
Discord ID: 218942124651970560

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I dont think of it as fact, more like, i dont think it fits at the moment.

Though, could be.

I think this girl is using her suicidal thoughts to get closer to me.

But i dont know for certain.

No, she usually keeps to herself.

She's got hormones out of wack and she's depressed.

She is very likely a virgin. She's been victimized by most of her boyfriends apparently. One of them fingered her without her permission, some lie to her.

She's said that she doesnt choose good men.


Im not dating her at the moment.

Though I have a feeling, she wants me to control her.

Im considering your suggestion, but i need to think about these considerations.

The latest purge, they paid mercenaries to affect the outcome of the experiment.

The people just did drugs and partied.


Lel, and the idea kind of reminds me of east germany.

When you give people all this freedom, they don't know what to do with it.

damnit, I wanna post a video link

There's this guy who does the reverse

he plays as a meat eater that makes fun of people for eating vegetables

Back in my day, we shat on the ground.

Now you got this plumbing.

the girl i was talking about yesterday, I became disinterested in her.

dating just seems boring and too much work.

idk. I have a lot of friends that are usually female for some reason

usually pretty depressed and think they want to be men.

Dont know, man. It's probably because when im crowd of people, I just go to the girls.

Do what?

fantasize the anime happy sugar life.


for some reason that anime popped in my head.

in all honesty, I think my favorite animes are Gantz, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, and Bungo Stray Dogs.

They're diamonds in the ruft.

I used to watch lots of anime at one time, but I have my ongoing anime series that I watch at different times of the week.

I don't like them, but they're decently entertaining.

Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.


anime takes about half of an hour of your time.

if you skip bullshit, about 10 minutes.


if you watch anime like I do, it wastes less of your time.

Oh man, it's really nice.

My pfp comes from that anime.

He's the trainer for the protagonist.

lel, i haven't seen someone banned from here yet.

but then again, I'm not too active here.

When I first looked at the MGTOW logo, I thought it was supposed to symbolize an erect penis.

but then I figured out what MGTOW stood for


Yes, the latest episode was amazing.

Tomorrow, the next episodr comes out at 11AM CDT

This is when this show recovered from adding 2 stupid characters.

Google in general apparently has an agenda.

In that, they want a democratic candidate in office.

There's been this concern with Google trying to keep certain searches away from our grasp.

and at times, I think Google is trying to keep information away from me that would probably help.

But, I can't prove the latter.

I've seen one of them





that's the name of the character from that emoticon

well, being too nice under certain circumstances seems fake.

No anime

it's a youtube channel


she gets drunk and sings music

Idk how to measure it, but you can think someone is being too nice if you would be annoyed, but the person seems happy to deal with it.

Nonpoint - Chaos and Earthquakes

Katy perry could help pornstars get their name out there.

Sometimes the realization of the control you have over the situation.

One of my problems has been hesitation. I would blame others for the lack of control I have over my life, but it's really that I never allowed myself control. It's a weird thought.

oppression, more like not wanting to be accountable for your problems.

i not victim blamin

Traps aren't gay


End statements with semicolon;

Why force indents?

Fuck python

Indent forcing languages: screen is all free real estate

I gotta find this post again about python

Let's start with indentation errors. What the actual fuck? No sane programming language structures itself on tabs, you want clear blocks? You want an end, well fuck you! Better make sure it's all aligned well. Are you 4 layers down into indentation, better make sure that screen real estate is holding up, wouldn't want to cause you any fucking stupid problems or anything. Wanna use tabs? Sure, use tabs, prettiest things on earth, some spaces, why not, throw it all in, oh wait, I like either one but not both together.

Your dirty friend doesn't know how to set up his vim (and it shouldn't damn well matter), :retab won't work because you've now created a horrible mess. Oh, wanna git clone some code, for sure, just make sure you use the exact same configuration, and please do follow the joke of a style guide, it's the only way our programs actually run. BECAUSE THEy ARE DEPENDANT ON STYLE WHAT THE FUCK. Semicolons are optional, lovely. Want to flatten an array, .flatten? Nooooo, gotta overload the + operator sum(fuck,+) this how disgusting is that. Want to unique a list? .uniq? Something like that? Noooo list(set(mylist)) are you kidding me?! Type conversion will solve all our issues. 100. most disguting syntax, and a loop just iterates through a range. Ohhh, backwards compatability? Nopeeeeee, wouldn't want that in a scripting language now would we, too bad our original design was so messed up we had to be so brave to basically rewrite the whole thing, not like anyone was using it or anything.... And holy crap the syntax, most ugly thing I've ever seen what on earth Curly braces noooooope, too easy and they have the gall to call this entire monster the "pythonist" way, must be . Want to overload default operators in your class, just what they look like right? Nooope, every single one has a godamn special name, let's take a look at the list right, couldn't make it simple or anything. Want a ternary, eh? Something simple two character ?: magic? No, fuck you, use [res1,res2](condition) or a assbackwards most confusing and ugly horrific res1 if condition else res 2, I mean what the actualy fuck is that? Oh and let's preface all our functions with a thousand __ like the tears you cry when you try to make sure it's the correct number, oh and always make sure to pass in self, wouldn't want to have scope or get lost or anything nooooo.

Well you may ask? Surely python must have something good right? All those scientists must use it for a reason (and 90% of them write horrific code and have no clue about it by the way, as is unsurprising, hence the python). Well yeah, it has some nice libraries, but that's like saying it's a nice car because someone decided to build a FANCY TRAILER FOR IT.

I found the original

it's okay. when people talk about c++ they refer to it as C/C++ because you can basically merge C and C++ programs together with header files.

the syntax is pretty different.

well, I mean different methods to doing certain things.

Also, I don't recommend Java because of Oracle being dumb.

Oracle is starting to charge companies to use its language.

Performance control eh? Learn Assembly language.

lel, i kid you.


C/C++ is probably the future of embedded systems programming.

I heard that they created higher level interfaces for embedded systems, so if you're interested in embedded systems, C/C++ is pretty good to know.

i mean, you could be the guy who makes the interfaces that permit people to program on spinning robot pussies

in terms of Assembly Language and hardware, the most i did was build a PC

which most of the PC parts were already in the case.

I just had to put in a power supply and some disks

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