Punished Nazberg

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!d bump

noticeable lack of bumping lately

The US Capitol rn



!d bump

2021-01-13 22:19:08 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  

I see

!d bump

Lack of bumping is concerning

!d bump

Worthless and unfunny pin


!d bump

It's over

Rodina's tombstone


I donโ€™t think so

Gn everyone

The great PPPP bumping crisis

Just remembered a few years ago when I was in some /pol/ or /b/ thread and there was child porn being spammed and the poster/spammer eventually stopped, revealed himself to be a rich Swiss guy and then posted a schizo anti communist 500 page pdf that he wrote. I still have it on my pc

the file size is too big dammit

@slavecaste my attempts to reduce the file size in order to get it on here have resulted in the images losing much quality and becoming black and white but it's not that bad. If you want a better quality version just dm me


A 564 page anti communist schizo paper made by some rich Swiss Pedo that he posted on 4chan in 2018


All of communism outside the third world is about trannies and butt sex lmao

I will now sleep

Idk I never read it

!d bump


Niggers ๐Ÿค Communists
Not being able to swim


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

CHristkuks owned again

ha lol

niggas wanting to bump but can't tell the time

!d bump

!d bump

!d bump

!d bump

Anyone know any good comedy films

Aside from come and see

I miss twist

Very concerning lack of bumping

!d bump


haha you failed the bump

!d bump

gee that's a really good question

I winder if there was some cartoon history video that would asnwer that quesiton

Carton history video that answers your quesiton

Where is this leading to

You are gay then

!d bump

!d bump


!d bump

Are triangles a big thing in southern Germany? Like are they the most popular shape or something?

You said you liked triangles and I remembered one time when I was on a school exchange in Esslingen and a teacher was mad at me for not knowing what 'Triangle' was in German

of course the femboy voice haver likes wine and thinks beer is disgusting

Healthy normal young boy goes to the internet and doesn't go to a bar, doesn't drink any beer, doesn't think right and changes - FEMBOY. Many such cases! https://youtu.be/mgjRL7Ccv8k Arnold Schwarzenegger agrees

Then Arnold must be a femboy

Are football fans all on steroids? No they drink beer which makes them masculine, angry and aggressive

!d bump

!d bump

Terrible lack of bumping

!d bump

!d bump

There's a good chance some journo is going to photoshop a crowd onto the Capitol Grounds with the title of "Here's how many people would have attended if Covid was not a problem" purely to perpetuate that meme of Obama's inauguration crowd next to Trump's slightly smaller crowd

!d bump

2021-01-20 19:17:53 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  

pinned own message

Oh no how did the venetians cope


because he coined the term ofc

!d bumo

!d bump

2021-01-21 01:41:02 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  


!d bump

!d bump

!d bump

!d bump

it appears I am now the supreme bumping lord

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