Roman Sionis

Discord ID: 439803178612031489

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Man I want money

Chicken man no discussion

Veal man no discussion

Who the fuck wanna fuck a cow

No cows and landwhales

What's a cowgirl? Part cow part girl?

Man I ain't into furries

Now I heard of cowboys

Girls who dress like boys or some shit


He blacc and he don't cracc

You a niqqa


So cowgirl is just an anime landwhale?

With things on head?

I forgot word for it


What now?

Man listen I don't get a hard on for these anime characters

Which one

You mean gym?

I thought this is a normal server

And y'all adults?

Man you some incels or something?

There is Igor MGTOW he is like 12 13

Now I don't hate anyone but y'all seem weird

I don't bother to change the nickname what's the problem

I took it from "leave a banan stuck in yo pipe"

Why bother with rocks

Just use water

Yeah well

Fuck water

You put yo dicc in it and it just flows how's that not fuccable

He's orange

Yea if you a homo

Screw homos

Texas got more guns than people

Man what is this convo turning into

Did someone say mw2?

That's a damn nice game

I miss life

I would, but I'm kind of shy to sign up for anything, honestly. I know it's not much of a deal

I know I'll have to do it eventually

But I don't think there are martial arts here

I did take karate years ago

That's not martial arts tho

I can drive some but I'm 17

Only a few months until then, jeez how time goes fast

Dad taught me driving

He's really good but he's from a different generation

Had kids late

That's all right you're saying

I don't think much about it, I'll still be in high school, I guess I'll try to pass driving test, I really should take up some sport

I'll still be in highschool at 19

Different kind of county, different rules

Yeah but that's where it ends

We have 9 classes from age 6-7 to like 15

What brought me to mgtow was the stupidest thing ever

Now that I think of it

I thought I was in an online relationship with some girl so I was butthurt cause we "broke up" and then I learned about mgtow

I might have watched that years ago before I knew what mgtow is

Parents have ok marriage here

Sup everyone

Man I was just busting at some pussyboy from jamaica

And some 13 yo kid

They dumb

From another server

Nah, plenty of guys but some are annoying, it's a server dedicated to our faction in a videogame

We call ourselves "the brotherhood of steel"

Why is it the worst

I mean I don't care I never played fallout

We act like a military

But been dead

Mr House sounds gay

No offense

Ah is he a baby boomer?

Boomers can be annoying

Sounds lame, the brotherhood sounds better

I wanna play fallout but Idk if it's as good as skyrim

Why gay ser

Skyrim cool with those dragons brah

I killed the main one and completed two dlc's

Which one should I play first

Yea I heard of that one

But still meh

What if it ain't that good

Brotherhood still alive in another universe

I keep the brotherhood alive

I don't care

Who you think sucks

We don't play fallout as the BoS

We try to kill gangs and police

Like I said, in another game

Now I really wanna play this fallout shiyat

Ok ok that's enough

Tell all your complaints to my elder

Ok guys downloading fallouit

new vegas

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