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I don't make memes, I do post photo's that I think could used to make memes, but mostly I'm just really good at finding them! Lol!

Actually, I'm really shocked that I haven't been thrown off Facebook yet. In the last year I've been friended by about 1000 people who love the memes I post. I quit Fb long before we found out they were (selling) sharing our info....I only got back on when the 2016 elections started ramping up....

I love the Praying Medic!

๐Ÿ˜‡ I NEVER had to stand in the corner in school as a little kid....and I maybe only had to wear a dunce hat 1 or 2 times!

The ones pointing fingers at Q followers and at people like us here at Patriots Soapbox are gonna feel pretty silly come 6/11/18...Truthfully, I really don't want to know who Q is. If Q's identity is dox'd then they will be 187'd.

Everyone here is entitled to their own opinion. You, me, all of us. We are each individuals. We have our own life experiences and backgrounds. It sure would be boring here if we all just behaved like sheeple . Truth is if we can be respectful of others and not use profanity, or try to incite violence then all is good. Debate is healthy.

You can copy the video and paste it in need to ask permission!

Whats up Buttercups?

Wow! I hear it all the time....wait, uh oh....I'm hearing it come out of my own mouth!

I'm not as old as you may think....sheesh! My parents were in control of the TV, the radio and everything in-between! So we grew up singing, "Dancing in the Dark"! ๐Ÿ‘ฃ

@h2gtim And Snoop Doggie Dawg was all about being"friends" with the Donald back in the "good ol' days"

@retiredDep You would have thought that The Lawrence Welk Show would have gone silently into the night when it was finally cancelled, but Nooooo! ReRuns for years and years and years!๐Ÿ˜–

Yes, yes they do, sigh.....

Lol! @retiredDep I got to watch Disney Sunday Night Movie in the 70's....IN COLOR! Heidi, Kurt Russell, Herbie the Love Bug!!!

When I first heard Deadcat I thought he was Grampa from HeeHaw!

Those were the days!

Are you guys listening to the other YouTube Patriots Soapbox?

Memes are VERY powerful tools to just simply make people stop and think, and if they think it has to be a lie , maybe they will feel the need to look up the facts....

Unfortunately, I have people tell me "Snopes" says "False". I wish someone would do a Snopes Meme showing their connection with the Deep State and the actual percentage they tell the truth...

Yes but Blue Pills go straight there for the truth, and I'm not a Meme Maker!

I made a few on a site that provided pics and you just filled in the text....not good enough...but, it was free...๐Ÿค”

Oak Island is in Canada....Nova Scotia?

Yeah, it's really good, of course I love to watch people explore abandoned houses and go metal detecting on YouTube so, take my recommendation with a grain of salt!

My family thinks I've totally lost my marbles!

I hate the plane grandkids are coming home from Houston by small plane tomorrow...๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

I know right? My 8 yr old son came home one day after spending the day with his friend who is black and told me he wanted to be black....He was really upset at me! I asked him why, and after having to to drag it out of him it turned out that what he really wanted was his friends Grandma! Apparently she spoiled him rotten all day and fed him "REALLY AWESOME" food! Lol!


The Muslim Refugee Rape Epidemic: Coming to America?

Wow! I just shared @Gary article from titled The Permanent Adolescence of the American Left on Facebook!! It's incredible!

Actually @retiredDep that is a great learning video! Good mistake! Lol!

We really really need to get a group together here on discord to suss out a Petition to make a simple yet on point Plan to save Healthcare. We need Doctors, Nurses, Medics, EMT's, Insurance agents, people working in Pharma, etc...Really anyone with experience with the Healthcare industry. We need to review all healthcare regulations and insurance regulations and either demand they be thrown out or rewritten. We need to look at EVERYTHING. Things like Health Care accounts, Medicare and Medicaid need to be addressed and recommendations given. This CANNOT be left to Politicians and Government EMPLOYEE's to do! This is OUR job!

Am I surprised? Uh, NO! Lol!

Google Search for "Conservative" conยทservยทaยทtive
adjective: conservative
1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
synonyms: traditionalist, traditional, conventional, orthodox, old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool, hidebound, unadventurous, set in one's ways; More
moderate, middle-of-the-road, buttoned-down;
informal stick-in-the-mud
"our more conservative neighbors may object to the modern architecture being proposed"
antonyms: radical
(of dress or taste) sober and conventional.
"a conservative suit"
synonyms: conventional, sober, modest, plain, unobtrusive, restrained, subtle, low-key, demure, unshowy, unflashy; More
informal square, straight
"he wore a conservative blue suit"
antonyms: ostentatious
(of an estimate) purposely low for the sake of caution.
"the film was not cheapโ€”$30,000 is a conservative estimate"
synonyms: low, cautious, understated, moderate, reasonable
"a conservative estimate"
(of surgery or medical treatment) intended to control rather than eliminate a condition, with existing tissue preserved as far as possible.
relating to the Conservative Party of Great Britain or a similar party in another country.
adjective: Conservative
synonyms: right-wing, reactionary, traditionalist; More
informal redneck
"the conservative wing of the party"
antonyms: socialist noun
noun: conservative; plural noun: conservatives 1.
a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
synonyms: right-winger, reactionary, rightist, diehard; More

@Luchadora I think they were all assassinated for sure, Scalia is especially intriguing...

@retiredDep Just right click on the name of the person you want to block to your right and a menu will come up and then just click "block"

@retiredDep Lol!๐Ÿ˜„

@retiredDep I googled it, hold your finger down on the name of the person you want to block for a few seconds and the menu should pop up!

@retiredDep Who? I had to block a person called @SmeeDom...he was posting nasty memes about Pamphlet and Radix!

@retiredDep Oh, I think I figured that out as he just posted...Lol!

