
Discord ID: 668942883910582293

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Bruh how do you not realize that immigrant workers send money back to their families

We have an idiot ladies and gentlemen

You are going to ha e to provide a source for that

I got news for you, Isis isn’t around anymore

This source is talking about how many people coalition forces killed not ISIS fighters

And the death toll here is 2000, while horrible, this is nowhere near the millions who have immigrate

You got yourself an ego club lol

Why do you ask?

Still here

This isn’t wrong.

I’m pretty sure most people would rather live than be a martyr

As cool as being a martyr is

A jihad and escaping a crisis are not the same situation. So we have a false equivalency there

But I do appreciate you taking the time to learn my religion

Where does it say that

Sure why not


Why do you guys care what other people do

I am...? And

Dark mode

LOL. The Quran is only against sodomy because of how it was used to rape people. Conservatism in the Middle East and anti western sentiment is responsible for homophobia in Muslim countries

Why would that be

Ah, I see

That’s poor people for you

Not really that weird


Is that really controversial? It’s basic science lol

I would probably be uncomfortable, but not offended

This is wrong in so many levels lol. The larger penis size is due to humidity and heat

Yeah I’m going to need a source on that buddy

I mean you aren’t wrong


K and?

Christian lol

Why would being Muslim make me disgusting

Do you realize that if all Muslims weee terrorists, you would all be dead centuries ago?

Gotta love it when people are bigots

Do you realize the Bible was used to justify slavery?

Fundamentalism in any religion is pure stupidity

The Confederates used the Bible to justify racial discrimination and segregation as well as slavery

I’m not?

How do you not realize that almost everyone in America at the time believed in the New Testament

You have reached new low for intelligence. Turk and Serb are in no way interchangeable


Why do you say that?

We believe basically the same things as Christians

Serbia is a crap country. But the ethnicity of Serbia is not the same as Turk. Not even close

You realize Turkish people can be white too right?

Yes on average

They usually just have darker hair

What’s wrong with that?

Where did your hair go lmao


Turkey is a cool country ngl

I’ve been to Istanbul a few times

It’s hard to conquer something like the Vikings. It’s like saying the Arabs were never conquered

Raiding isn’t profitable? Since when

Ancaps are so cringe

Especially when they want to take away abortion rights


What’s wrong with being trans lol

Mhm and?

How are you a Turk and not Muslim

Can you read lol? “Who are pretending”

Hey baby 😘

They aren’t pretending they are women. They truly believe it

You are making a false connection here

And you are making a wild assumption here

Yes with bad faith. The conservatism in the late 1900s was the worst thing that ever happened to the Muslim world

Bruh he was joking

“Dude” is gender neutral

Why would I?

I’m not a religious fundamentalist lol

And it condemns sodomy

Not gayness

I’m a Muslim because I believe in the core values

Exactly lol

I don’t drink alcohol, do drugs, and I pray 5 times a day. That’s being a Muslim to me

This is so cringe

This is a good article if you are actually interested in what Islam says about the matter of homosexuality and transgenderism

And all of them equate acting as a female to being the same as transgenderism. Which is just false

Ah yes now we go into the either or fallacy

LOL that article is totally misinterpreting the meaning of the hadiths. “We have created you from male and female”. How does this translate into transphobia?

The other meaning is totally mistranslated. Can you read Arabic? If you could then you would now that the word “transgender” isn’t even present in the Quran

Even if the Hadith was against transgenderism, it still falls second to the quran’s teachings

That’s debatable. But it’s also debatable whether or not transgender people have gender dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is labled as a mental illness according to the American psychiatric association

Do you know the story of Sodom and Gemorrah?

Bruh do you even know what Islam means?

Ok it seems like you don’t know the story very well. It is about gay rape.

Rape of any form should be banned

So you don’t realize the word Islam literally means peace in Arabic. Why am I arguing with you monkeys

Try being more coherent

Again the story of sodom is a rape story. Committing sodomy was used as rape by military officers to establish dominance

That is what it means, but not how it was used. There’s a problem with equating sodomy to homosexuality in the first place, but we can discuss that later

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