
Discord ID: 412810221241499649

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Pretty much

Kinda like royalty but without the honor or tradition

The clintons had a baby to help them in the polls

Or so the story goes

JFK's family certainly felt like "Camelot" to a lot of Americans

It's this popularity that made JFK a threat if he didn't obey commands

Having 3 wives isn't rly a positive trait, but it shows that he wasn't trying for a specific legacy

And that largely he was his own master

Especially since he chose a super model for #3, instead of a woman from a rich and well connected family

How close is Florida?

Good point

Didn't think they would

Did *anyone* think Iron Dome was fool proof?

Also, why do u think Iran was involved?

Iran probably sold those missiles for one reason or another

But I've heard some people think they were directly fired via Iranian forces

Wait when did Iranian Missile bases become common knowledge. Do we have any info confirming this?

I would have thought Iran would have not been directly involved like always

No, or would take at least 200 Patrick Littles in office for something like that to happen

What would make more sense is to be semi-Neutral to both Israel and Iran, with no special favors to either party,but no sanctions either

They are basically just doing to Israel as US did to Syria iirc

AIPAC iirc is mainly funded by a bunch of confused Christians

They see "Jerusalem" and think that we must support the modern state of Israel

But but ... walls aren't as profitable as missiles!!!


Not long term

They are grand symbols of a nations greatness

Instead of handy worthless consumables ๐Ÿ˜‰

I'll agree on scale but ....

He could have at least built a patch of the wall worth about 100 missiles

Make the swamp bleed by using money from DOD for the wall

Cancel or postpone some of those sexy contracts ...

Who won the blue primary?

Why wasnt little even in the top 10?

Patrick Little

I'm saying he isn't there

What is he running for

What an undertaking

No wonder he is taking risks


Everyone adopt the little strategy if ur in a solid blue state

Might work elsewhere

And only one seat?

But u mean that for each seat ...

Is a blue in 1st im guessing?


That harpy

Well, I for one can say with full authority that my 3 Filipina wives fully support Little's stance on anti-Asian discrimination

@๐ŸŽƒBoo-ton๐ŸŽƒ are u talking about a presidential nomination?

What do u mean "no one"

My wives endorse him

I just said so

Sounds likely

But I doubt if Trump will outright denounce him

I've still never watched that movie

I guess he had to do his strategy bc Feinstein has the latinos locked down? Or maybe there is just a lot of friction between latinos and all else?

Link pleez

Feinstein has to go

He was a little too late. So we had to remind him to get back on the stump.

Yea this server is primarily about strategy

Doom posters btfo

We need to flip WA and OR red

If MN and WI also flip, it would put pressure on MI and IL

In Europa Univeralis u had things called accepted cultures

These were basically races considered as "native" or "citizen" in the land but it wasn't always a legal thing it was more of a cultural and social thing, supported by law and institutions

In a "Heartland State"

WI is showing promise imho

In 2016


We won it in the 16 race yea

But it's not a permanent guarantee

Awesome. Level 5 is best level

If we can flip both MI and WI I think there is real promise in the northeast as well

They run on similar wavwlengths

It's how we won in 16

What are the OR and WA economies based on?

And sure maybe we won't in 2018

But in 2020? ... maybe

Well yea

Pandering to whites will inevitably also end up pandering to WA and OR

As they are white af


The little revolution could easily work in WA

Pie chart I saw had it as 71% white and 86% non Latino

Pardon me

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