frankus indian reincarnation

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about immigration and crime: immigration should be like social welfare support
only allow people who have proved valueable and with clean social record ie. no considerable previous crimes
ie. they have marketable skills
and if they dont at least become self suffeceint with a certain amount of time when theyre here, kick them out
same of the commit too much crime
in fact, allied nations can agree to have a program where they deport intolerably terrible people who don't succeed in rehab programs, preferably private nonprofit programs, or if jail doesnt stop them from commiting crime again nd again. such rehab programs can exist in such program, and the program is funded by the inmates being cheap labor for corporations/gov, and to make rehab and labor costs more effecient, the is less freedom to privacy for mass surveillance to be used like in normal prisions, and lessening of othe rights can coem into play, but there needs to be enough rights to incentivise doing a good job in the labor camp so they can becoeme a normal citizen again. mass social experiments can also be a source of funding, and teh decrease in crime/poverty this may contribute too may furthur teh incentive for gov/corperations to participate.

why not keep and deport people based on merit? they are tons of locals we would rather swtch for objectively better people from other places, plus teh people we deport are have a chance to go come back while having a reliable source of food/shelter, plus they can choose to leave to try becoming citizen in another country

why is it inportant to inbreed

its not like you know whos genetics match better with others, todays attainable tech to do that is very inaccurate

u dont need to keep blood line roots to have moral values and royalty

unity should come from morals not bloodline

and culture mixing is ok as long as morals are kept

what u mean cultures dont mix

might be good but cant even read it

^deep state obama metal gear lol

a publicly usable discord archive:, each debate channel has a archive channel so that people who weren't present at a debate can see peoples conclusions of the previous debate, which can add to their ideas and inform them that a argument they are about to make has already been discussed so people don't make the same arguments over and over again, that way each debate can make actual progress or not happen at all if noone has anything to add to previously made conclusions. this also means the conclusions of a debate can be read by people long after teh debate is over, making each debate more potentially impactful
another benefit:

if somone is are arguing something that has already been discussed, instead of typing up a argument (that can be long and fills teh chat unnecessarily) peopel can send a discord chat link to teh arguement in the archive (the discord chat link looks liek this blue link: h ttps://dis to get teh link to the text hover mouse on top right of teh text, press teh three dots, press "copy message link") to a previously made argument in teh archive channel of the debate channel as a response. The archive channel should have subcategory headers debaters discuss to establish (they can type headers in all caps, even bold and italics to distinguish from argument text) to make to make it easier to read through and find ideas to reference in the debate channel.
there can be a archive for every channel to make relevant references easier to find in case someone losses a code, and to make it practical for people to check out previous arguments before starting another debate, thus preventing repetition of arguments, making each debate advance the ideas of people who come even long after the debate is over and "debate" can be just any type of data sharing in general

Add debate etiquettes to #rules, where every time they try to get into the server,they cant until they click on a emoji reaction to confirm a message that says "i will follow server rules and debate etiquettes" to remind the user about the rules and debate etiquettes before they do anything in the server every time they get in ideally every 24 hrs
the debate etiquettes are explanation of how to properly use archive and debate channels according.. also suggest that if someone has arguments they care about more, they keep teh discord chat link to teh argument in teh archive in their personal note/library/whatever u wanna call it..

BLM is bullshit, they don talk about solutions they just cry like monkeys

its about poverty and teh culture from it.

they arnt all just black supremacist, most of em arnt

most of em are just doing it to "be cool"

some do it b/c they hope politicians will listen and at least un intentionally give money to people who care through some vague federal grant type shit

jesus not god dummmmyyyyy

proud boys is like a colledge party club lol

at least many of em are chill

n word is fine just dont do it around ppl if u dont know weather they are idiotic snowflakes about it

n word literally means dark color, there was never a inherent derogatory connotation let alone denotation

hard r not a problem either its only a slang version of ne gro

the whole point of avoiding slurs is to prevent making people go crazy over it

just like how some people will get mad if u call em ugly

in reality, no "slur" i nessesarily a bad thing, its only bad if its used for the sake of annoying people

