
Discord ID: 658773845565767680

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Yeah no. You're not gonna get anything rude from me on purpose.

Science doesn't know how to science anymore.

I deal with my mom being like that. Fire away.

Didn't mean the first one whoops

My computer is a touchscreen and I shook a little bit before I clicked

My bad

I agree with this 100%

Pardon me?

You're 100% correct

I dunno how to react to this, I just think it's funny.

No not that

That's not what I meant. It was just the comment you made "Tis the semantics game, actual anything be damned"

That last comment you made there in on point.

I actually fully agree with something that Tyler said in one of his videos. "Protect the vulnerable, open everything else up."

What is the Liberals logic at this point?


Not completely sure it should be mandatory but whatever.


I think I have a problem because every once in a while, my lungs will not be able to get a full breath in and I can't really breath. And the masks just make it worse. I'll have 5 of those in the span of like... 4 minutes.

I can't smell so this is just for everyone else.

People try to describe smell to me and I'm just like... "Tell me what that would taste like."

I haven't had a sense of smell since I was like... 5 years old.

Allergies. They completly fucked my sense of smell.

I could be like Tyler in one of his most recent videos and sniff garlic powder.

I can still smell chemicals though

Yeah, I loved cats as a little kid but I became allergic to them.

I hate makeup for exactly that reason. It's unnecessary.

I mean I was raised by a guy. So that might have something to do with it.

My friend has a cat that when it sits it looks like a loaf of bread and I call him "Imposter Loaf"

Do it

So Irish people?

I don't look Latina but I am. I look like a friggin sheet of paper compared to the rest of my family.

I mean, I might identify as both but I'm happy with being biologically female.

I wouldn't try to change anything about my body because I really couldn't care less.

I respect that.

It depends on the person. I personally don't care about gender.

When I had long hair people would confuse me for a boy a lot. And as I got older I was like "Gender sucks" and just went with both.

My entire mood in middle school.

Yeah. But I also wore hoodies a lot in middle school. So you couldn't really tell.

I see that logo. Communism works its way into everything.

That depends on how you say it. For the actual "No U" they would probably call you immature

Okay, I wrote something for a school assignment and I'm not sure if this is accurate but this is just what I've seen.

People struggle for change because of fundamental inequalities, or because their ideologies at their core, are directly opposed. Some examples I have from watching these protests from the sidelines are as follows: They don’t want a police force, they want black supremacy, they don’t want The Bill of Rights, they don’t want the Constitution, they don’t want you to have/vocalize a differing opinion, and they don’t want elections. There are riots in the streets from angry people that choose to conduct themselves in a destructive manner, and we are stuck in lockdown because there are people that want to shut down the U.S economy.

As far as I know from seeing examples of women's and black’s rights, there are no more fundamental inequalities that exist today. Nowadays, you can’t even trust the news or the schools. At least back in older times if you had access to education, you could trust them to teach your child about how the world worked. Now however, they jam this black supremacy agenda down our throats by putting B.L.M signs in our schools. I have yet to see a Blue Lives Matter banner up with those other ones. Which sickens me because my grandfather was a police officer. They don’t care about the police though, they want to abolish them. And in states where they have done this, crime has shot through the roof because there’s no one around to protect the innocent.

So I’ll ask you this, do you think these are good policies to implement into our system of government? To abolish Capitalism and install Communism in its place? To replace freedom with restriction? To replace prosperity with dependence? What about taking safety and in its place, installing chaos and danger? I would rather die than give my freedoms away. I would never willingly give my freedoms, or my rights to such an oppressive system. They can take my rights and they can take my freedoms when they pry them from my cold dead chest.

I wrote a fuggin speech over here


2020-12-08 22:09:20 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Half the adults need this

2020-12-08 22:10:13 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-12-08 22:11:03 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Nither am I

2020-12-08 22:13:02 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Yeah, it be like: "Sorry, I only talk to people with common sense."

I dunno man, I ain't no grammar Nazi.

Looks right to me tho

That makes sense

2020-12-08 22:16:37 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

They realized

I once looked at a road sign and forgot how to read for 10 seconds.

It's just like, *what is words?*

2020-12-08 22:20:20 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

That sucks

The only reason I was able to write what I did for that assignment is because my teacher let a student wear a trump hat in class

She doesn't seem to care what side you agree with and lets you voice your opinion

So I took full advantage of that

2020-12-08 22:23:19 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Same tho

2020-12-08 22:24:35 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

It's always been BS in my opinion

Yeah, I'm glad as well because they have a B.L.M banner, an Indian lives matter banner, and an LGBTQ+ lives matter banner hanging near the front entrance.

Thank you for that.

I have two teachers that are okay with vocalizing your opinions.

One doesn't like Trump but isn't toxic about it and only brought it up once because I said, "If they're allowed to but a B.L.M sign up there then I should be allowed to put a Trump sign up there."

Correction, two teachers did not

My mom supports them. I'm glad I don't live with her

We've yelled at each other about it.


It's fine.

My school is run by liberals. And I was also incorrect. There's someone who works in the office who was DISGUSTED that the liberals took the "One nation under God" bit out of the pledge of allegiance.

My entire moms side of the family is batshit crazy.

It makes me sad too

That makes sense

It doesn't help that I live in Colorado

Yeah, I feel bad for them

More than one is far too many.

Most Liberals don't

I can't talk with my mom about politics because she expects me to apologize for vocalizing my own opinion

I feel REALLY bad for Germany now

It really is

And it doesn't help that she doesn't have a sense of humor either

Dark and political humor is my life man

Could you explain what those flags stand for? I don't know much about Germany.

*Agrees in heavy metal.*

I like most people on this server

Big oof

Thank you, take your time

That's always awesome, isn't it?

You're lucky. What type of job is it?

Sounds like a good starter job

I'm kidding, I don't know

I've never seen that before

I want your job

And as a Mexican descendant, I will take it.


I love this server.

I can make those kinds of jokes here

See, even if I shouldn't care, I don't like offending people.

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