
Discord ID: 551046982077251635

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You'll need l.5 liters of water.... I used the metric system, so you'll have to convert that.... mixed with just 2-3 teaspoons of salt..... they say to use nice salts like sea salt and all that, but I just use normal salt..... And you don't have to drink it right away, you need to drink in within 1 hour, but it takes less time.... For best results, it's better to do it in the morning on an empty stomach... and even better if you can do it after a good bout of fasting...... and then you'll have to stay free for a few hours for repeated trips to the bathroom ๐Ÿ™‚

@Zyrenn Oh great to hear that โค

@Groot Yes that's it, it's also called Wax Gourd ๐Ÿ™‚

@Notsoperfect Wow, that's amazing.... prayers and blessings for your Dad โค

@Notsoperfect Cool, my pleasure โค

POTUS faced reporters just now before getting on Marine One.... lots of good news from him, especially the appointment of judges in the next few months

Things seem to be all on track... we're winning bigly โค

@Notsoperfect that's exactly right, God is mighty โค

@Groot It's not necessarily for diabetes..... it's one of God's greatest gifts to us... it's one of the vegetables that has the most all-round benefit for the human body

I believe a true believer cannot be touched by Satan... so I agree with @Notsoperfect in that whatever happens is God's will and happens for the best ..... when you give yourself and are filled with the Holy Spirit... you are protected by God's grace โค

Well the world still requires sacrifice... that's why our Lord made the ultimate sacrifice

Yes that's it โค

All Christians are supposed to believe is Jesus โค

@Jayde Howdy Patriot โค

LOL Pepe will be free one day ๐Ÿ™‚

@RickBulow74 Good morning โค

@RickBulow74 Hope you're doing great Patriot

Good morning Patriots โค

@CHARLES PELKEY I've been great mon ami.... how's your health? โค

@CHARLES PELKEY Are you currently on your PC or phone?

@CHARLES PELKEY I'm not sure if it works the same on a tablet, but if you're on a PC and click right my name, it'll give you the option to message me.. That way you can see my last message to you without having to look for it through all other messages.

Oh ๐Ÿ™‚

@CHARLES PELKEY Oops sorry, I didn't know that, anyways thanks a lot โค

@CHARLES PELKEY I continue to be great, the Lord has immensely blessed us, thanks for asking โค ..... I'm not really a fan of Humera, or most mainstream pharmaceuticals to be honest.... I still believe you can cure yourself with fasting, diet, and prayer.

@CHARLES PELKEY LOL Thanks and no.... being inspired by an amateur rapper friend, I decided to wear the same thing for my performances... Since we've been out of Ohio for a long time now and ATL is the current residence and it's harder to get Ohio or other team jerseys there, I decided to go with the Falcons, of who I was a fan of anyway. The headgear was from my trekking tours of the jungle region here and was added to the outfit later on. It's really just a piece of cloth that people here use as a towel, I just tied it around my head like a bandanna. But since it's bigger than a bandanna, it gives the turban look.... The "bling" were gifts from close people and something I wear everyday, so that wasn't part a the outfit. ๐Ÿ™‚

Doesn't take too long to throw on a jersey and wrap a cloth around your head ๐Ÿ˜‰ LOL

@CHARLES PELKEY Thank you so much my brother โค

@CHARLES PELKEY LOL don't knock it till you've tried it ๐Ÿ™‚ .... Ya there's been a lot of storms and rain lately, probably caused flooding in some areas but I really haven't been keeping track of all that.... News wise the other of the two big Muslims holidays, the second Eid, just finished a few days ago........ So to make sure since you didn't reply to my message, that unnamed email was from you right?

