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They have ties to local industries beyond what unis have

It should be cheap(possibly free) and easy to take part time classes.

@Montana 2025

I only partially agree with you. I think that Texas has done it right. They got past the tracking thing by making students declare a "Major", so that students spend the majority of their time taking classes in their chosen field, and a lot of those classes replace core gen ed requirements

Meaning that vocational teachers see their students for more of the time through the day and they do stuff like get english credits through nursing classes or math credits through welding

My school's welding program has massively turned around kids who couldn't sit still who were considered no-hopers.

@Mossad That literally doesn't happen in high school in most states

A STEM track career teacher

educational aide

Texas schools HAVE to offer at least 8 major paths

half of which have to be CTE paths

Social studies is the worst, but like in the lower levels, "Science" is divided into field by year.

@Mossad They don't.

Literally it's divided into general topic by grade level

The bigger issues are mathematics and reading.

You need those before you can do science well.

Reading right now has a MAJOR problem in that we are teaching students with failed 1950's era reading techniques which while good for interventions and leeting slow students keep pace, cucks them out of learning fully.

Mathematics is many subjects, yes, but the biggest issue is that we have ineffective mathematics teachers

Like right now the reading technique they are using is RETARDED

They don't even teach PHONICS anymore in many places

They do it pure pavlovian style



is back in vogue

And we are generally teaching arithmetic, basic geometry, algebra, and some number theory in the lower levels divided by grade.

They are just called "MATH" "SCIENCE" ENGLISH" because parents are dumb

Precalculus is just trigonometry

and some extra topics.

I have the luxury of getting to teach trig via mech engineering to my students to let them skip precal.

Stats is now being done in my freshman course, and I LIKE the new curriculum supplies I'm given

it actually teaches them how to make reasonable predictions and how to DESIGN things based around it

>electrical engineering

That's my most popular class.

But I dunno what colleges are doing

Because all my students decide to go into mech

HVAC is where it's at locally

The president kind of IS a geriatric.

You can expect the media to quadruple down on the disinfo and create brand new incomprehensible threats that Trump will not have time to study up on. This is frankly bad.

I also think it's bad for Trump to have the prospect of a second debate taken from him due to this, though...if they were gonna mute his mic, well, fuck that noise.

So what happens if Biden also starts coofing.

Is this really going to come down to the vice presidential debate being the most important?

Can Mike Pence pull through?

Like Harris is a shit debater, but she's probably had a SHITTON of coaching.

Lucky me, I stocked up on food necessities, ammo, etc a while back.

What this means for my longterm savings and investments are another thing

worst case scenario: president dies, and democrat states use this as pretext to enact even more brutal, unconstitutional lockdowns

It's an election year, /pol/ is going nuts because the actblue shills are in pure demoralization mode

4D chess move: Trump signs an executive order decriminalizing weed, studies, and leaves quarantine with a beard.

then goes out and actually wins a debate seeming solemn

They can't really stop, what with voting already taking place.

Functionally speaking, Biden can call a lid, but all his functionaries will still campaign in his stead

Look at the @. Spoof account probably on that tweet.

Probably just a disinfo retard on a fake account

is sputnik 5 polonium, or is that what they call Putin's cum

tfw didn't shield Epstein so they won't give him the juice hidden in the island temple

never say never.

It's not assassination, it's jsut more deniable hybrid warfare.

The USA is in no condition to do anything to China over such a thing. As far as attacks go, China has basically had nearly a year of just fucking haymakers on the USA.

Boris is 20 years younger

and was inches from death on a ventilator

No, aggressive decoupling is a *SEVERE* threat to China.

Belt and Road is super successful.

But not enough that hyperpreferential trade deals with friendly states can't compete with.

The taiwan thing is the huge threat, honestly. But I don't think they'd dare, when asymmetric methods have been proven to work.

Dictatorships can wait decades.

Democracies can't.

They can fix that with Belt and Road clients.

*can respect Biden's wrangler

The election will be contested, a landslide ain't gonna matter

saw a post on twitter today:

>trump recovers, they use his serum for the vaccines

>Trump is now in every American's bloodstream

TBH all the celebrating is a big optics win. A lot of elderly voters' first memories are JFK dying on TV and a national day of mourning. TV voters are low info but that instinctual memory of JFK's death will come back when they are made aware of the celebrating from the left


Ruth Gader 🅱️insburg

A bunch of journos made celebratory posts and deleted them. I hope people archived that shit. It will be a huge redpill to the boomer crowd

Very few people publicly celebrated in droves, much less high profile publications

Shit, I was solemn on the matter UNTIL the DyInG wIsH came out

Only then did I go full "Let's stomp on this rotting jew's grave"

oh god Alex is coming for the globalists

Snubnose revolver: Patrician's choice of firearm

Pneumonias can suddenly creep in and kill someone. Just sayin'. Nothing is concrete RN

I've been the sufferer of bronchitises and pneumonias annually for years. Shit's awful

antibody test is antibody test.

trump got rona.

>when your national enemies are more sympathetic than the opposition party


TBH Hicks was one of the suspected leakers

but nothing ever came of it

and she wasn't caught in the numerous traps that were being set

So she is either a very clever leaker

or came up clean

She resigned.

She probably got spooked because of the Mueller probe.

They were threatening her with a shitton of Obstruction charges.

Like they were getting ready to Flynn her and destroy her ass

It's all on wikipedia

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