Father of the holy land

Discord ID: 576920220334293014

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Ew wherever you live

Your most welcome. May your week be blessed by the chungus gods

we got a cold snap back in October and had snow

snow is a pain in the butt here because I live on a lake and we have to shovel every time it snows

and us Canadians adapt to the snow pretty well

sounds like fancy americans

makes sense

would you ever recommend traveling there?

like i've always wanted to visit europe

is England worth it or nah?

*laughs in geothermal*

or out of touch of reality

that's the thing about politics

a policy can have good intentions, but how it's executed can have bad results


general kenobi

it's nice having a computer keyboard at my disposal

oh, I don't think so

2nd most sexiest character

in cinematic history

first is shrek

maybe we should take star wars to <#727615870385389638>

and then dew it

*I hate sand*

it's course



you beat me to it


fvcking legend

Elon would be best president for 2024, change my mind

Permasan hits me like nothing else

ooo french

oui oui



Kamala: *I am the senate*

*It's treason, then*

Kamala is basically the Hillary revision of "you ain't black"

Identity politics 101

or rather I'd say 420

holy crap you're right

I sense a plot to destroy the republicans


Guys we've figured it out

American politics is just Star Wars in 2020


sorry got it backwards

my mistake

WoMen's RiGhTs

good at sniffing little children


that's in California dummy

Identity politics





oh fun

calvinists be like ah yes a T U L I P


John 4:20 is my vibe

change my mind

it's a reddit reference

I'm joking

got em

time to raid the holy lands

they're just the rebellious teenager type christians

I know da wae

a blood sacrifice shall be required!

you missed I thought not

it's not a story they teach in the academny

Ben shapiro discord edition

I've missed out on so much here

i've joined since 2k members but am rarely active lol

stay rooted in their life choices

belle delphine bathwater


wait it can be a full time job?

my granparents went to a trump train in california

I was in a server where you would get a warning if you used the word retarted

it was retarted

*white girl activated*

not suprising to be honest

lol nice

*blm, where we help deal with your white guilt*

what a time to be alive


it's funny how blm is literally means black lives matter then they proceed to burn down black neighbourhoods and buisnesses

the legacy media needs to die

we no longer need it

and social media should probably go as well

we'd be better off anyway

pimp chimp



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