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[YouTube: Kay :] and I'm not so cute with my boot and knee scooter lol feel like a retard ๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: Bob Frguson] i agree if you are hauling any thing you need a straight rear axle rwd vehicle

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] shuddup.... you GLOW

[YouTube: Kay :] solid axle all the way Bob ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] you'll find you're Cassanova Kay๐Ÿ˜˜

[YouTube: Kay :] lol thanks for the good wishes Raymond . one day maybe but for now I got Anna's dumb ass for company

[YouTube: Kay :] not jumping into any relationships caz obviously I pick the wrong ones ๐Ÿคฃ

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] sounds like peeps are talking huh? Nobody made that assumption till you put it out there, so it's bothering you i know. Me and lesbians have alot in common๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] I get attatched in realtionships

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] and good byes are to painfull

[YouTube: Kay :] haha not a lesbian. Anna and I are just friends(to clarify again)... tits are nice and all but I prefer dicks ๐Ÿคฃ

[YouTube: Kay :] hey Dallas how ya been

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] relationships are nice...until they escape!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Œ

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] oh hanging in there its been rough

[YouTube: Kay :] relationships suck . I was married 10 years and it was like prison .

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] well bottom line you start giving AF what people think there's no end but you know that already

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] cant talk about it here .. Lurkers. and Gus who will use it as ammo against you. ๐Ÿ–•

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] @Kay : i thought my girlfriend would think it was funny that someone on a chat had a dad w an angry Guatemalan gf, so i told her, and she got mad; that i was even on a chat no-less... the irony. lol.

[YouTube: Kay :] hope things get better Dallas. have a beer and a dab.

[YouTube: Streamlabs] Moderators needed for Periscope and Youtube!! If you are interested please email [email protected]

[YouTube: Kay :] bahaha sorry bout that James don't say I didn't warn ya .

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] i'm glad we don't live together... lol

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] any interaction between Patriots that's positive is not only refreshing but replenishes the spirit

[YouTube: Kay :] just wait till she beats u with a flip flop James ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ my dad can tell ya all about that

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] pahahaa! she's just so sexy! damn it!!

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] Thanks kay ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] lol! oh no!!

[YouTube: Kay :] yeah no not interesting in censoring ppl sorry @streamlabs

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] @Raymond Kendal Knapp - i agree

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] James although extremely doubtful Kay could be a 50 year old male trucker with a bad case of rosacea for all you know, but that's wut makes her Sexy.... R E A L N E S S

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] lol.... no, i don't think so...

[YouTube: Kay :] lol wth Raymond!?

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] i subbed Kayโค

[YouTube: Kay :] I do have my CDL tho ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] jus sayin i could be a Chinese dissodent or mussad๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: True Patriot] yup 50 yr old dude trucker that likes telling people that he can't twerk LMAO

[YouTube: Kay :] haha I wish I wasnt a millennial but unfortunately I am lol

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] ...she - is - mega-real though.... nothing better than a cool conservative chick...

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] I'm really a soyboy with a manbun ๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] lol

[YouTube: True Patriot] Kill it with fire

[YouTube: John Smith] Mueller's Crimes! Sheriff Arpaio Sues Leftist Media! Racist Omar!Guests: Sheriff Joe Arpaio & Dr. Jerome Corsi

[YouTube: Kay :] now I have to get vids up to prove I'm not some 50 yr old trucker ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] lol

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] lol

[YouTube: Kay :] lol my dad ain't even 50..

[YouTube: True Patriot] Gonna have to prove you cant twerk too lol

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] how old is your dad?

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] Infowars idea... Pelosi, Nadler, Mueller, Warren.... put their FACES on those pencil TROLL ATTACHMENT'S!

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] i got a 27 yr old๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] im 27 lol

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] 30 Kay?

[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] lol... thats somehow funny to me... (i'm 49) ..... i'm old ...

[YouTube: Kay :] you will see @true you will see. can't do it at ALL

[YouTube: True Patriot] lol

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] im 51, so that actually means i have COMPLETED yr 51, and Currently burning on 52

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] really Kay?

[YouTube: Kay :] my ex husband was the same age as my dad tho lol

[YouTube: Kay :] yes really lol

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] no shit we are geezers, old AF๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: True Patriot] Ripe age of 34 practically dead

[YouTube: Kay :] haha Raymond

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] Daddy issues Kay?

[YouTube: Kay :] haha no Just don't usually get along with ppl my age.

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] I'm old...49๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] maturity level exactly what i assumed

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] Uhhhh a vet tells him something and he gets all butt sore! ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: Kay :] everyone thinks I am older than I am. like 30s-40s

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] Chadfords been bitter

[YouTube: gusthebroken2] I beat the lot of you 68 lol

[YouTube: twc123773] I just turned 46, feels like 56

[YouTube: mark mc] < 63 , you aint seen nothin yet kids

[YouTube: Kay :] must be all the sun and ciggarettes ๐Ÿคฃ

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] it's not a level playing field Kay...can't see you?๐Ÿ˜‚

[YouTube: True Patriot] Gotta run. Y'all have a great weekend might see ya on the Sunday show

[YouTube: Psilocybenni] Why is everything from here going to the discord?

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] L8R TP

[YouTube: twc123773] Gus hanging out with the youngters

[YouTube: Kay :] have a good on true

[YouTube: twc123773] Sse ya TP

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] ๐Ÿ˜‚Kay

[YouTube: Kay :] no clue benni

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] U know who obsesses about race? Racist! Kinda like dems huh

[YouTube: Psilocybenni] I tried to turn off notifications but Iโ€™m still getting them, idk

[YouTube: Steve Bosko] true J.J.

[YouTube: twc123773] This dude's got a thick neck

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] What neck

[YouTube: mark mc] Hmm Psi this chat is in discord

[YouTube: Kay :] woohoo just realised some of the corn and tomato's are ready to pick :)

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] Looks like a snowman

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] nice kay..

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