Michigan Man ๐Ÿ‚

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My cousin called Portland and Seattle the new Detroit

Give Detroit this. They got to watch a bunch of liberal cities burn while they just had a few fights

Seattle is seeing a massive migration rn and I'm just laughing

Hey we can say:

Detroit: At least we aren't Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis or Baltimore

Oh I want to show you guys something


Seattle: *tears down a Abraham Lincoln Statue*

Also Seattle: Keeps a Lenin Statue

Black People wanted to tear down the emancipation proclamation statue/monument in DC and I was like um that signifies the end of slavery in the United States. Like Bruh

BLM never cared about black people. If it did they wouldn't have caused 300 million in damages as of September 2020

The LA riots in 1992 caused 1.2 billion and that was only in 3 days

Democrats: Trump closes the borders for Covid. Racist

Also Democrats: 200,000+ people died. This is all Trumps fault

Exactly. Besides most deaths are from Michigan and New York shoving sick people in nursing homes

Also isn't weird that many countries use the pill Trump talks about and they are doing fine.

And every Democrat supported it until Trump said it was a good pill

Did anyone hear the CDC came to a conclusion that masks maybe not be that effective to stopping COVID. I heard it on Fox by Tucker Carlson

I'll send the video to see if you make your own conclusion

So apparently WHO said Covid is about climate change and that we can't go back to the ways things were

COVID-19 is awful. Climate change could be worse.

Yes throwing money solves everything

That should a good quote to live by

"Throwing money at stuff doesn't fix anything"

Wait didn't at one point they said George Floyd died of COVID if memory serves me right

So my cousin had an idea. She said show all stats to back my case and I said thereโ€™s no points. Liberals donโ€™t care about facts

Oops sorry

Sorry. Iโ€™ll just go

Iโ€™m sorry for bothering people

Itโ€™s fine. Iโ€™ll just go like I said

Itโ€™s just Iโ€™m tired of her telling how I should do this or this and spreading lies and other info to manipulate people just to fit her narrative and Iโ€™m so over it. And I swear if Iโ€™m called a racist by her again I might just explode

No I donโ€™t live with her but we were close until she tried brainwashing me and still tries to

Unfortunately yes

I thought this was a political server

Look I just need to talk about this because no one will listen to me and here I feel safe. Or I did but now I kinda of donโ€™t

Well Iโ€™m getting tired. Good night you guys

Hello good people. Tbh I have never seen a Spiderman movie

I'm sorry. I don't find superhero movie interesting

Well I don't have time to watch movie being a full time college student

Architecture/Interior Design

Again I didn't watch a lot of TV/Movies as a kid

My parents wouldn't let me. They wanted me outside in a safe neighborhood by a dangerous city

No I was not

I actually went to a good public school right next to the worst school district in the United States

They try to be more relevant and spit out modern slang and trends

Anything before 2005 was good. Some things were good after 2005 but nothing like the classics

Tell me about it. Ugh

I'm not a nerd

Define "modern cartoons" Because I classify that as 2010-

I only watch the first three seasons of spongebob

You guys want to hear a joke. Its a little political but its funny

You can use google translate like what I did

I just saw the worst thing ever. If you want to watch it I'm putting it in <#719777555242287115>

The rules checkmark

Hello everyone

So whats going on

Why would I get banned

Umm lets talk about our pets

I have 2 dogs. Both are Yorkies

I also have 2 cats

I'm trying not to say too much so I don't get banned

If someone asked more than 3 times than its fair

Ooh a shrimp

Are they big or pretty small

Ah. I have never seen a live shrimp in a tank so I'm curious

Okay after a quick google search they are pretty. Especially the blue ones

Bear you don't have to go but okay

Aren't most of us mature enough to stop when told so.

Bear I think you need to just breathe and relax. Walk away for a little bit and come back when you are ready too. Just my opinion

I can't eat shrimp

Italian and German are my favorite

I always get bad indigestion when I eat spicy

Dems: Mail In Voting is safe

Are you fucking kidding me

I think I may have gotten banned temporarily from facebook for mentioning it

Nevermind I wasn't banned

Oh my god. My aunt didn't post anything about my thing. Oh she got called out

Aw my aunt said we need to raise Minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour

Well she said minimum wage is 7.25 which is national but isn't in every state. Smh

My aunt thinks we should give more people money. Ahh liberals. They never learn

Most deaths of covid were in liberal cities. Hmmmm

That is true

Just look at my home city of Detroit Michigan

So apparently asking where people are from is racist?

That will be November 3. Us chasing all the whiny liberals to Canada

I know. I can't carry a gun there. Its stupid. Who's idea was to do this. God my country is an embarrassment

Yes as a Canadian American both have pros and cons

I can't change it. I was born in another country and moved here

Well technically it was an accident but still

It can be complicated because some countries don't recognize both so yeah. I just stick with US passport

Guys I got something funny

My aunt compared making minimum wage to 21st century slavery. She's a liberal btw

She's mad I'm 20 and I never had to work a minimum wage job

I can send what she said to me

Well she wants communism in the US so she likes China

No she wants every country to be communist. Says it always works out

*cough* Soviet Union and China *cough*

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