Paprika Huszár

Discord ID: 779539476669005845

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you know gay people

are 40%

of pedophiles

despite being like 1-2% of the population

cool i guess

tell him about the ghost gunner

shut up

ur dumb

muh christianity invented by some greek goat fucker

literally dont even

christianity is true dw

yoga moment

catholicism gang

u arent a communist

muh markets

muh blacks

socialists hated blacks

just so you know

in the eastern bloc

they all thought

zimbabwe would fail

because it was led by blacks

no hesychasm

it has yoga shit moves

like wtf

yoga moment

completely incorrect

karl marx hated black people retard

karl marx had a book on the jewish questionn btw

completely obliterated

you believe

in ethnostates?

nah i havent

they dont sell those books in aus

muslims and jews work together

get a back massage

one case

look who funds isis lol

look who funds fsa

look who funds islamic groups

look whos mass immigrating


into the west

think with ur head not ur dick for once

crusades were justified actually

how so

i have some friends on there

look up

"National Socialist Network"

the aussie one

should be up there

they fed af

like legit they get a pass from the police

to do their activities

when it was lockdown

like legit so fucking fed and sketchy


austria is fucked lol

but so is australia

so idk

sad paprika

cause blacks

came in

they were legit retaking territory

already stolen

by the muslims

like the greeks were asking for help

and then vatican was like

dw bro

i got u

and then they retake holy land

the quran

isnt even preserved


allah abrogataing entire chapters

from quran

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