
Discord ID: 219045717208072192

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Universal law since the stone age... If u get attacked you can attack back



He is

Random bullshit go


Bruh i forget a lot of things...

I forget my friends birthdays all the time... And mine too.. Everyday is fun u dont care

"it's bullshit, i did not hit her. i did noot.. oh hi Mark"


there is never evidence right away to any crime... so wen dems say where is the proof.. i say... when someone gets raped.. there is no proof only she said it happened

ahhh... let there be investigations

where is the MEtoo movement... biden sexually assualted ppl


i know

only wen it favors them

let the public decide wat they want to read or not

the media just tells u read this and ignore that

rick and morty quotes "i do what the crystal commands me"

unless ur joe biden


equality is a real bitch

"defund the police" and then proceeds to call the police when someone robs them

"oh this car... it was mine to begin with you cant prove it is your car" <:KEK:726877368601411624>

if i hate everyone the same its makes me nicest person


ah thanks that means a lot @Max4Z

no violence plz

unless they try to attack u.. then its self defense

"if your sexuality can magically make you better then everyone would say it"


he would b too busy just staring at it instead of protecting you


rushes into enemy.... dies.. blames team for not following and finishing

im 4 and a half <:Kappa:531324141312147468>


playing wit his dog



#notmypresident just like the Dems did for four years

I will b fine..

Now to wait for harris to do something to claim she is president

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