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Here’s my tip to you

Don’t get political

Getting political with chicks is always a bad idea

From experience that is

It quickly becomes a hail storm of “omg he’s so sexist and shit”

Happened to me

Yeah @TheChicken789, I fucking hare people who automatically don’t befriend you cuz politics

You guys will love college lmao

Politics ruin shit so much

Don’t shelter yourself in those places imo

I go to a very liberal college and threw myself in the flames

Went to clubs and shit about women’s rights and shot

I’m not republican

But I’m more right leaning than most there

I have some more traditional right wing views

Drugs for example

I don’t fuck with that shit

I’m not exactly... how you say.... not murican

Canada Gang rise up!

I don’t support american parties for obvious reasons

But even if I were american I probably wouldn’t support the big guys

I would most likely vote Libertarian

That’s dumb imo

People bitch about the 2 party system but constantly support it


But yeah

Vote 3rd party

Vote for the dude that represents your views

Cuz if you don’t, he doesn’t even stand a chance

If your views are Republican than sure

But if you’re only doing it cuz libtards will take power

Just vote 3rd party

Yeah that’s fine. But if you are really close to Jo Jorgensen in political leanings, why wouldn’t you. Cuz the big bad blue is gonna take over? It just seems like a paranoid response

You told me that before

And that’s fucking funny tbh

Yeah but that’s your candidate tho. Trump doesn’t represent the views of that state apparently because there are more libs and libertarians and greens and what not. That’s not the voter’s fault for voting according to their believes, that’s the politicians fault for not getting the votes

I think Biden is overall a better presidential candidate tbh, but during the VP debate it wasn’t even close that Pence was winning

Yeah well that’s your belief and you shouldn’t vote for them since you don’t believe in em

Kamala literally sucks



I said it

I’m sorry I had to

I don’t think everyone at Hollywood is liberal

Chris Pratt isn’t

Wasn’t there a controversy about that?

Which is stupid in itself

Good for him I guess

But I know Emma Watson fights for women’s rights and what not

But that’s as far as I know

Get it????? Haha funny joke


Ah whatever

Funny periodic table joke

I tried to sound smart 😔

There’s no way she’s that stupid

That’s why these conspiracies seem so dumb sometimes

Like you just wear the shit that makes you look guilty af

I haven’t been following sorry

I just saw that one image and had to comment

Just that has to be the dumbest thing you could do

It’s like walking around with a Star of David in 1940 Germany

Like people are actively looking for you

Why make it so easy for them?

Of course Mel Gibson

You think it’s confidence?

Like they know they’ll get away?

So they do it anyway

Like the whole thing about murderers “wanna get caught”

Just so that we admire their genius

That’s a real phenomenon btw

Loud Warning

I’ll start understanding the rules one day I swear

2021-01-03 07:06:30 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  


2021-01-03 07:06:35 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

Fuck the Ravens

2021-01-03 07:06:38 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

Fuck the Browns

2021-01-03 07:06:52 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

I don’t think they can both get kicked out of the playoff race

2021-01-03 07:07:01 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

But I’m praying for a miracle

Everyone’s saying billionaires this millionaires that

But at the end of the day, is rape that bad?

2021-01-03 07:10:18 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

I respect it

2021-01-03 07:10:22 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

All I’m saying is

2021-01-03 07:10:27 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

Fuck the Chiefs

2021-01-03 07:10:31 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

I already hate them

2021-01-03 07:10:49 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

People are in the great Mahomes honeymoon rn

2021-01-03 07:10:58 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

But wait till he beats your team in the playoffs

2021-01-03 07:11:06 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

Oh he’s gonna he hated in 2 years time

Morality isn’t a social construct but I do think it’s subjective

NordVPN ™️ gang

2021-01-03 07:15:25 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I wish Canada would get some of those billions, I need a new TV

2021-01-03 07:15:53 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Been Democratic?

2021-01-03 07:16:23 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

This 100%

2021-01-03 07:17:03 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

America fights for democracy and supports democratic ideas worldwide. A good part of the world (Europe and parts of Asia) have been loyal to such beliefs

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