
Discord ID: 649089445899010079

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I naturally have more estrogen than I should

Bro go talk to people you're friends with not a random discord server

No random person on discord is going to solve your problems

The best you'll get is a discord admin sliding in your dms and trying to groom you

Yeah pedos are a huge problem on discord lol

It's because discord enables it

They have no idea what they're doing lol

They still don't understand how to properly mod the app

2020-12-20 21:49:21 UTC [Zeducation #๐Ÿ“œ๏ฝœhistory]  

Are they old or young?

Few months old, but pretty heart breaking

Lol why care what he's saying to begin with

He's talking to a grown man, he can defend himself

It's rather racist to assume he can't defend himself simply because he isn't white

Antifa is ran by fascists

Main evidence being they've repeatedly implemented segregation (chaz) and when they lost an election in Portland instead of just waiting until the next election they rioted and destroyed even more property. Just like Hitler and mussolini did after they failed to democratically grab power. They also use the fascist tactic of victimizing themselves in order to justify doing whatever they want to the "opposition" regardless of whether or not they themselves have done anything wrong.

No it's not

Anti fascism is an idea, American antifa is a bunch of privileged brats who use their power to commit crime knowing their rich friends will bail them out

How could antifa in Italy take a legitimate stand against mussolini yet antifa in America can't stand against the police without running like cowards

You know, America

Where you can legally own explosives

And firearms

Because they only care about themselves, they don't want to help people who face hardship. They want to riot and destroy things for fun because they know their white privilege won't allow them to be punished

Haha he can't even formulate an actual response because I out woked him

No it doesn't matter if Corona was engineered or not lol

It's a waste of time to think about because the government won't do anything against China or Israel either way

Two governments far more powerful than ours

I read a CNN article and they were talking about how terrible it was cops could've been hurt despite spending the past year saying cops should be killed

They're literally just opportunists, they believe in nothing

All they want is power, they'll lie about anything in order to get ie


Viva la revolution

Homosexuals should be removed from the country

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