The Briteeeeeeesh!

Discord ID: 401132602271989771

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I'm ready let's go

More conservatives ready to get owned

Read some of the constitutions of the states that seceded

Had speech

My bad

Just got done

Anyways it didn't take long to disturb the hornets nest

You think I'm lying?

This is hilarious


Just a cordial discussion going on

About why the confederacy is dumb

I think you're referring to communists specifically

I love landlords

Rhen he shouldn't have killed the squirrel

When was that?

I mean I am pretty libtard so I may have missed it

I'm pretty sure he was referring to the other guy

And we aren't talking about the csa anymore


zeducation droids trying to debate Chad liberals with one liners from tucker carlson 😂

Not here

In vc though


It's pretty bad


Because it's fun

I like hearing what you guys have to say

And how wrong it is and maybe, just maybe, I could give you the blue pill

I almost got to hipios which was fun

There's no sign of intelligent life anywhere

Why would you get red pilled


Trump expanded the size of th government and the democrats don't want to take your guns

Actually want to know what's hilarious

The gun lobby plays you guys

Y'all are getting played by the nra

Gun sales under democrats skyrocket

Because they convince you highschool dropouts that the Dems want to take away your guns

Not a single democrat wants to ban guns


To be clear

Given how most college and high school dropouts voted for trump, I'd seems like a reasonable assumption

How big of a factor education was in the voting patterns of the 2016 election was astounding

Because it's literally true

Nah I'm spitting facts

Facts don't care about your feelings right

So you're admitting it?

Not all but most

Ive heard some pretty dumb stuff from this server

Highschool dropouts

Do you understand what that means

When you age, you're still a highschool dropout

This isn't even true though?


Everything I've said thus far has been correct. I can find sources if you'd like

It's not though. Most people with college degrees voted dem

Man I hate cnn and vox

Don't straw man

Take away guns in totality. Hes out of government

Donald trump hadn't done anything for your taxes. Neither Dems or reps want to repeal the 2nd amendment

No. Go back and learn more about the confederacy


Wait how

When has trump lowered taxes on the middle class?

Not all guns, no

You laugh but I am being completely serious

Boys. It's that time

I'm going to bed but I'll be back tomorrow

Hi lucario 👀

not hate speech. open talk of insurrection and the kidnapping/killing of politicians, both of which are illegal

if amazon wants to shut parler down for this, it's well within their right to do so

wait how

if you say you hate gay people or black people have the warrior gene, do you think thats "wrong think"

or is it hate speech

blacks are more likely to commit crime because of some genetic difference

this tells me you don't actually know what hate speech is

the content on twitter isn't breaking the law

no matter how horrendous you think it is, it isn't as bad as whats on parler

plus twitter actively enforces tos

which parler doesn't

parler allows for open talk of insurrection and political violence

it's not

this isn't hate speech

it's breaking the law

it should be enforced

i wonder why that is

but it is

the latinos weren't enslaved for 200 years

you can't just get "strong fathers"

no, poverty is. The reason why blacks are poorer in this country is because they were enslaved for 200 years and suffered under jim crow for another 100. redlining halting all investment into black communities

this isn't difficult to understand

its not some "cultural difference"

lack of access to affordable birth control is a major issue in poor, black and white communities

what is it

does rap cause people to have sex out of wedlock


many times they don't

and the lack of sex ed in schools

but they aren't learning this at all because their school districts are so underfunded

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