
Discord ID: 435780269148995594

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kanye is meh

you're meh

i actually agree

hopsin is good

he talks against nigger culture


they're the top 10% of blacks

hopsin is a rapper

ill mind 5 and 7 are great

ill mind 5 basically tells people to work hard for what they want and stop being lazy niggers

6 isn't nearly as good

it's more of a feel good one iirc

or is that the best friend one?

i heard 8

it was a good song but was too personally involved

7 is the religion one

i think so

8 is just personal beef shit

but it's good

ye 6 is the best friend one

which i mean, it's good

but it's not nearly as good as 5 and 7

i like 5 because the message is great

and 7 i can actually relate to as a former christian


niki is a pedo apologist?

isn't her money cause her dad owned a hotel or something?



music and film are filled with pedos


power draws sociopaths

sociopaths dont care

pedophiles are in bed there too

so sociopaths have to do it to fit with the pedos



dox yourselves more pls


so they fuck kids right out of the womb sometimes

they think bald people have gold in their heads

not a meme

there was something about eating albinos

no you setup 5 white boards

and just write random words

then throw a paper plain

this is like my low level racism

my normal is full ethnic cleansing of the world

it's part of the world


i have a plan for blacks

you round them all up

you put them in camps

you put a tv show on

and you force them to compete in talent shows

in a tournament style

we get entertainment for years to come

does it matter?

anyone eliminated from the tournament gets left out in the desert

fuck off kike

@DragonFFRUIT fuck off kike

whats 4x your lifting power?

@DragonFFRUIT what is 4x your lifting power?

yours specifically


jackhammer penis

no arguments

anarchal primitivism

it exists

anprims side with ancoms

transhumanists side with ancaps

i mean the only thing i've heard from them is using technology to better human life

tale tell just went under

everything is a tool

we need a natsoc revolution

only 80%?

we nuke every other country

but humans do it this time

okay nihilistic faggot


nietzsche worked his entire life to overcome nihilism

or we wipe out non-whites

>uniting with xenos

you wouldn't last long in stellaris

>take that self insult

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