Ivar The Boneless

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You know in the civil war the military and police sure as Hell wonโ€™t be supporting Biden

The double standard in this country is sickening and it has to stop. We gotta fight back

The FBI arrested Buffalo Man for assaulting the Capitol but what about all the black people that rioted this summer? Do they just get a free pass?

The FBI can arrest Buffalo Man a week later but still hasnโ€™t made any arrests of anyone that participated in the summer riots. Pathetic

Exile them

Iโ€™d also say blood eagle the POWโ€™s, the worst ones

The blood eagle is 10 times more painful. Just looks cool too. But maybe thatโ€™s Ivar talking

When you have someone bullying you for four years in the most awful ways you donโ€™t refuse to fight back and say โ€œIโ€™m better than that.โ€ No, you punch that bully right in the nose and make sure he never fucks with you again.

I donโ€™t even think we need a full blown revolution; but something on the same scale or larger than January 6 needs to take place. The message needs to be sent that weโ€™re not gonna be fucked with and were the ones that are in control. We elected those people, and we can force them out if we have to.

We also have to do a better job at swaying the police to our cause. We couldโ€™ve made a great statement but winning the Capitol police over

Nobody gives a shit what the rest of the world think. We care about here and now, and preserving our freedoms. We donโ€™t want a Soviet america


Highly unlikely

But something to consider

Ya, Iโ€™m hearing rumors about martial law

Which means this โ€œgreat messageโ€ or revolt needs to take place before

Can Trump use the military to get back into power?

Hereโ€™s the thing

In a civil war, a shit ton of people would die. And considering his spineless our government is, I think theyโ€™d rather give into our demands than risk the lives of thousands of Americans.

So thereโ€™s only three alternatives here: American government investigates election fraud and instills Trump as they next president, a civil war that kills thousands of Americans, or secession

Neither of those will come without consequences

In the first we maintain the same government. The second one, which is the likeliest, forcefully changes things but at the cost of thousands of lives. The third is the route with least bloodshed

I personally prefer civil conflict, because itโ€™s almost the inevitable at this point and Iโ€™ve been itching for a fight against leftist scum

The borders will be terrible, but I just care about keeping the Democrat areas outside the border

Kick NYC out, California too. And all other blue states

donโ€™t need them, theyโ€™re 3rd world shit holes anyway

States like Oregon and Washington are useless, contribute nothing but LGBT and Antifa to society

Thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m saying the borders would be ugly. Draw the borders around the cities and heavy blue areas

Donโ€™t need to kick out the whole state, the borders would just have to be drawn based on urban areas. Which we can live without

Urban life isnโ€™t real America. So draw the borders around the major cities and let them rot.

Cities are disgusting. Filled with scum of all kinds .

Can do without Em

The only condition I ask in the next revolution is that I get to blood eagle Ralph Warnock

And Cuck Shumer.

Iโ€™m all for fighting, but Iโ€™m confused as to how we change the minds of the people of the cities themselves once the cities are won in battle. Unless we plan on exiling them all, which I support

Faith is very important in that case.

Christianity, especially. Since itโ€™s the dominant faith in America

Good Christians and Good Jews are the solution to fixing America. SJW Christians and Jews are a plague upon both faiths

Islam,๏ฟผ well fuck that. No place for that in America

As a Jew myself itโ€™s very shameful. I hate the leftist Jews and fakers as much as you do.

I have no sense of ethnic loyalty to those people.

If this was 1942 the leftist Jews would be the ones helping the Nazis load their fellow Jews into the train. So fuck those guys.

Keep the traditional values that our ancestors kept. We donโ€™t need that being corrupted by diabolical outside cultures and influence

Multiculturalism is the death of America and Europe

Europe is testament to that

It doesnโ€™t mean to stay in the dark ages, it means to be able to keep harmful cultures from poisoning our society.

Europeโ€™s acceptance of third world ideals has brought about its doom. They let in a bunch of middle eastern refugees that have no regard for human life or the cultural norms of the society they live in and we get the Europe you see today.

We are are equal as the human race, one race, but not all cultures are the same

Certain cultures have different ideals, some worse than others, and everyone should accept that

The culture of a Catholic European is different from that of a Muslim Refugee. There are certain ideals and certain values that set them apart. Is the European superior to the Middle Easterner? No, but the values are different and the culture of one is more advanced and acceptable than the other.

By far the worst atrocity committed against the black community by the Democrats. Shameful that blacks still vote democrat even knowing that.

Itโ€™s shameful that a lot of minorities vote democrat in general. Even knowing that the results the democrats put out are nothing more than unacceptable

Even smaller for Jews. Religious Jews vote republican by a long shot, but majority of Jews in the country arenโ€™t religious. Truly religious people across the board vote republican regardless of race

Honestly, if we could just be like the Native Americans a lot of things would be better off. Native Americans wonโ€™t vote for either party because they know both will just f*ck em over.

