Christmas Bat Melinoë

Discord ID: 114206815947849730

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disturbed is eh

i listen to slayer, static-x, korn





none of them are

except for amerika

ministry is another good one

pantera is better




get nae naed

but i *am*


"psychobilly freakout" reverend horton heat


primus better for slap

my mom is an SJW

and she *openly* admits it

*o p e n l y*

i wanna watch info wars but i *cant*

*i dont like that antifa uses*

***both my favorite colors***

black and red are literally both my favorite colors

like my *most* favorite colors

i dont

i have a red bass with a black burst

*that i painted myself*

oh dang

me: *drinking monster*

"the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire"

how do i deal with an abusive feminazi mother?

so i told her "doctors "assigning" genders at birth isnt sexist"

she stomped over told me "not to listen to my stupid fucking grandparents" and "they are corrupting me" went off on some tangent that was *not at all what i was talking about* then she slapped me across the face as hard as she could

when i was 5 she sat in her room on her computer let me get electricuted 2 times and overdose once

cause i said doctors assigning genders at birth is not sexist

my dad almost shot himself because of my mom

so he left her

*aaaaand im just now realizing how bad my life has been*

i see people that get physical abuse

*when i got physical and mental abuse*

uh oh

*how do i still feel happy*

cause i got good friends

good friends are a very good thing to habe


me and my dad were talking and we determined my brain is like his and not my moms

im more of a guitarist than a bassist we think the same politically we think the same stuff looks cool we both love rockabilly/psychobilly we love old cars

me and him love black licorice

my dad has dyslexia i have autism

my dad thinks all lives matter i think all lives matter

thats awful

i've been called a racist and a nazi for thinking all lives matter

cause "all lives doesnt matter before black lives matter"

that phrase makes me SO angry

cause all lives matter INCLUDES BLACK LIVES!

all lives includes black lives *cri*

i heard their cover of smooth criminal

its good

i hecked it up


my dad left for a good reason

my aunt HAS to be on welfare

she was a medic but then 3 vertebra in her neck got fused together

same in her lower back

yeah some people do that



shes living tho

shes doing good


so is racism

i got here just today

i did


i try my best to be

and thats why compooper is my main system

if i get a laptop

h what

i hear *money?*



*this is the only server where i feel free to put my opinions out in the open*

i'd get banned anywhere else besides in my friends groups

they got booted

this is the only server where i feel free to put my opinions out in the open

im in over a hundred servers

well my friend groups

i can say my opinions there

without getting called a "racist, sexist, nazi etc."

i try only hanging around those friends

that was... how my ex was

i have liberal friends who still accept me for what i say

i live in a *liberal?*


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