VR-176 Perun (Spade)

Discord ID: 412135435393826816

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But when humans or animals in general are scared of something they also seek to destroy it so we’re both right in our own way

Beat me to it

No aoc calling someone privileged makes my week


He’s going after the 5g towers

Or the frogs

That’s general what I do for admins and mods, they’re old friends that you can trust

@[TDE] Smokie how long have you known zed?

Ahhh ok

Now we just wait two to five Business days

He’s a wizard

Hillary be looking like she belong to the dinos tho

@Clemens no please leave all you do is bring me pain!!

It’s better than the atf

Oh god

Jack sparrow

You want controversy

Obama’s from Africa

Add more guns to law abiding citizens

Shootings will drop significantly

I must be in the negative brain cells then

I decided to log into Twitter today. first thing I find is a post from Eric Trump calling Biden out. In the comments I keep seeing a picture of him and his buddy holding a big cat they just killed with people say “hE KiLlEd a DeFeNsLeSs aNiMaL” just wait til they figure out where their food comes from! 🤡🤡

She just didn’t follow up on like any of Biden’s points and ask the president four follow ups from one question. Non of the debate mods have been fair but you need to watch for the unfair and leading questions carefully because they’ll slip by now and again

What about the fact that he now wants to step up to the plate and run the country. The dude has been in office almost 2.5 times longer than I’ve been alive. So now we’re done leaching off the government and actually want to do something bs

I just read through what y’all said, have yet to see anyone bring up the fact he said all 11 million illegals would become citizens within the first quarter of his campaign

He can’t remember the first two parts he’s just focused on dead relatives


<@&720036250685407363> can we get a Biden sniffing emoji. There’s plenty of videos to find one


It’s the only way Biden can win, he’s got nothing on trump aside from 43 more years office and crime bill

Or think he’s winning

Neither is the crime bill or a son actually involved with Russia but we seem to skip over that bit huh brain stelter

I wonder if losing his first wife made it like Star Wars “come to the dark side Biden”

Biden on election interference: “they will pay”
yeah literally, cheap mf




Ight lol

It’s just it.📱

I have a problem solver

And it comes in the form of a AH-64


Apache go burrrrrr

He’s my neighbor

...I never see him tho



I may be dumb but I’m not that.... yeah, yeah I am


Merry Christmas everyone

20 min tv ten minutes ad let’s go

Wtf lmao


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