Awsumchari (Back from the dead)

Discord ID: 417458560784531456

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The only thing McCarthy did wrong was stop

McCarthy was a senator

How could he hold hearings in the House

“McCarthyism” was a term coined by literal communist newspapers

Dropped one in Meme dump

Ay thanks mang

On my phone so it’s a bit finicky

Remember everyone

He “got the most votes” in American history

Gotta put vid links in <#719777555242287115>

Better get scrolling

You’ll get there in a couple hours

Tfw someone ♻️ your meme but you were the OP

Here’s some faces for your memes, if you guys need any

👀 <#773317963100454963>

What does that have to do with Black Friday

It’s already 9, everyone’s done eating

What’s with the sudden influx of V for vendetta memes

This ain’t England

Hitler is actually the one frozen underneath Disneyland

The wolfenstein series really went downhill

Dang a lot of zoomers here

Michael Jackson was not a pedo

He was exonerated in court

That and literally every accusation has massive timeline discrepancies

The greatest sacrifices require the strongest of wills

Of course my shittiest low-effort meme gets in the video

I don’t know, Berry O was basically worshiped both times

I don’t think he would’ve needed it even if they did

I don’t know much about Captain Saxophone and his under-desk adventures

Never paid much attention

I don’t think Killary ever loved Bill

Why does Hillary always dress like an East Asian Dictator

Thanks Japanese maganeers

Sorry bout the nukes

When did that happen

If it weren’t 144p sure


I guess indecent exposure and public dedication aren’t crimes as long as you throw on a mascot costume

Good to know

Even if you give them the double quadruple reverse debunking it won’t matter

They’ll just say your source is biased and won’t even click on the link

It’s a legal battle now anyway, so what randos online or ad-filled news sites say is debunked or not doesn’t hold much weight


I see martial law as the absolute last resort

To be avoided like the plague unless all other options have been exhausted

I wonder how covid would’ve been viewed in a non-election year

Really gets the ol noggin joggin

Transfer emergency powers to the chancellor and convert the Galactic Republic into the first galactic Empire

Biden also thinks shooting someone in the leg is less deadly

And what is this the 86th rapist accusation?

I’d say 26/7 is most likely but a 29 is a nice thought

Real chads learn about not shooting the legs from Doughnut Operator

I was saying a 26 or 27

Them RINOs man

2020- the year we discovered who the real enemies were all along

The snitching neighbors, the tyrant governors, the controlled opposition RINOs, the partisan Health organizations and bought and paid for Judges

Wish we’d caught on sooner

Like the 9th time today my guy

It’s a good speech but I got it already

Okay I’ve been busy all day


Idk maybe, I’m just mocking the sentiment

Wasn’t the reason slavery wasn’t abolished in the constitution because the southern colonies economy was almost completely reliant on it?

Well yeah manual labor (unwilling or otherwise) was always more prevalent in warmer climates

Gentlemen gentlemen, we are ALL Americans.

Long live the union

If only those tea sipping bastards didn’t bring it over here in the first place

Airstrip 1

Chad cigar > Virgin cigarette

And yet silicone valley is always begging for bailouts

I don’t hate the rebels, I just think they were wrong.

Green is a very stimulating color

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