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2020-11-21 01:29:01 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

what are you talking abt

2020-11-21 01:29:20 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

why suddenly bringing it up

2020-11-21 01:29:29 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-11-21 01:29:31 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-11-21 01:29:35 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

listen up kids

2020-11-21 01:29:47 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

im going to tell you why russia is the best

2020-11-21 01:31:01 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-11-21 01:31:05 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-11-21 01:31:16 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

in the motherland if you change your name we jail you

2020-11-21 01:31:25 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

lucky for you we not in motherland

2020-11-21 01:39:27 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Fun Fact: it was illegall to be gay in the Soviet Union, and people caught engaging in homosexual behavior were imprisoned and/or killed

2020-11-21 01:40:31 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

idk man

2020-11-21 01:40:43 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

you capitalist pigs are set in your own way

2020-11-21 01:41:54 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Fun Fact: there were no unemployed adults in the Soviet Union, if you had no job the government gave you one. If you refused to work, you would be imprisoned or sent to a labour camp.

2020-11-21 01:42:31 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-11-21 01:42:39 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

you had to be a productive citizen

2020-11-21 01:42:44 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

unless you were in college

2020-11-21 01:43:03 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

so they had the lowest unemployment rates then any country

2020-11-21 01:43:11 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

because they had none

2020-11-21 01:43:23 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

cheers bro ill drink to that

2020-11-21 01:43:41 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

what are your guys thoughts on Stalin

2020-11-21 01:44:39 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

why? im genuinely interested its a good topic

2020-11-21 01:46:11 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

you do realize the number of people stalin "killed" is greatly exaggerated. Unless the Soviet Union released s statement saying how many people it killed there is really no way to know

2020-11-21 01:46:55 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

that was exactly what happened in the soviet union. People who worked (meaning everyone) made money according to their jobs

2020-11-21 01:47:46 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

what i am saying is you can not know for sure. you have to understand a lot of the info you have on the soviet union came from america and news outlets, which acted as propaganda as the ussr was an enemy to the us

2020-11-21 01:48:58 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

its not just that, the us and the ussr were major enemies. they had an arms race and both fed propagande to its citizens regarding the other

2020-11-21 01:49:33 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

as a russian myself, i have many relatives who were born and lived in the ussr their whole lives

2020-11-21 01:50:39 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

that was in the very begining after the revolution as the country was vulnerable and they couldnt have someone penetrate them from the inside

2020-11-21 01:50:48 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

after that it wasnt there

2020-11-21 01:51:42 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

again, there was no burning of churches past the 1930s as religion was completely abolished during Stalin's reign

2020-11-21 01:52:04 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

i have read a bit but please say what exactly you are referring to

2020-11-21 01:53:09 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

btw just to clarify, i myself identify as a conservative. I am just saying the things that actually happened in the ussr were very different from what people on the west beleive right now

2020-11-21 01:53:36 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

i am definitely not. in fact that is one of many things i disaggree about that the soviet union did

2020-11-21 01:54:04 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

you guys are not listening to me

2020-11-21 01:54:10 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

i do not support communism

2020-11-21 01:54:22 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

all i am saying is that things were much different

2020-11-21 01:55:14 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

never did i say they were great. it was run by very scumme people for sure, but that was the case in almost every country and it still is like that to this day

2020-11-21 01:55:29 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

thats the joke

2020-11-21 01:55:37 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

i did that on purpose

2020-11-21 01:55:38 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-11-21 01:56:02 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Nazis are the real scum

2020-11-21 01:56:50 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

just to make this clear, communism did not exist after Stalin died. I can explain why but it would require noone to write in chat for a bit

2020-11-21 01:57:22 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

if you guys dont mind i can explain my point

2020-11-21 01:57:32 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

but youll have to be quiet for a sec

2020-11-21 02:07:36 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

While Stalin was the General Secretary of the USSR, there were no taxes, everything was owned by government, no private businesses, free healthcare, every person was given a job depending on their education, everyone had equal opportunity, no-one was in debt(including the government),everyone was given an apartment and if you had a more important job like a position in government or a nuclear physicist, you were given a car and a house and money. So the idea that everyone was dirt poor is a lie. Now, on to my point. After Stalin died, things quickly started taking a turn for the worse. There were laws passed that let people open private businesses, and some people even started to pay tax. This all escalated very quickly and when a traitor by the name of Gorbachev came in to power, he was under the payroll of big American companies and destroyed the country that was the soviet union. Because taxes were introduced and private businesses could open, Communism ceased to exist in that country and it became extreme socialism, which is very bad. In my opinion, Communism in its purest form like it was at the time of Stalin is the perfect socio-economic system as it gives everyone an equal opportunity to succeed, but unfortunately, since people are greedy animals and always want more, it will never be accomplished and almost certainly will cause more damage then good. That is why, in my opinion, Communism and Socialism should never be tried again or even introduced to Capitalistic societies as they will only bring destruction and evil.

2020-11-21 02:08:52 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

why is it bad?

