Bourbon in Gift Wrap

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There are laws against talking on certain subjects

Germany was the main supporter of article 13

They have a lot of leftist bullshit

Also gay marriage is less of a political thing and more religious

Wanna know how we stopped school shootings in Alberta?

Teach the children about firearms and focus on their mental health.

We haven't had a school shooting since the 1970's

That's true

Bye tack

Political correctness is a big problem here

Doesn't it mean happy?

Gay means happy

I mean the teachers there are nuts

Still doubtful

Американцы на нас



The Americans are onto us

Is a rough translation

Is joke

So Boogaloo?

And whites

Don't forget whites

Everyone is

Part of antifa's core ideology is destroy as much as possible and infiltrate other groups to convince them to cause destruction.

Their own website

Their own members

Everything they say on twitter and in groups

They used to have a website

Back in 2015

It is a group

A terrorist organization

Even the government calls them terrorists

Also all of antifa's tactics are taken from the nazis

The irony

So it's better to let the government to do it?

Like in the CCCP, China, and NK.

That's what capitalism is

Literally you just described capitalism

Communism requires a centralized government for that. Therefore they don't truly own the means of production.

Whereas in capitalism everyone has the chance to create a company and own the labour.

Someone failed economics.

You obviously have never read the communist manifesto.

Well you came unprepared and made false claims.

What did you expect?

You just did with communism

I think hyper is just trolling

It's full state control with no class

Atleast that's how Marx described it.

Literally the whole communist manifesto as a collection.

It's not a large book give it a read.

That's very small

The average novel is like 200 pages

Read chapter 5

I think people need to realize that going too far in either direction is doomed to fail.


Yes there is

Venezuela had financial support from the US and failed

Idk what copy you have but most have 8 chapters

You clearly are just in denial and don't want to acknowledge how your idealogy has greatly failed.

Multiple times

Socialism and Communism will always fail.

There are much better leftist ideologies then the two that come from a German madman.

Except the poor and rich arw constantly fluctuating

30% of Americans will be in the 1% at some point in their life.

He did come from a poorer family.

It doesn't always happen quickly that people fall from the upperclasses but people do every year. And vice versa.

He doesn't exploit them

If they don't like their pay then work somewhere else.


You're clearly just a bitter teenager Pagan.

Start your own company if you don't trust any of them.

Open up a bar or a construction company.

Two services that will always be needed

I'm using Pagan as your name obviously.

Simple English order of operation and substitution within a sentence

If I was using your cult I would say bitter Pagan teenager

Then find an uninhibited island.

There are thousands of them around the world.


Oh I see what we're dealing with.

Someone stuck within the cult of propaganda.

Yes you are

I just stated which

Because you refuse to acknowledge a country as communist. "That's not true communism" catchphrase.

It was


I know I won't change your mind, you'll simply have to mature to realize such.

They say if you aren't a communist while young you lack a heart.
If you aren't a capitalist when you're matured you lack a brain.

One day you'll mature hopefully.

Realize how communism failed and create a better idealogy and system.

Because you refuse to aknowledge history and how engrained you are in your idealogy.

That's why it isn't mature.

I'm guessing you've never truly struggled in life and once you do you'll mature or fall deeper into cultish mannerisms.

Anarchy is naturally right wing not left

The right believes in no govenrment the left in more.

Of course there is the political circle

This is literally taught in all Canadian universities

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