Ol’banana chips V16

Discord ID: 794989408146423809

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the faggots left


you have made 0 points faggot

attentioon seeking nigger

the only insult you ahve made is self loathing white

thats the only shit youve said

us telling the truth is us being self loathing?

we wuz kangz

nigger what

you havent done shit

laugh at the facts?

nigger what

are you agaisnt or with us

i dont understand



rip terry

may you live a peacful life in heaven terry

i have them somewhere

alex the femboy has eves face as his pfp



its eve

also known as fedwash 2.0

i cant breed

trannys be like 53% suicide rate

ooga booga mad

nigmode activated

muttsy jewsader

lol nigger dead


fun fact he killed himself cause some faggot was gonna dox him

some guy was gonna send pictures of him wearing skirts to his family

he joined a fake chatting server and there was a verify thing where you had to send a picture of you in skirts and the owner of the server dmed him threatening to send the pictures to his family

he even live streamed it on youtube

and his friends were trying to talk to him but his volume was way too low

hes a weeb faggot



its based


its based

thats based

was it a jew

go killing jews


a jew is a among us

niggermong us

a slave is among us


the fanbase is basically deluional

rEd vEnTeD blUe SucKed mY dICk tO sLoW fAke TaSk lAuGh

whos this nigger


hes a nigger

fucking larper

@The maple leaf foreverlisten your jewish

jewish cia agent


if anyone belives in the holohoax they are a automatically a faggot

The Holocaust is logistically impossible
Auschwitz had enough ovens to only cremate a few hundred thousand jews
the USSR blamed Germany for its own war crimes
Google: the katyn massacre
the gas chambers were for delousing, this was done to prevent typhus outbreaks and most jews died from typhus, not from being murdered
many "holocaust survivors" have admitted to making up their stories
inmates at Auschwitz had better conditions than modern American prisoners, they had a movie theatre and a swimming pool
they repaid the Germans' kindness by accusing them of genocide
the death toll for the holocaust has been inflated, the original death toll was a few hundred thousand at most
the "death camps" were conveniently the same camps that the red cross never visited
ludicrous claims can be found in holocaust literature
the idea of jews being made into soap was a lie
the jews also claimed that masturbation death machines existed
Anne Frank's diary is a hoax
significant portions of the diary were written by her father after she had already died
many high-ranking Nazis were jewish, Google: Walter Hollaender, Bernhard Rogge, Hans Eppinger, Emil Maurice, Erhard Milch and Alexander Stahlberg
Hitler collaborated with Zionist jews, he wanted to deport the jews to Palestine. Google: the Haavara agreement
Hitler was targeted because he attacked the Rothschilds
the same thing happened to Gaddafi and Assad
those who target the banking cabal are always taken out
Hitler was an outspoken supporter for animal welfare, animal abusers were sent to concentration camps
many Nazis were outspoken environmentalists, they were not mass murdering psychopaths
before Hitler rose to power there was a massive child prostitution problem in Berlin
Weimar was a degenerate cesspool before Hitler took charge
curious that jews demonise a man who fought against pedophilia


israel should be bombed

theres no reason for isael to exist

lol fed gone

agent m28

you have to get back to daycare nigger

your mommys is picking you up


he left

underaged nigger

breaking tos

im 2

wahh im a annoying child


you cant convince a tranny


hes a pedo

an actual pedo


i once had a dog that as big as a bear

he was white

and big

and i loved him but he died cause he wasnt eating at all

they arent really bots

they just act like bots

they act like females and try to get you to sign into a sahdy site

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