the commnication of agression against somone of misturst is what is trying to be avoided in the anti slur mindset

so somoen can not say a slur but still be just as emotionally worrying to people

if they dont rape or indoctrinate kids than why not

ur goal is to coexist, if u want them to change theres no good in forcing them against their will b/c they wont ever change unless u convince them that its better to not be lgtbq

porn is teh real problem doesnt matter what kind, it chemically encourages (sheer willpower for self control is limited by chemical limits) lack of general self control by habit, obsession over it will happen if its not avoided which will lead to desire to rape, and acidental pregnancy as well as HIV leads to not only considerable insurance affecting physcail and mental helath problems on individual scale, but also high costs at society scale due to teh healthcare costs and poverty and crime that they cause, b/c healthcare and extreme immunity deficiency, heavy depression, poverty from cost of pregnancy care, child birth, child care, and the long time of disbaledness of a pregnant woman all cost a lot, combined with pre existing low income and irresponsible father leaving pregnant women.

lgtq+ is worse than natural straightness though

b/c its takes away the urge to thinking about porn when even males are around other males for example

also pedos are worse than even that, b/c they cause sexual trauma and heavy addiction in victim kids, who dont have teh chemical or mental maturity to deal with trauama or porn addiction which worsen compared to normal kids when they reach puberty

is race actually considerably correlated with advantageous genes? i never actually thought about it

any good stats that consider enviromental factors liek education/ welath/ health

any good stats that consider enviromental factors liek education/ welath/ health and specify what type of IQ tests were used

not forspecialzed colledge

japan isnt as full of shit culturally though

actually this good idea given the server should not censor ideas as much as possible under discord TOS, . .
.what breaks TOS should be defined as certain WORDS that are "normally" considered offesnive while there is no "non offesnive" commonly used alternative to the word. for example: "fuck that" can be replaced with "wrong", "your a f a g g ot" can be replaced with "your gay" or " your dishonest". There should be no censoring "hate" of certain ideologies like religion,even lgbtq and "racism" etc b/c doing so will probably cause people who believe in the ensored ideologies to leave server, thus keeping them away from being exposed to the ideology you believe in, plus prevents them from contributing other "good" ideas that they may have of different topics, plus once hated ideas may become loved later in time due to changing conditions, it will be unfortunate when a previously hated idea becomes forgotten when it later would have been valuable.
censoring words doesnt prevent open mindedness in idea development, censoring certain ideas will. also what ideolgogies are considered "offensive" under TOS is hard to identify compared to how easily we can agree to censor non nessesary words that are normally considered offesnive, plus its hard to be consistent with what ideas are considered "offensive" when different mods have different ideological values.

why are u filling the chat with bs is the real question lel

long slowmode for debate channels

to dis incentivise reactionary chat filling

reactionary chat filling is when people say stupid things b/c they are having fun reacting to things and getting a repsonse as soon as possible, disincentivising the desire to think out what there typing before they enter something into teh chat, thus filling teh chat with forgettable shit

longer slowmode forces reactions to be slow while they can get faster reactions from other channels, incentivising them to not be in the channels with slowmode, while not disturbing people who arnt there to get a fast reaction from others

2 ft 7 inch 77 lbs "grey"

bruh we were talking about studies that prove there is a correlation with race and IQ, it was about stats from mass tests not mechanistic studies, i didnt even finish with them but teh server got nuked by the owner of this server. i dunno if the guy is here but his discord is @InHocSignoVinces #6786

carncer causing to heat oil to certain temp, KFC doesnt give a shit, thus fried chicken

who cares who does more bs

stupid impractical vague generalizations, stupid impractical vague generalizations everywhere

RELIGION DEBATE lets do one at a time here

other religions do have a standard for truth

some of which dont change

how do we know judism is preserved, unchanged. history on paper and oral tranmission probably will change at some level at least by mistakes in preservation

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