The Central Scrutinizer

Discord ID: 742608431801958470

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I lived in St Petersburg, Russia and it was like every 1/4 girl there had dyed hair

What happens if Biden is impeached for something such as voter fraud? Would Kamala go with Biden or would she become acting president?

I saw some black rifle coffee in a Virginia gas station which was neat, but I only drink black coffee

Big Chungus is never random. The Chungus comes when its time for Chungus to come

If this gets dragged out and Trump wins in the end, the riots are going to be unbelievable. Worse that if it were a clean election.

I live in NC and we have a local sign put up hidden inside of a tree, and it says "Hidin Biden"

What information did Fox news receive for them to call Arizona early? I don't see why they would claim it for no reason

Can somebody photoshop Biden's face onto Pinocchio during the scene where the travelling showman announces "Come and see the world's only puppet without strings!"

What if Joe was right, and once Trump wins every black person that voted for Trump will immediately turn white

I think deep down the left wants Trump to win because then they have an excuse to immediately hit the streets and steal that PS5

What would happen if you went to Madison in a MAGA hat right now

Crowder poppin da xans before the stream

If we see a spike in Trump votes its because Joe cant stuff any more ballots up his nose

Nevada stopped counting because all of the ballot machines were running a modified operating system created by windows, and during election night they all shut off to install windows updates

We need to fill the california fault line with explosives and jettison it into sea we can win

Why does Jack Dorsey look like he is Amish

Should I create a fake "voter adjustment" service called Big Chun'Ghis based in Ukraine, and ask Democratic senators and governers if they would be willing to hire me

What will happen if this is decided in the supreme court? Does the constitution say anything about contested elections?

Biden says if he wins the first thing he will do is make Bethesda implement the dialogue wheel in The Elder Scrolls VI

Last night on the Young Turks this guest speaker that had on said something like, "If we have to beat the dirty republicans we have to use the same dirty tricks this time"

A new Project Veritas video about voter fraud in Michigan was just released:

fellas cant you see how great this will be? once Biden wins everything will be free and the racist corona virus will instantly disappear

Biden said if he wins he is going to make Bethesda add a dialogue wheel to Elder Scrolls VI

Biden is winning Nevada because he has his securitrons watching the polling stations while the NCR was ordered to stay back

If California was split up into several states we could win some of those

Nevada is holding off while waiting to receive orders from China

Biden says he is going to kill the Avatar before they have a chance to master all four elements

The receipt just leaked showing that Biden purchased 10,000 chinese securitrons to occupy the vegas strip and make sure all the votes are for him

I just thought of something. If a president was elected for two terms can they then be a vice president of the next president?

Right now in Georgia, Trump is exactly 1775 votes ahead of Biden. The same year the Revolutionary War starts.

Wow Greta Thunberg absolutely epicly roasted Trump on twitter so hard it has 1.1 million likes

Why have I been cursed to be attracted to women with dyed hair and dark clothes and makeup, and to also be a conservative?

I have leaked footage of Biden paying the Chinese government for armed Securitron robots to watch over the polls in the New Vegas

Somewhere in Japan there is a lonely Japanese schoolgirl searching for an American neckbeard to tip their fedora to them and woo them

Anyone that wants to get married should not choose someone for sexual attraction but by their shared values

No matter what happens to Kyle there will be more riots saying its too little or not enough and the net weight of destruction will become heavier

What happens if Nevada is called for Kanye, and neither Trump or Biden has 270 electoral votes

I would take Kanye over Biden. Kanye is a highly creative visionary, but he just cant accurately articulate his thoughts all of the time.

What if the plan all along was to make Nevada disputed and have all the votes thrown out, while in the meanwhile Jeb! has amended the constitution to allow him to consolidate power and become acting president during the crisis?

If the house chooses Biden and the senate chooses Pence, it would be like Trump stealing Kamala's plan to make Biden "disappear"

The fault line that borders California is growing everyday by the twerking of independent black women, and the pink horde of feminists marching to stop Trump.

They arent legal they are decriminalized. That means if I get caught with something such as heroin I wont be sent to jail, but the heroin will be seized and I will be charged.