@Vince Edwards It's totally up to each person here to Block or not to Block. You, me, and everyone here has that freedom. Don't take it personally. Some people have different ideas, beliefs and life experiences and they rub each other the wrong way.

@Vince Edwards, please stop this childish behavior. It makes you look bad. Please keep your comments respectful and on point to what you are trying to share. We can all agree to disagree but this conversation has gone on way too long. Get over it and move on. Please share your information and remember that none of us is perfect. Egging people on by pushing their buttons is not what adults do. I know you are "having fun" but enough is enough.

You are playing with these people who are here to share their thoughts and talk about current events/news and research. We do get personal here but we do not attack others with the goal of egging them into defending themselves and their life choices. Respect goes both ways.

So someone is proud that he served his country with honor. That is his personal experience and he has every right to be proud of it. I worked in the medical field for 40 years and I am proud to have done so. How about you?

That is incredible, but who were you fighting for? Us, your fellow Americans? If so, then please stop and calm down and understand that we are all trying to join in the movement to restore our Constitution. Not one of us is perfect, some are brand spanking new to this awakening and others have had no one to talk to and share information with for many years. We come here for the fellowship, the ability to talk and share information and research. Just to be able to talk to others who believe that we are in the fight of our lives and that if we don't come together and work to save our Constitution, we will lose it, makes this place very special.

SPLC is a Terrorist organization in my humble opinion! ๐Ÿ˜‡

@retiredDep I sent you a message, look up at the top left to find it!

All due respect, the LAST thing we need is more government. Lol!

Hello all! Hope you are enjoying another beautiful day!

I'm fine and dandy! It's lovely here in Oklahoma today! My strawberries are starting to really produce and my girl-Maggie (160 lb Great Pyrenees) has been very playful! Life is good!

I love the rain too, when it's not accompanied by Tornado's @WeeOne

Yup, I listen to Patriots Soapbox YT when here on Discord!...Love @Indy Wars! Love POTUS even more!

@retiredDep , I don't want to seem stupid but what is Shabbos?

@retiredDep ...Shabbot?

Hey does anyone know where I can find the Hillary Email from Wikileaks that describes the 12 Haiti children who were brought to US to be adopted then 10 were never registered and are now missing?

@retiredDep Yup he certainly riled everyone up and kept dropping his link "Invite" to his discord server every now and then, he was playing a game to get people to join up...Sadly it probably worked

@Luchadora No, I've literally spent the last hour going through all the emails re;Haiti in Wikileaks...I'm starting to wonder if the one I read the other day is a fake...

@retiredDep He was playing the victim yet attacking others at the same time...sad really, we have better things to do here than trying to get him to be reasonable

@Luchadora I guess we all need to be VERY CAREFUL of what we Share with each other to make sure it's true. Like they always say here on PS "You got the sauce?" Lol!

Yeah, I've talked with @silowetr here before, he's from Australia, they sure are going thru hell there!

@WeeOne Our backyard neighbor shot himself in the head in his garage, which could be seen from the window in our den. He and my dad moved our families here from Ohio in 1971 and started a business together. After his divorce and my dad divorced my mom and left the company taking most of their customers he lost it...I was sitting by the window and saw him enter the garage and put the gun to his head and was all over, I was 17. My dad destroyed a lot of lives chasing his own dreams. Don was a good guy.

I just researched Shabbat....I wish I had known about it before...looking back I'm wondering why Doc Hermann never told me about it (we talked about his life as a Jew with me all the time!), and why didn't my Jewish friends as a child and their mom's ever tell me about it? I practically lived in their homes (eating their YUMMY food) every day! Dear Lord, please forgive me of my sins and Thank You for this life You have given me and my family. I am not worthy, I have sinned, yet You give Your love freely...Amen

My dad was in boot camp for the Korean War and got the wrong size boots, too small, and they messed his feet up and was in hospital for 6 months and medically discharged...I think he was secretly happy. He was a heavy drinker but was raised on Moonshine (grew up in W.Va), and had an inflated ego, narcissistic. He used to tell strangers when out in public with me that I was his girlfriend...He did it with my sisters too. Sick man...

@WeeOne both sad disturbed men...

If you guys don't mention "you know who's name" here, he wont be able to search to see what is being said about him...don't want him getting triggered again! Lol!๐Ÿ˜‰

We should pray for him...he needs some Love and Light in his soul...

Yeah, I'm not blocking for now, he is capable of being defused for now....we'll see. I complained about a guy named SmeeDom and he was booted...posting nasty stuff about Pam and Radix...๐Ÿ˜ฌ

I was praying he could be reasoned with and calmed down but I swear he was enjoying the conflict he was causing...eventually he did stop the vitriol against our LEO and Vets...and anyone who didn't agree with him and started to promote his REAL REASON for being here...

Yes @retiredDep , what a relief that was! You were definitely the better man. As a nurse I encountered many people like him...mostly family members of my patients...I had to learn how to talk them down for my patients sake's...

@WeeOne Exactly! You are so right! That is why we are all here!

The insidious dissolution of our Constitution has been going on since it's inception...

@WeeOne , If you are right then we need to start over at the beginning and throw out the Bills which were designed to take away our rights bit by bit, and while doing so also shrink government down to a manageable size. We need to place into law that all bills going forward be no longer than 2 pages. The fewer legalese makes it easy for the bad actors to slip in loop holes...

I think they read that article last night on PS YT...., was he from California? I think he's running for office...

Our God is the Keystone to EVERYTHING!

@watfgirl I'm not sure that is the article they read on PS/YT last night...or if it is the same person!

What do you all think about Trey Gowdy? Are we looking at a possible presidential run in 2024?

@Warthog , are you talking about a politician?

@Nightring , didn't POTUS and FLOTUS have to pratically gut the WH to get rid of the bugs?

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