
Discord ID: 699158491931082812

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Pls telling me you're lying

I can't be friends with you anymore

My mom doesn't let me ๐Ÿ™

I think most of the world does

I loved the Ottoman empire

But new Turkey is cringe

Stupid brits

Y'all will never know what race I am

Last week I was Taiwanese

This week I'm japanese

Next week I'll probably be Australian

Who me?๐Ÿ™

It's 5 pm and my brothers are still in the pool

Kind of gay ngl

My mom forces me to swim

Liek I've been swimming since 9 am

Stop supporting low iq monkeys

Have you ever wondered what a jew looked like?

The fact that you're french makes it worse

There's a natsoc party there

More halal food

It was founded by a 22 year old girl

But my loyalty stays with the Kuomintang

I prefer north korea

Thailand tranny

I've been to Hong Kong

But I don't remember much

I'm han but yeah

ROC is the best

ROC=Republic of China (anti Communist and friends with nazi germany)

The ROC were pushed back to Taiwan

It became taiwan

Before the war Germany was allies with China

2 divisions were trained by general von wenck

Sturmabteilung and Hitlerjugend in China, invited by the Kuomintang government

H.H Kung asked Gรถring, "Which country will Germany choose as her friend, China or Japan?" Gรถring said China could be a mighty power and that Germany would take China as friend.

Rapid modernization I guess

I fervently hate mainland China

And their goverment is corrupt af

Ironically China's best divisions during the war were German trained

China persecuted many ethnic groups

It's terrible

China's an empire?

America is currently the worlds sole super power

Russia is still better than them militarily

Russia has nukes

China has 300

I think less than 1 million

London is nice

That's birmingham

I just like Britain

Because they're cool

I like China more than india ngl

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