Everything about Hunter Biden only makes sense once you remember that he is a cokehead

You don't call the person that saved Korea and invented the game basketball a thug

all of their children were being born with cowlicks

Should California be split into two or three states

george washington was a hemp smoker

I live on an island with an infinite coastline

you beat me to it

at this point couldnt we CGI on top of the Phantom menace to remove all of the obnoxious clutter from the scenes as well as lip sync in better dialogue?

Yeah they tried to make Anakin feel like a jerk for killing the sand people, but as a 10 year old kid I thought "gee those sand fellas kinda had it coming"

From episode 1 to 3 it was like George learned from the mistakes of each film and got better each time.

Biden said he is going to require everyone to wear a mask while driving a vehicle

Biden, "After playing Fallout 4 I was absolutely amazed by the new and revolutionary dialogue wheel system. From now on I will require every Elder Scrolls and Fallout game to have a dialogue wheel."

I think the left media secretly wants Trump to win, because if he isn't president anymore they wont have anything to talk about. Then they might have to start doing *real* journalism.

Realistically they will need to find the new orange boogeyman. Will it be ACB?

I have not read Ben Shapiro's book, but I was looking at the episode list for the podcast *Behind the Bastards*, and they described his book as racist.

Its the 3 steps book

I am right about to join the army monday. I dont want to fight in Bidens wars

I read halfway through Atlas Shrugged and I dont get the point

Its a great title

Can someone explain to me why there are so many bronies and furries in the military

Isnt that the point of fursuits though being to obscure your identity

And in a way it could be a confidence boost too where you can publicly act as a certain character while being anonymous in public

Fursuit will keep you warm in the cold desert nights. It will increase your hitbox range, but if your fursona is a big scary wolf you will chase those terrorist back into their caves

They had a Trump supporter come on the news and they described him as a *Trump Loyalist*

If Biden's big problem is supposed to be a stutter then why hasnt he spent millions of chinese money on speech therapy

the same reason bezos doesnt have hair

vaccines causing autism was old news, now they cause scoliosis

Its the s p i n n a c h inquisition

Fellas I'm going to basic training tomorrow morning

I've been riding in a van all day like I've been epsteined

Anyone who thinks trump is being a baby has a short memory and forgot about the last election


I'm going through boot camp and when we run out of songs to sing in the shower we all group kareoke the America dad theme

Fellas I've been at boot camp for the last month and they are giving us 20 days of leave

If we are talking about a government on a galactic scale I really don't think a republic would get anything done in time

I feel like we would have a new form of government at galaxy size to be efficient

We had a guy poop his pants at boot camp. If our drill sergeant saw it they would never drop the joke

I've missed a month of politics has anything meaningful happened

Sha'gi is the best jedi

The fucking drill sergeants spoiled the ending of the mandalorian for us

we sing the american dad theme song in the showers at boot camp

and then someone does the roger voice at the end

its probably the last show we got to watch at the hotel we went to before departure

A communist tried to take my 100$ bill and redistribute it to the homeless alcoholic on the street. So I punched the communist in the face and said "Glory to America proud boys stand by". At the same time a bald eagle swooped down and scratched his face while screeching. Everybody clapped.

I toured the Peterhoff Palace in Russia and they have these old ex-KGB russian babushkas as the security. You could barely graze the wall by a nanometer and they will yell "NO TOUCH"

my girlfriends husband fights for your freedom

i was banned from hypixel because my name was LilAdolf and I had a hitler skin

the reason was 'racist skin/name combo'

Yo Yo eins dwei drei how much did the holla cost?

They made us do the army combat fitness test the day after they gave us 8 different shots including a butt shot. So every one of us were limping down the track for 2 miles.

i get drunk at my neices 1st birthday if she dont remember it i dont got to neither

Im saying that 1 year olds dont remember being 1

the drill sergeants were prowling the airport just to mess with us and they would scream if they found us sleeping

and it would be like 4am

They are giving us holiday leave while during basic

They tell us all the time to read our blue book which is the trainee manual. And inside it says "get as much sleep as possible"

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