Red Storm (in NYC)

Discord ID: 209404724187758593

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I know, right?

my first thread lasted for quite a while too

if we win all the "competitive house races" according to 270towin, the GOP will have 261 seats to 174 Democrat seats

anyone here awake ?

we need to bump the thread



new thread

new thread for the day

what's up

what state are you from ? There's a channel for each state

though there's only 5 people in this Discord so far

(I'm from NYC)

ah, you're that anon

I'm the OP of the current thread

and the guy who made the first general a couple days ago

definitely, I like your enthusiasm

by "that election" are you referring to Alabama

new thread

keep this bumped when you can

whatever you feel like to bump it when it gets close to page 10

'bump' is fine

fucking hell, I'm tempted to fork over some shekels to get a 4chan pass so I can bypass the captcha

"Please try again"

"Please try again"

@TrippyTurtle can you bump the thread

thanks m8

by the way, if anyone wants to create the generals on their own time, here are my documents

so you can copy & paste

does anyone here have a 4chan pass ?

I hope you guys didn't get MK Ultra'd

new thread

going to bed now

if any of you wake up and see the latest thread, please make a new one if it's dead by copying and pasting everything I posted

@TrippyTurtle bump this thread every 30 minutes or so please


@TrippyTurtle yeah, we can consider changing it to War Room General

in regards to reorganizing the state channels, let's wait until we have more people in this general

thanks dude


@johnnycoolguy is there any special thing you can contribute to the general ? no worries if not

just bump the thread when it gets close to page 10

and feel free to remake the thread whenever I'm not around

new thread

Yeah, we should

just made you a mod btw

feel free to invite as many people as you can

at around 5pm today I'll start a new general thread

(unless I fall asleep by then)

new thread

keep this thread bumped

I'm going back to sleep


how'd you find this one

the 4plebs archive?


/ptg/ ?

from today?

someone posted the discord link?

oh, I just saw that someone posted the Discord link in the current thread, nevermind

I thought you might have found the link by combing through the archived threads on 4plebs

is there any particular thing you want to contribute ?

I made the first general almost a week ago

btw bump the thread whenever it reaches pg. 10

glad to have you here btw


I just made you a mod btw

somehow the others in this channel are going offline aside from skankd, I joked that they might have gotten MK Ultra'd

I hope you turn out to be a regular in this channel

the first one to join the discord was MAGAnon and I made him admin

then some others joined

but they haven't logged in , in days

I don't use Discord often so I'm not sure if that's common behavior

what are your thoughts on the PA race

I'm libertarian-ish

former leftist from NYC

what races do you think the GOP will win

and what races do you think the Democrats will win

all sorts of things can happen

I mean, Gillibrand is almost certainly winning here in NY, but nothing is fully certain

Rick Scott is popular in FL?


I used to live in FL and campaigned online a bit for Alex Sink when she was running for FL governor (she was the Democrat that Rick Scott beat when he first took office)

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