starving venom emperor dragon

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trump could win nevada

detroit is a shithole

> I can't image that senile tard being in the same room as other world leaders he'd get eaten alive<:KEK:726877368601411624>
@Mcgoober imagine old joe in the same room that old obrador

> Bruh animals eat their own shit does that mean we outta eat shit
@Mcgoober lol

> Date a feminist
@Dead_Already no

> Basically the leftists made something called Xenogenders that allows anyone to create their own "Gender". The only argument they have supporting this is "Autistic teenagers feel comfortable with it" and if you don't agree you're ableist and transphobic. You can look in some Twitter profiles and see their pronouns are Meow/Meoww/Meowself or something like n**ga/n**ger/n**gerself
@Liammmfxx i have asperger syndrome and this disgust me

> @Marco Jaeger Hey guys, welcome to episode 1047 of my minecraft let's play. today we are going to build an estrogen farm.
@Polish Monarchist soi boiiiiiiii

> also who the fuck "REVEALS" a gender
@Polish Monarchist a spoiled ass who grown with barney and my little mommy

Brown man bad

We the people of mexico dont even care about that traitors dont you be


> Two sexes, gender has been a social construct since ancient greece

> I have a trans friend who actively supports Trump and has saved over 500 people from the left
@Liammmfxx me to people are dumping the left in huge numbers

> <:ThinBlueLine:769563698763006022> what does this mean
@black cyborg Jubei that your printer is out of red

> Bro why are they protesting in DC. Biden is winning, what's the point
@uncle steve kiem because the media told them

> They nominated an old white guy for a party that hates old white guys so
@Mcgoober but kamalah

> @starving venom emperor dragon it means you back the police

Now i fell the necessity to troll the hell out that xenogerder accounts

Hehe have a nice day guys ;3

So dems are acting like crazy even when they win

This is why twitter should be shut down

Fuck furries, but not literaly

There are two kind of people y hate as a human being: leftards, and sexual degenerates

And many times people are both xD

Dr pepper

Guys there is a gab app in the app store?

More than a quarter of whatsapp users in my country go to telegram today

Yes they are

You are a comedian

Hope potus go and spank big thech tomorrow

Twitter and facebook want to be the arasaka of our time

Well this is life now we are slaves of corpos

Well amazon can go a f themselfs

Well why people dont destroy silicon valley and we start all over again?

Is not only the us is worldwide we need to do something

They use capitalism tofuck us well played left well played

You know people are believing that those are actual maga people with commie tattos

The cosplayer?

Mmm i dont understand why sara is upset?

Im a big artist in my country but is not relevant to this so what’s your point?

I think mark dice say that the first thing the left do would be is destroying the first i dont believe him but now...

I think he is homophobe and a little bit racist but i like several of his ideas

M i wrong?

Well he hates gay people

I dont like the word phobia but thats my point sorry

Not only that he often say like “degenerates” unholy

Yes i know

Naaah being a pedo is degenerate

Kiss your sex is not

Well is not normal but is not unatural

I think a little bit but i dont have strong profs

Well toucans have the largest population of homosexuals in every species the biologist wander why they still toucans thats in other species if god doesn’t put it in the earth was the devil? Com on man

Well people dont want to go outside and burn cnn and the aoc house so

So you dont like gay people? Thats fine only dont kill anybody or take other rights

In argentina ippf give millions to the senate for voting yes on the abortion subject las month so im pretty sure the electoral college is corrupt

Every politician in the world can be corrupted is a matter of price or fear

Thats why we have an endless party in power in mexico

Because popular vote

Popular vote doesn’t work

I dont see nazi pictures in the vw office

A blm supporter

Youtube will shut down the live video in less than 5 min

Well is youtube the award winning censor


But not mytube

I dont know why twitter and google headquarters arent burning

Well they want to end FWEEDOM

Yesterday y go to the park and see the sunset with my friends it was cool

No mask

Just chill

There was a lot of strangers and families is in a hidden spot on the city

Well not a lot but there was people

All day the news and the internet covid this and covid that people here are getting tired of that

Im from mexico and most of us are trump supporters XD

People here really hates dems we know the things dems done for years to latin american countries

Atlanta? I think they are blue

Ah haha ok

Welcome to the land of the pineapple on pizza

Well im goin to do my homework have a nice day yall

Wait floyd was a crazy ass drug addict person right?

Ok thanks for the confirmation

I want a maga hat to piss off all my classmates but they dont ship it to mexico 😦

Duck is a good searcher? I watch that is very usable for pedos

In a documental about child traffic

You know mouthy buddah?

Ok ok thanks i will try duck duck go im tired of google telling me im a nazi

Cringe panda?

No, that zedcast guy is very bias

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