
Discord ID: 191741696126484482

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was funny watching a guatamalan orthadox christian dressed as Schrรถdinger from Hellsing tripping balls on fucking edibles

man I tell ya

I've seen some shit

I gave him something to drink and a blanket and put some not too mind bending cartoons on the laptop for him and went into the bathroom and nutted in his sister

so yanno a gud night was had by all

nigga just gimme some edibles I'll nut in anything you put in front of me

sex and drugs are a huge part of my life they go together so so well

weed is the go-to but poppers are really fucking nice

mdma is GOAT tho for reals

they deffo are pretty degen

I'll be the first to admit it. But they are good. Like really fucking good. Maybe too good.

its more than that...like so much more ok so the blood rushes to your genitals yeah it loosens your ass but its more

you lose inhibitions you lust for sex and flesh like an animal its really hard to explain

nutting on poppers is insane and so is anything from sex just just jerking it

shits intense

not really

they can harm your sight in very very extreme cases....but even then they wont make you blind

and the only poppers related deaths are those who have used viagra with it (absolutely do not do this same with alcohol)

like any drug it comes with its risks and its up to the user to not be a nigger

I use them once or twice a month to have a nice session jerking off or whatever for like an hour

the few cases of people fucking up their vision were literally huffing poppers for hours

people esp in the gay community will literally huff bottles entire bottles during a night

I'm talking like minor use

besides the tollerence really gets up pretty fast with that stuff

kinda just punishing yourself sniffing that much tbh

as with most things it seems moderation is the way to go

I still cant sleep for fucks sakes

I suppose I wont get far chatting on discord but I'm not feelin it at all



that feels good <:feelsgoodman:543496837588582410>

well its cool mr elephant I think you're pretty cute too

yep this is the pic I wanted to post earlier but couldnt find it

morning Eris

oh shit its motherfucking fatty bear's birthday surprise

putt putt saves the zoo was epic

that was the first game my son completed when he was 5

we played it together on my windows 98 laptop

omg rag fucking ripperooo

I only have one tweeder that isnt my company's

i was getting eye twitches for the longest time last year...months even

they just went away I didnt change anything

I aways got super paranoid about them because idk my anxiety brain talked me into believing I was gonna have a stroke or a brain injury or something

the muller report is fucking hilarious

I was just watching Real Time with Bill Maher from last night when the report dropped.

The butthurt mah god.

and then bill he's like defending gun rights against this panel of fucking rampant cuckolds

this dem senator explains how he wants to ban and confiscate assault style semi autos and then bill says it kinda sounds like you're coming for our guns

bill then calmly explains why a school shooter or mass murderer will use ANY type of firearm and their hard on for "assault rifles" is ridiculous he then goes on to say how he owns guns and doesnt support this nonsense

and I'm just sitting here like yes eat each other alive you stupid fucking brainlets

Oh yeah thats exactly what he said before the discussion about guns

good morning kangs and qweens

git bullied nurd

puyple is dope af

well done have a cookie mutherfhucker



I might extend it into twitter profile banner size

I have a psd template somewheres

fucking chinese lettering

<@&489004457007513601> what do you mean what the fuck is this? whats the prob?

and on morrowind...yeah I mod the fuck out of it with OpenMW and literally rip the game out of the engine into a better one... if I didnt have the game gifted to me on steam I'd torrent the fucker like I used to

I started using bittorrent back in 2002-3 it was the wildest shit people had never seen these kinds of download speeds before

the consistency was incredible

I ran a dreamcast bt tracker in 03 we got cease and desisted by Sega

pretty scary as a 15 year old

in 02-3 I got my first DSL connection...a whole 60kbps

it was amazing...then I got a whole 1mb free upgrade later that year

feels like yesterday

I was using dial up until 2002 I still remember downloading a 600mb DivX rip of a movie taking like 6 hours to fucking finish 4-5 kbps

anyone here play rise of nations?

shit I havent played this yet

I've watched videos about it but never picked it up

it might be time u guys

so close to 1488

@Bear thanks for the request <:SWASSIE:345063579285979136>


<:SWASSIE:345063579285979136> 1488 <:SWASSIE:345063579285979136>


The disparity between my following and follower counts is due to maga q anon boomers and me not wanting to follow them

what is this oregon trail

niggas dying of dysentary

who am I kidding none of you even know what that is

I had a lot of fun on archive.org on an Apple II emulator playing oregon trail recently

Its a nice thing to revisit

Its nice to see its still being played.

you know...its a fucking miracle anyone from my generation who went to school in the late 80s and early 90s ever even got good at computers.

the most advanced thing we ever did was excel spreadsheets

early IT classes were fucking boomer brainlet tier

I think the only reason my generation did any good is because especially in Europe where I grew up microcomputers with command-line interfaces were the most popular 8 bit gaming platforms

the NES wasn't even a thing in Europe everyone had 8 bit micro computers like the commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum

you'd think it would have improved in the 2000s when I went to high school but it didnt

It was the same boomer shit no fucking option to do anything more advanced

so I just did advanced stuff in my spare time all self taught

I can't imagine 7 year olds now writing programs in basic and learning to code like I did when I was a kid

The operating system is of little to no consequence.

Some corporate versions of XP are still getting updates from Microsoft because they are still used in education, ATMs and embedded operations such as touch screen information computers and ticketing machines.

XP is absolutely still a fine stable OS.

The big issue is what they are teaching.

By the end of Elementary school a child should know how to work with the office suite. Print a document. Learn how to operate a windows computer at the very least.

Basic computer literacy. By middle school and high school we should be teaching CAD, 3D Modeling and design as well as video editing and coding.

I'm fairly sure this is what most decent-ish schools are already doing.

But then I hear horror stories of people barely even doing anything in IT

and its scary...you've got the most tech connected generation right now

but they dont actually know how to use computers properly

which is fucking retarded

the trannies in my discord are talking about the full muller report release <:giggle:424020851881410580>

the fucking cope going on in there

is fucking palpable

lol yuh its a discord full of trannies from a video game called second life

we used to be a griefer group back in the day....the wikipedia article on SL mentions us by name so I suppose we made our mark lol

got like a hundred or so people in there

that'll take you directly to the section about us

but it turned into an edgy 4chan griefer/shitposting shitshow

and they banned us repeatedly

people used to make furry and tranny jokes all the time 10 years ago

now almost everyone is a fucking tranny or a furry or both

I actually was a part before the tranny stuff

I guess I lucked out on that lmfao

its still slightly odd

you begin to think to yourself

how many are actually trans and how many are transtrenders

time will be the ultimate judge

hope it all works out for them

even if like over half of them are insufferable leftist cock holes

there are some woke trannies in there

we have fun together triggering the lefty trannies

oh yeah dude shits fucking crazy

we all mostly get along politics to one side and its not a very political server but there are a couple of spicy channels where people like to post politics


very disrespectful

He can't keep getting away with it


sorry Eris


Jack is a shit cunt

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