♡♡cute but psycho♡♡

Discord ID: 282488540645031936

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I hate detention

But sometimes I am a bad girl

So I understand

I snitch

I will be mod one day

Hobo and I snitch

Why ban your supporters?

Pam dont

I will

Tino I have been a flat earthers for 5 years

No tino you want me

I have a good report card

His accent proves his intellect

J can prove it

We would be falling boom

Podcast done


Hobo has been on many flat earth podcasts

Winnie the pooh hates women

Wow so hobo will be the only intellect?

Hobo just help their ego a little before you destroy it

Aetos bb


These mods

Changing my name


Never said it was you mike


i accidentally left the server


i am here to prove the earth is flat asfucc


@GIGAtyWING you will be converted

i am the real bb

so strange to see mike hate me all of a sudden

what happened bb

i thought mike would be happy i am not a wifey anymore

yes that is a real piccy of the earth


was anyone here to witness the interview thing?

for the podcast

@TranoxYT keep trying you global earth psycho


australia is upside down

sounds about right

sky hope to see you back




imagine living in nz and having a beautiful view from your house, yikes.

we will love you here

we will convert your tiny brain

you must insult before the love, or you look too soft

aetos is my ex husband

he won my heart from insults

and now i want to remarry 😦

as soon as he insults me i want more D:


bb more

say something about the snapchat filter in my hot piccy


costume too hot in australia

I have heaps of shame

Say my father never loved me

Send me over the edge


@realFlatEarther <:blowkiss:507990185905094676>

good point

planets exist and are a globe but not us cause we are special

they may look like a globe but that could all be a LIE

i am a real flat earther

been a flat earther for over 5 years by now

ngl i laugh when people believe in an imaginary person named god and try to talk facts eheheh


for now on all you can do is imagine this and US bb

i am done with yuuuuu

i love you

religion is brain washing

ngl you type cute when you talk shxx

i like your fancy text

kitty hi

i c u

australians are just british texans change my mind

@Tayalt 🍓 coming for my brand

me > giga

to the heavens giga

astronauts get off?

in space?


i learn everyday

i am glad my brother is in love

he orefers traps


my brother loves me?

sounds like an adult film

aetos has a nice looking bird pic

our marraiage was a trap for your money

nice piccy

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