
Discord ID: 721421844581974088

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who let the fuckin gypsy in?

you are a german-russian rape baby pollack

dont try to be all moral racial highground here

upper slovene, really


natsocs crack me up

because they're literally stanning losers

go find an ideology for winners instead

monarchism isn't an ideology but ok

monarchism is merely the most stable government framework in existance

the centrally planned economy with reliance on foreign occupations is a big one though

and polish?

my condolences

could you like, fuck off to israel though

so the jews ARE to blame for everything

compared to the other states maybe

yes I do criticise centrally allocated resources for production

because you simply do not have enough information for that

nobody wants to have a debate over fucking poland

[x] doubt

2021-02-20 11:27:22 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  


2021-02-20 11:33:04 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

but does it provide free boob jobs and gender reassignments????

2021-02-20 12:03:02 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

uses british officers as template, gets nazis instead

2021-02-20 12:03:04 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

sucks for george

2021-02-20 12:04:45 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

disney: nice expanded universe you have there, shame if it was.. non-canon

2021-02-20 12:06:02 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

the prequels were pretty bad from a film making standpoint but the story it tried to tell was quite ambitious

2021-02-20 15:07:23 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  



navalny is in a word

2021-02-21 12:53:16 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  

great job pollacks

2021-02-21 12:56:46 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  

who of you made this

2021-02-21 12:56:48 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  

step up

jinping seems to be sliding right back into maoism with his concentration of power

wonder if he realises that means he gets all the blame too

at least capitalist states don't pretend to be an utopian ideology that will solve all problems for everyone

that's not even true

well yeah

except for the swiss of course

damn mountain jews

wealth gap is usually not really that bad though

I mean austria has like a 13/14x wealth gap in income before the state redistributes and cuts it down to 3x

it goes deeper

they are die hard universalists

swedes don't even know what cronyism/nepotism is

maybe only the US and Russia can have an autarky

everyone else lacks resources of some kind

there's literally nothing wrong with trade

don't get me wrong I am against completely free trade because it destroys your own industry

but it's wrong to say you shouldn't have it

the main thing a country should be not be reliant on in foreign trade is food

no those two CAN but there's no point to be

they have huge untapped land for practically everything

america gets various resources from foreign ports because it's simpler or cheaper w/e

but it doesn't mean they can't get it themselves

right now the US economy only has liek 8% foreign trade

and half of that is with mexico and canada

the US was the biggest producer in the 40s

US now has so much gas they are using it for stuff you usually would use oil for

saudis supposedly overinflate their reserves by 1/3 so that will be funny

small nations have their uses

russia is stuck as a majorly resource exporting country

russia is building their own chips and such but obviously production is all outsourced

and the chips are special snowflakes nobody uses

they bought an ARM license a few years ago though

self-sufficiency with water and food is the absolute essentials any country should have I think

well I do think they usually do the we have x people they need y calories a day, so we need z

or just the statistical well people x potatoes a year

if britain in 1930s can figure out that they are self-sufficient we can do it today

although granted people are getting dumber

dont underestimate a modern farmer

don't give them ideas @Mr. Nessel

not quite

every warsaw pact country had some specific job and they traded


yeah well lenin recognised shit didnt work until they enacted the new economy

but really could you stop comparing that stuff to today. our economies aren't heavily reliant on industrial production anymore

USSR is a jew project

what are you on

before stalin: 85% jewish

after stalin: 65% jewish

great job

jews in the ussr weren't just in the politburo lad

gulag guards, nkvd, low level polit officers

heavily jew

but it doesn't really matter

that state's gone

it's all about fucking with the west

wrong. political maybe a failure, economically a success

I'd rather talk about fixing modern economies than redoing arguments from 100 years ago

it was all about getting a war industry

the same factories then produced tanks

wallstreet loved giving commies money

wasnt the tsarist state only interested in war production and transport


he was hands off

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