@Red Label Good morning Patriot โค

@CHARLES PELKEY LOL ya that would be really cool if I could send you the rain ๐Ÿ™‚

@CHARLES PELKEY LOL you're right, we need to take better control of HAARP ๐Ÿ™‚

@CHARLES PELKEY and LOL you're funny my friend, of course you didn't say anything bad in the email... but since we are in a virtual world and kinda fighting a war with hackers abound, I just wanted to follow the rules of life and make sure it was you since I didn't find a name and the email address only had a number.... that's not your fault either, we've been talking long enough for you not to have to write your name every time.... You probably just didn't realize that you were writing from a different email address.... but anyways, it's all all good, don't sweat it at all my brother โค

@ColdBrewedFreedom Good morning Patriot โค

LM"B"O (don't wanna offend the anti-swearing peeps here) ๐Ÿ˜„

That's a very good theory ๐Ÿ˜„ LOL

The autopsy's come out

@ShadowBoxer Thanks a lot Patriot โค

@CHARLES PELKEY But it could be that we're controlling it all..... the first signs of the autopsy that I heard on Fox News is that the injuries indicate foul play.... also former Acting AG Whittacker gave a really cool interview on Fox yesterday

POTUS also gave us some great news yesterday before getting on Marine One, among them is that many new judges will be appointed in the next couple of months

@CHARLES PELKEY Oh cringe, that's crazy, poor household who received that ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

All those powerful friends are losing power very quickly as we're winning bigly.... It's a wonderful time to be alive, God is indeed mighty โค

Yeah POTUS told us a while back that he's already declaased it all, now AG Barr will slowly be disclosing it all publicly

@lena-Ingram Good morning Patriot โค

@ShadowBoxer Yeah POTUS said they'll be confirmed in the next couple of months when he was getting on Marine One yesterday

I'll be right back, my chauffeur is here

@CHARLES PELKEY Peace&love mon cher ami โค

@ShadowBoxer I'll have to downloaded the images on my phone and then read it by enlarging.... showing up too small on my laptop screen


@ShadowBoxer Wow just the first screenshot was a boom as soon as I read Epstein and Clinton Foundation

@ShadowBoxer Wow really cool find, thanks Patriot โค ... and yeah you're right, does shed some light on Pence's emergency route change

@Nukklez! Hey Patriot, how ya been? Miss ya in Bible Study โค

@Nukklez! It's ok, there's no need for an excuse, just hope you're well โค

That's good to hear

I'm doing great, thank you for asking.... It's a wonderful time to be alive, God is mighty โค

@lena-Ingram It's shows you're progress on the server

as in how much you've talked

Well technically no, Mod is a different issue.... but someone wanting to be a Mod, having high levels makes their case good

@lena-Ingram I'm not exactly sure, but seeing other people's ranks/roles... I think it's pretty high, could even go up to 100.... and each higher level takes longer to pass

@lena-Ingram If you mean the Youtube live stream, then no.... this is a specifically Discord based feature

@lena-Ingram There aren't levels on the live shows... it's just host, co-hosts, guest hosts and guests....if not specifically invited by the hosts, general call in guests need a minimum Discord level 1 to be able to access the voice channel

@Gailm Hey Patriot, good to see you โค

You'll get you're next role of E-3 once you've reached level 10 Lena

Did y'all hear we're trying to buy Greenland again? ๐Ÿ™‚

Just heard it on Fox News now

@Rekkedge Oh didn't hear about that, but that's very interesting

@Rekkedge I see

@trooper411 LOL ๐Ÿ˜‰

Yeah China is complete DS, Russia is at least not

@Rekkedge Ya that's probably why Trump is making them an ally

@trooper411 ya that Hong Kong stuff is real fishy

@trooper411 Russia, what Rekkedge was saying about Putin

@trooper411 It sure is ๐Ÿ™‚

@trooper411 there are other channels here where you can post links and images

@trooper411 Ya I think so too... and China would've played the pivotal role... that's why the DS had been building her up for so many years

@Notsoperfect Howdy Patriot โค

@Prayer Warrior Hey Patriot, are you aware of the 10 curses as mention in the video I just posted above? God bless โค

@imig Hey Patriot... I think they also mentioned words of self and others, so with gossip, there was a total of 3 mentioned in the video. But this was the first time I came across this and thought it should be shared. So no I don't know the source of all the 10 curses other than the person's book. God bless โค

@listen Very interesting point about the brainwashing

Mark Taylor says we are Sons and Daughters of God.... what a wonderful time to be alive, God is mighty โค

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