the kids

sure but i think it has an impact once upon a time you had to strive to have kids now the ones that strive have less kids surely from an evolutionary perspective thats a bad idea to have those that achieve less breed more

i mean there is a drop in IQ going on right now i wonder if its related?

i recall a thinking ape classic talking about that on the dawn of agriculture there was a point where a man bred with 17 women so 1/17 meaning those that did not innovate died out but now that is flipped

true maybe not being on the benefits system knocking out kids makes me a dinosaur as i have not adapted to the situation presented

i think it was a huge shift as in some had farms some still hunted so the farmers got the poon

i like to think of women as the choosers of genetic legacy they basically select the men and i do think there must be a innate reason for its decisions but the idea that men are selected like that seems very very scary to me and im pretty sure we could be twice as innovatively evolved as a species if that was a more tuned selection of males

you said it better than i but you made my point thanks

oh yeah those tinder experiments are brutal

first date = swimming pool lol

so like they dont know how to use the power appeasement?

i dunno guys il be honest there are some thin girls in their 30s you know the hippy types very chill no makeup but not been stressed that look good

oh sure and it becomes a beautiful on the outside thing after 30

well inside you get my meaning

the enery the exude

yeah i dabble and see a girl who is 22 her skin is crazy smooth i only notice this stuff now im older

same appeasement i like gingers for that pale thing

sure black girls skin like glows at that age

yeah i dont go for round faces i like a longer face i have realised white does that more but there are exceptions

wow i mean those teeth would shred my foreskin right off and i belive her strong woman t-shirt she would maul me

curie? then im struggling

i live in the uk so we have the bbc the national broadcaster well they have a classical channel its very good to be honest its called radio 3 has awesome stuff on that but there was felix mendelson and he had a sister she wrote too but was not as good or as prolific as her brother even if you blind listned to it today however you barely hear felix these days as they are always plugging the sister in some kind of affirmative action as its the only one they have who is female

sure well we have local and national new based on region remember the uk isnt huge so its north west south east scotland ect well last i looked they are all female presenters and i dont have a tv licence and just watch the internet was kinda shocking how the demographic has changed

yeah i see that with management positions too

strange that women dont wanna be on the oil rigs or in merchant shipping or collecting bins or sewer workers

i mean shit i was thinking of going on ships that good money

oh but there is a division of labour in the police the guys take them down and then pass the cuffed person to the female which is like an uber driver at that point

id be pissed if i was in the police

yeah i had this arguement too Antonio was talking with a guy that was talking about having a fort in the middle of the usa and im like yeah ..... i have to have a licence for a shotgun

i dunno man i think the usa might in the uk we are too soft now though i will admit there is a huge pissed undercurrent of people here and that was shown in the brexit vote

its been 90 right?

here uk its 50 in tax thats not including what you call social security

my lefty mate wants that now i think there is almost an appetite for 90 percent

well national insurance runs at 13 pecent ish so call it 63 max

oh for sure i have just done a degree to climb the ladder in a super specific degree but im going self employed fk that

ah yes the cash crop of kings..... broccoli

not seen not heard

not attacked

i like being close to my job though and in driving distance to food and folks

well i have a store of food but i live in a town on the outskirts of a city not in the middle but cant grow food yet near a river so if i wanted i could use monofilament to get fish and have snares and a springer rifle

im limited being in the uk but for rabbits and birds im ok no big game here so the focus is small game and frequent fish rabbit rat ect

i was asking this earlier eli

i have a big list if you are ok for me to type it out for films

eli try these
secario both of them the 2015 and 2018
beasts of no nation
her 2013
bladerunner 2049
omega man
high plains drifter
last man on earth
soylant green
outlaw josie wales
the book of eli
the gambler 2014
they live 1988
only the brave

13th warrior
american assassin
five easy pieces
blanche - its a brando film
ice station zebra
office space
jeramiah johnson
from paris with love
the big lebowski
a boy and his dog
city slickers
ichi the killer
escape from new york

last detail
lonely are the brave
cherry 2000
the maltese falcon
gone girl

the man from earth
up in the air
ex machina
the hunt 2012
millers crossing
the longest week
american virgin
they live
the thing
the beguiled 1971
into the wild
whiplash 2014
she 2013
blue valentine 2014
alone in the wilderness
joe 1970
live is beautiful 1997

network 1976
irrational man woody allen film
flight of the phoenix
the gray
wakefield... howard wakefield
lone wold and cub sword of vengence............... this is a sick film mate
the pursuit of happiness
being john malkovich
all is lost
jack reacher films
burn after reading
dark city
the matrix trilogy
nocturnal animals
barry lyndon
revolutionary road
blood diamond
american psycho
kellys heros

high noon
hardcore henry
city of god
a bronx tale
the american.... love this film its the modern clooney
fight club
moon 2009

got more but that should do you for now

all strong male types as roles

or talking mgtow themes

no i just like films i have double that i could recommend though

aww thanks dude

yeah it wouldnt have fluff

well i would talk a bit i like to talk as you guys have found out so i would have to make it rounded about its era lineage production but sure i would cut to the chase

thanks hhh have more i have gleaned but have sore fingers now lol

from a content creator thats quite a compliment as oppose from the common plebs lol

licky licky brown nose trophey goes tooo?


whales have taste

nah mate longer if you ask me

i think the problem you face is that people have stopped looking at debt as a score of how a country does. the old rules dont apply obviously folks cant even keep count of the debts now its just a matter of is that destablising after all debt is written off all the time on a corporate level if they tried to write off the usa debt the consequences are not worth thinking off and remember all the western states are in debt so 0 is not the denominator now

oh the moral collapse worries me more

i mean just to buy a house how its 30 years of debt its as far as it can go that way but the moral stuff is another level

or dial back your military i know thats a big spend in the usa

as a percentage

yeah just talking percents here its something like 2.5 percent there its 50?

just a number i heard

well we do simular we have nhs welfare thats quite alot but at least we get healthcare

im the same man

oh for sure

my taxes stay the same if im healthy or not

well i have needed it a few times in my life and i dunno about you guys but im not exatly swimming in cash despite having a decent job the idea that if i was disabled at birth or had ailments i couldnt control i think should be on the state you cant earn to pay for that if your disabled my problem comes with those that are able but eat too much or wont move enough

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