Mine too. If you arenโ€™t religious I think at least by voting for Biden you arenโ€™t fooling yourself, but if you call yourself โ€œreligiousโ€ and cast youโ€™re vote for Biden youโ€™re either extremely confused or donโ€™t practice what you preach.

Family makes stupid choices sometimes. At least the family that voted for Biden is open to having a respectful debate with my side. Still love them all the same.

They do. Itโ€™s a power trip for them

You DO NOT dance in the street when they put in lax because itโ€™s for โ€œwomenโ€™s rightsโ€ you dance because youโ€™re a sadistic f*ck that wants to part your legs open for anybody and everybody and then be in control when it comes to your poor choices.

(Lax abortion laws)

Thereโ€™s a connection with promiscuity and supporting abortion. Not saying you need to be a nun but seems like all the girls that support it have โ€œsub to my only fansโ€ on their bio and sleep with every man at a frat party

Exactly. These same women donโ€™t take birth control either because โ€œMuH ToO ExPenSiVeโ€ and donโ€™t ask their man to wear a condom

If youโ€™re gonna open your legs for every man, at least donโ€™t be stupid about it then wonder why you get pregnant.

But it does. You donโ€™t have to be chaste or celibate but promoting promiscuity and sexualization amongst women

This is true. If I see a woman wearing a top that practically has her breasts hanging out and wearing shorts up to her ass, I know sheโ€™s wearing it because she wants my attention. Women know exactly what theyโ€™re doing.

It doesnโ€™t mean that women are asking to be raped, but they are inviting in a manโ€™s sexual desires or for men to approach them.

And honestly, men can not control themselves. Seeing a womanโ€™s skin is stimulating to even the most trained men. Itโ€™s a natural instinct that will never go away and trying to get rid of it is to go against nature.

A๏ฟผ woman is not inviting rape by dressing revealing. What she is inviting is menโ€™s attention and desires, and she cant be surprised if men take her up on that.

Was talking about birth control

Safe sex in general is really not that difficult to have. If you impregnated a woman by mistake youโ€™re a special kind of stupid. Sorry

That goes for men and women. Men, wear a condom. Women, take birth control. Women, ask your man to wear a condom. Really not that hard.

Only one that needs to wear a condom is the male. And if a woman isnโ€™t on birth control, she should demand her man wear a condom.

May be TMI here but one of my girlfriends would absolutely not let me do any kind of sex with her unless I was wearing a condom. It goes both ways in a relationship

Communication is key

And the moral of the story is...wear a damn condom when you have sex

A lot of this needs to come from parents too

Sex is almost a forbidden subject so a lot of parents are reluctant to talk about it with their kids. I learned how to be responsible from mine. Change starts in the home, from the parents

Absolutely positively nobody

Right, but thatโ€™s exactly why the guy needs to have some common sense and why a girl should stand vigilant and enforce it.

Hey now some of those ladies are attractive

Until they start screeching at you about racism, that is

Iโ€™ve met some cute feminists. But their personality just makes me run the other direction

Imagine now that sex would go?

โ€œBaby, imma pull your hairโ€

โ€œPull MY hair? I can pull my own hair. I canโ€™t believe you would do such a patriarchal act in the bedroom. So degrading and disgusting, ugh!โ€

Sell gamer girl feet pics๐Ÿ˜‚

Sorry, I torture Saxons during sex


Porn is awful.

Oriental culture is very heavy on studying, family, and heritage. Not much different from ours.

I would say those are all good values

Very true. Oriental cultures value hard work, more than any other group I would say

Thereโ€™s a reason why Chinese and Indians are the richest demographic per capita in America

Yeah. Chinese are very content people though, donโ€™t seem to really concern themselves with bickering and politics

Too busy worrying about other things

Africans are also some of the richest people in America by far, which totally debunks the myth of mass american racism

Cultures that value hard work will succeed above all others.

White people are lazy, in general. Even though weโ€™re fourth richest demographic

You can acknowledge shortcomings about your own culture as you can acknowledge shortcomings of other cultures. But itโ€™s only socially acceptable to criticize white peopleโ€™s behavior

Latinoโ€™s vote Democrat but ironically thatโ€™s mostly rich Latinos

The humble and hard working Latino doesnโ€™t vote democrat. Never met a middle class Hispanic that voted democrat. Ever.

Iโ€™m talking about the ones that are citizens

Iโ€™m not trying to justify racism here. But if you entitle a group of people too much they eventually become lazy. During the days of slavery and Jim Crow, blacks had no choice but to stick together. They couldnโ€™t afford to break apart or skip a day off work, or else they wouldnโ€™t survive. The fact that they were viewed as inferior means they had to work harder than everyone else. Cultures that come from hardship in their own countries, like Africa or India, are often the most hard working. Give a people everything on a silver platter and theyโ€™ll eventually lose the incentive to work and become dependent.

Itโ€™s true for a lot white people too, that want to complain about first world problems not not following the latest fashion trend or political trend. Most other cultures canโ€™t afford to be worrying about that stuff.

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