Purple guy 🎤🎶

Discord ID: 313101435812315136

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What is happening

The news channels are doing a good job on reporting whats happening every second of this legit protest but nothing on the blm riots that literally lasted for months. These people need to lose their jobs

Notice how no one is burning or destroying things yet trump supporters are the bad guys lol

So did we lose?

Freedom is earned through fighting back and so with that I feel as though a militia is gonna form and another civil war is immenent

Me to our freedom right now


Idk if I wanna have a kid anymore thinking this country is gonna be a communist shithole.

All the land is occupied

People actually believe joe bidens husband is a good guy. So much brain washing

Well when its too late those biden supporters better not bitch about it not 1 time because its what they asked for right?

So did pence betray us?

I know this sounds like a plot for an action movie but a secret militia organization might form and try and over throw the government. I feel like im in the terminator movie but with politics

Now I wanna move to texas, I live in Pennsylvania btw

They cant hurt the republican run states because the mayors wont allow them to.

@PanzerKid- <:Sadge:794390599042203658>

I feel like I gotta live underground now or else they might come and get me

It was nice knowing you all, we're all gonna go hungry and poor and the number of people dieing from starvation is gonna go through the roof

Everyone is

They are gonna take away the working classes money and leave them with very little to pay rent

George washington is rolling in his grave rn

Once all the people I know see that biden is gonna fuck us in the ass im gonna tell them "I told you so"

Me rn

The texas militia, what are we gonna do? We need to fight back

The term peace was never an option is looking really good rn

I bet 5 people will show up for the inauguration

Its all fun and games until the militia show up with twisted teas


Discord has freedom its all up to the server members and creator right? Only if the owners of the app delete thr app entirely then we will have 1 less free space to talk

I just might delete my twitter

Also instagram isnt any better, it collects all of your information

Even though we all know the government watches us and tracks us im suprised they arent trying to get rid of us all like epstein

Whos not to say they will rip up the constitution and bill of rights and make something new

The divided socialists of america


Im already writing a how to survive a socialist country rn

Just how the north states were against the southern states, in 2020 its the red stats vs the blue states

I forsee a revolution

People will realize that in order to win back their freedom, they will sacrifice themselves to get it back

Send screenshot

No I mean of people posing as trump

@Night true

Misinformed people are the worst kind of people

The media spews their bullshit and they believe it without question

It's the end of the world foreal

I can't even say that joe biden is a bad person to anyone I know who supports him or else ill look crazy. Gues that is what brainwashing does to people

We are at war with our government

We are divided now more than ever

I will keep my opinions of the truth no matter what

All people want is power

Its fucking sad

They want power

They want to control us and live in constant luxery

There's enough of everything for everyone in america so I dont understand why they have to strip us of our rights and freedoms to do that

Truth is. We never left 2020 it was all an illusion

I love it lmao

Who is bribing who because discord is on that weak shit

Lmao I'll give biden less than 6 months until the people who voted for him see that he doesn't give a fuck about them

@dLux its not enough

I can't wait to see what accomplishments ccn will say biden has done.

I mean that sarcastically of course

Cnn: this just in joe bidens husband has successfully taken a shit without falling in the name of democracy

So many ungrateful brainwashed biden supporters

Is it possible for any smart person here to name at least 1 dem who has either done their job or did something for americans? I'll wait

@RSM G4M1NG so your average democrat gotcha

I see

@Orange. bro your cringe

You literally support biden

Oof my bad

Yeah I just realized, excuse me for being smooth brained

I'd rather be dying from cancer, survive, then be a leftist or sjw

Bruh we really bending the knee?

Can't belive this

Can we get a group of programmers to make a free speech website that has like a patreon for donationas?

@snookka by who? Its an independent website big tech overlords can eat shit

@snookka thats because it was on the app store and they were threatened or else they would lose money

Ben shapiro has an independent company like facebook they can't tell him what tf to do

We will not let free speech die

Remember guys we are american and in the past americans then didn't stand for this shit so why should we? All they want is power without realizing that they can still have their power and people still have their ideas but hey some people just wanna watch people be poor and die.

Mark Zuckerberg probably get no pussy

Loop hole. Just identify as a black gender bending transexual conservative and if you get canceled just lie and say they banned you because they are transphobic then no one will use facebook or twitter

When people go broke and other bad stuff start happening its gonna be too late and people are gonna be hella mad

So with biden in office aren't the working class going to go broke?

Im not going to mask up for 100 days but joe biden can suck a fat dick for 100 days

Joe biden is going to make major stupid ass changes and no one is going to question it. If they change all the bills to have his face on them people will see nothing wrong with that

No snitchin

<@557526741573173264> I agree with the last 2 points

Sorry im pissed

I know poorly made ham sandwiches who can run for office better than joe big toe

Remember that kim jon un celebrates his swearing with his army. Joe biden is doing the same which says something


Nope just meme and go



Discord mods trying to explaining why being a discord mod is the best job in the world



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