Lil Pastaa

Discord ID: 274708804015489024

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but what does race science have to do with his argument

it does mean you consent, actions and consequences are linked. with that logic i can have sex with someone, totally consensual, then regret it the next day and say they raped me

someone broke into ur house? @ANA-Mopar

so whats the problem

ye fuck him

you have every right to protect urself from a thief

jesus christ

homies a bit insane

what are you unabomber 2.0

if he broke into ur house you dont have to clean up

just call the cops

why tf would it be like that

thats horrible

now im concerned you some type of terrorist

what you gonna use a pipe bomb for

what you gonna use them for

a pipe bomb

to defend ur house before you blow urself up?

government tyranny

where you from

protection from the government

you should be skeptical of more government but not a doomsday prep-er

there will be

soon we gonna be in civil war

and im going to oklahoma when that happens im fighting for something i believe in not a bunch of flag burning bullshit

hm does welding pay a year

so like average 60-80?

and ur only 26

good for you man

and 12 years ago you were 13

when ur birthday


isnt carding identity theft?

pay as little taxes as possible, dont go to prison for something stupid

thats how i look at taxes

ur fucked buddy idk if you getting that nuke

ya better start paying

if you want the nuke

so ur not getting the nuke

then pay ur taxes

no taxes = no nuke

you shoot, you die = no nuke

ur not good at achieving ur goals are you

no taxes = no nuke

taking advantage of tax loopholes but still paying = possible nuke

seems like a good compromise to me if thats ur goal

ur not getting the nuke

youll be dead or in prison

dead = no nuke

is nuke better than not paying taxes

if yes, then pay if not who cares

there now you can get a nuke

taxes are more redristributive than anything in terms of those types of programs but roads sure i guess but roads are a very small part of federal budget

and you pay lots of taxes

ik someone who lives in canada he hates it because its so expensive there

you cant dox if we not in a voice call

real, not a death disease

wym fake how is it fake

like everyone with covid just has the cold or some shit

fake as in it doesnt exist or fake as in you dont just get covid and die like the media says


thats what covid does

its a respiratory disease

covid is not a cold you can get the symtoms of a cold

dc, beautiful city, horrible politics good luck

the thing about masks is they arent gonna help in an airplane or in a restaurant they are a fucking joke, but i guess in a store or something you should prolly just wear one

im pretty sure ive had covid like 5 times alr

colds are a viral infection anyway

they arent just weather

discuss what?

ill debate you

gimmie an issue


obama was no good but whats wrong with obama

he plays basketball

17 to 19 will you even go to jail for that

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