The Central Scrutinizer

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I was gone a month and there is 47GB in updates for Rainbow six siege

They feed us the obama-era diet at boot camp. Like the whole wheat grain everything. Nothing actually science based its just the things you need to eat because farmers need a job

We eat the stuff that says healthy on the front and when you read the ingredients its 20g of sugar and its all corn syrup with B vitamins sprinkled on top

"maltodextrin added for enhanced energy"

when are they going to make a black trans santa

Coal is hard to find if you dont buy it online. Like the only place I ever see it is on the train tracks where it falls off the train

This feminist was streaming in my game so I joined her stream. Her cats are named Tito and Caesar and she banned me after I pointed out how Caesar once sold the entire population of a conquered region in Gaul to slave dealers on the spot.
and that Tito killed at least 1 million people

If I didnt include something in my criminal background and made it to boot camp, will it come up during my security clearance background check

I'm about to head back to boot camp lads. They started giving everyone holiday leave now.

We actually don't have enough drill sergeants so we just stand around most of the day in one spot waiting for orders. It's so bad that we will give ourselves orders just so we are doing something, and then the drill sergeant will think another drill sergeant ordered it

They made us do the army combat fitness test the day after we all got our vaccinations, including a shot to the butt. So imagine all 64 of us limping down the 1 mile track.

We haven't gotten those yet but I would imagine we will

I'm from the beach and Oklahoma winter is crazy cold for me

You can tell from the grafitti the time of when it was written because its either, "its fucking freezing" or "its fucking hot" in the porta johns

im from coastal NC

Our physical fitness uniforms are just this light windbreaker and it will be 20 degrees out

It will be 20C where I am from, and at oklahoma it will be 20F at the same time

Our drill instructor will make machine gun noises like in rap songs to make us laugh in formation. If you get caught everybody does push ups

I am talking about the ad-lib sound effects

like brrrrrrrrap ap ap

They will call us retards and that is the most offensive word I have heard them say. Some of the sergeants don't even swear. They will say "you mother effers"

Its because the army is no longer a conscripted force, they shifted away from being so harsh because we are volunteers

I keep hearing "it's a disruption to our democracy" its like a buzz phrase and its creepy hearing it being repeated by every news source

we need to train cops to shoot em in the leg like biden said

The T is for Twitch given all of the streamers getting raided

The vaccine is really Sunny D, the virus is deleted in direct sunlight

My mom hires this one guy who is doing construction on a part of our house, and the entire time he listens to conservative podcasts like Alex Jones

@Froski if you are into weird music can I show you some of the music I produced?

It's more like it's un typically and structured in a way that isn't standard

Weird is good

I am going back to boot camp tomorrow. They give us holiday leave now because too many people kill themselves.

Notice how when right wingers protest they dont hide behind full face masks

The only way to end this is letting Trump duel Biden to the death. Let the gods decide our leader.

Fraternity of Iron

notice how none of them are wearing full face masks like antifa

At least I dont have to remember who the secretary of defence is for when I go back to boot camp

I still want to see Trump on Joe Rogan

They are giving us holiday leave because too many people kill themselves. I am going to boot camp tomorow

This is the best time to troll on Twitter. We need troops on the ground RIGHT now

I just triggered this obese feminist on twitter who apparently is a youtuber with 2 million subscribers. She was talking about white privilege despite being white herself, and I said "I guess you never had skinny privilege neither" and she retweeted it.

Yes I liked it

There was a video of people in DC smacking the media equipment

So I was watching CNN's coverage earlier. This guy ran up to the camera and started doing double middle fingers, and they couldnt cut the clip fast enough

"We are mourning for the loss of this woman who was shot. Also all of the protestors are terrorists and should receive the full weight of the law."

This is my first day at army AIT

Woke up at 4am to work out. And the drill sergeant gave this awesome speech

Someone already tried that and they are locked up

I made it through bootcamp and I'm out here doing AIT at fort Gordon

going airborne

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