активист черной жизни

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I was referring to this

> lets apply that situation again. Theres one woman 3 men with knives planning to kill her and a police officer with only a gun
@therm1te Trump guy this

All rapists should be skinned alive tbh

Once you’ve done something as evil as that

To me you’re not a human

That’s just me

To ensure that evil is killed you’re gonna have to get your hands dirty

In this world people would still have guns

Honestly pedophilia is already becoming normalized

That Netflix movie is the start of it

Well it’s the most mainstream start of it

And what makes me pissed

Is they trying saying they’re part of the lgbt

I know they’re not

YouTube familys be like


Just put pedos in a white room

Yeetus the fetus

It’s basically my old name in Russian

They said that shit last year

And they still here

Why she screaming tho

Is she trying to look scary or some shit

She looks like a lesbian mom she ain’t scary

If trump isn’t bad then why have school shootings gone down so much this year

Checkmate liberals

I said some sus shit to my friend and my Bible app sent me a notification right after

Bruh why are people homophobic

Like why you mad that someone is gay

How tf do people get cyber bullied

Like bitch just close your eyes

Or block the person

Like it ain’t that hard

Or just find their address and swat them

Nothing is too far

If it’s for the vine

Palestine or Israel

Everything is racist

I feel like naruto uchiha

Rbg be like: 💀

Aye we smoking that Bernie sanders pack tonight

He ain’t dead but still

We smoking that Bernie pack

So basically when someone died sometimes a person will name a blunt after that person and smoke it

It’s usually used as a way to disrespect them

It’s basically just saying fuck your homie dead

He old as hell lowkey

But damn I wish Joe would die

But damn I need someone to sniff my hair like Joe Biden

Cause that’s that gay shit

It’s like my grandpa running for me

Cause he should be living with his family retired

I’m running for president as soon turn as I turn 35

They rest of the old heads ain’t got nothing on me

We need an age limit in government

And lower the minimum age to 30

Cause like cmon

I’m going to his funeral

And sniffing his hair as revenge

Better then old mfs and young ass mfs

If he’s a sack of meat

Then it’s kinda right to kill him

He has probably done horrible things so

Like very horrible things to kids

Praise mother Russia

Republicans be watching Fox News and then call cnn bias like they ain’t watching the same exact thing

Same for liberals too

Both just shit on the other party to hide the fact that the majority of each party don’t actually do any research

I do believe it’s a little less bias then cnn but they make it obvious they on Trumps side for most things

Atleast the reporters do

But honestly tho

Anarchy lowkey sounds cool

Cause it’s technically true freedom and it’s a world where the strong survive

I mean it’s kinda like true freedom

No laws to stop you

The only ones who will suffer are the weak

I mean I kinda do but then it’s also kinda impossible now

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