2020-11-21 02:09:30 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

My family has personal ecperience with the soviet union and some of them were poor, while others on my family were highly successfull people

2020-11-21 02:10:34 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

there were definitely bad things there but nothing ad bad as the propagand regarding the soviet union

2020-11-21 02:11:04 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

communism does not mean everyone is equal

2020-11-21 02:11:28 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

the main idea and focus point of the communist party in soviet russia was that everyone had EQUAL OPPORTUNITY

2020-11-21 02:11:32 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

thats the key word

2020-11-21 02:12:11 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

if you were smart and studied hard in school, you became a doctor or something better than a factory worker, which in turn gave you priveleges

2020-11-21 02:12:22 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

but you guys missed the whole point

2020-11-21 02:13:13 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

they were supposed to have leaders, thats why they had 1 party with a person in charge of the party. the revolution was based on that prinicple

2020-11-21 02:13:29 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

i have several points, but yes they were exxaggerated

2020-11-21 02:14:03 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

the only "innocent civilians" that were murdered were people who were gay and people who tried to form a revoluton

2020-11-21 02:14:20 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

you did have the freedom to fail though. you didnt read what i said

2020-11-21 02:14:30 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

doubt what exactly

2020-11-21 02:14:53 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

you guys completely missed my point

2020-11-21 02:16:29 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

everyone had equal opportunity, including children of people in the higher ranks, there were no taxes of any kind, free healtchcare, and classes were distributed by importance of individuals in society

2020-11-21 02:16:41 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

that is before and during stalin

2020-11-21 02:16:51 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

after it went to shit

2020-11-21 02:17:32 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

noone couldnt work in the soviet union. it was illegall

2020-11-21 02:18:05 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

if you didnt have a job, the gvernment gave you one depending on your education and skill. if you REFUSED to work, you were sent to labor camps

2020-11-21 02:18:48 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

the soviet union didnt have a problem with healthcare because they didnt rely on the us dollar. they could print as much money as they want to cover all aspects of society

2020-11-21 02:18:54 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

and yes people were forced to work

2020-11-21 02:19:20 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

unless you were in college you were required to be a productive member of society

2020-11-21 02:19:56 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

again, there is some truth to that, but it is highly exaggerated

2020-11-21 02:20:47 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

i dont want to shit on the us military because i have a lot of respect for the military and everyone who serves, but the us involvement didnt change the result of the war, only sped it up

2020-11-21 02:20:59 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

nazis were going to lose anyway

2020-11-21 02:22:17 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

the main attack strategy of the nazis was that they focused a lot of their troops into one attack and would win by sheer numbers. after their attack on moscow failed, they were pretty much screwed

2020-11-21 02:22:40 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-11-21 02:22:44 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

that is the term

2020-11-21 02:24:04 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

again, i dont understand why you dont disagree with the principle. if everyone is working and being productive, what would the reason for your unemployment be? the only reason i see is laziness, and that is the problem of the person, not the country

2020-11-21 02:24:29 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

that is exactly what people did in the soviet union

2020-11-21 02:27:09 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

lets say you werent the brightest in your class, you graduated school and went to workers college, graduated and went to work at a factory. yes, the first few years od your work you would be at the lowest rank, working as a factory worker. But then, if you exhibited skill and leadership, you would become the manager of your group, then your sector, etc. before too long you could really work your way up and be the "supreme" manager of not only your factory but all of those in your state. And obviously a position of that high status would give you many more priveleges than people who work as average workers, including more money

2020-11-21 02:27:30 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

my great grandmother is an example of that actually

2020-11-21 02:27:43 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

she started off as a clothes manufacturer

2020-11-21 02:28:04 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

yes and no.

2020-11-21 02:28:21 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

which is exactly the problem

2020-11-21 02:28:32 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-11-21 02:29:00 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

dont you think it is more fair to work towards a goal then to be given it, at the same time getting rid of that goal for people who deserve it?

2020-11-21 02:29:05 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

i love capitalism

2020-11-21 02:29:12 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

my family prospered under capitalism

2020-11-21 02:29:18 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

but there are faults with it

2020-11-21 02:29:23 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

as there are faults with communism

2020-11-21 02:29:37 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

same can be said for capitalism

2020-11-21 02:29:40 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

think of this

2020-11-21 02:29:52 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

my dad is a successfull businessperson

2020-11-21 02:29:57 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

he is in the uppper class

2020-11-21 02:30:04 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

and is basically a multi millionaire

2020-11-21 02:30:10 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I, his kid, is a complete moron

2020-11-21 02:30:14 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

i have no skill

2020-11-21 02:30:20 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

no reason to work for anything

2020-11-21 02:30:28 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

because everything is already given to me

2020-11-21 02:30:39 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

i dont have to college

2020-11-21 02:30:54 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

because sooner or later my dad dies, and I, a complete nobody inherits everything

2020-11-21 02:31:07 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

at the same time someone who is extremely bright and hard working has no money

2020-11-21 02:31:14 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

was born into a poor family

2020-11-21 02:31:21 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

and cant pay to go to a uni

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