
Discord ID: 440638570047340546

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Far-left owned proprietary tech is always the problem!

FLOSS is the only solution!

Boo Parler, it's proprietary too

@110100100 it's partially environment, partially biologically predetermined, partially choice

@psybi3nt maybe we agree on more than I thought at first

I will probably come back to rant about Free Software in the future!

@MrAconite turning the freakin' frogs gay

Possibly. Maybe epigenetic, maybe horomones

Like the stuff people get from food, kek

For @psybi3nt, I will consent that anything someone does is a choice. I don't think the feelings are a choice, tho

Also, that's kind of the problem... if people on the right make code, they'll be like "muH cOpYRigHt" and make the code proprietary. Same woth the far-left, really..


Consent wasn't the right word


Gay people don't choose to be gay, but anything they do with their bodies is a choice, of course

That's all I was saying

@psybi3nt not all of them, not all the time

Do you think anyone would be depressed if their feelings were under their control?

As someone who has gone through quite some hard times, I've had lots of situations where the only choice was to feel terrible. It's hard not to feel bad when a loved one is in prison, or when you are betrayed by a close friend


I have moved on

And I do feel sad about it


Is it, though?

Well, I really have to go, have a thing at 3

Wish me luck, am doing an informal job interview kinda thing



Thanks friends

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