Secret Squirrel

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ok I dont see how thats clear

there was no footage inside the house idk how youre so sure

are you intentionally being dense or do you not realize that cops dont magically appear at your door the second someone calls the police?

there is no proof that, or something similar, didnt happen. youre seeing the second half of the altercation and assuming it was the entire thing.

yea that sounds right. Id take a look at Bolton's claims when you get a chance.

ok but it doesnt counter the narrative at all is what im saying. It occurs afterwards. Mike Coudrey is jumping the gun and making this some issue it doesnt have to be. We dont know most of the story yet but the claims from last night are still plausible.

not a good combo.

would like to see

the video that is

yea very much so. only raises further questions as to wtf is going on here she saw him cock the gun and assumed that he shot himself bc she heard a noise consistent with that. may or may not have actually fired it.
Records show officers removed 10 guns from the home of the former campaign boss. His wife said he’d been making threats of self-harm all week at their Fort Lauderdale house.
lol "some kind of revolver, a glock."
'Records show officers removed 10 guns from the home of the former campaign boss. His wife said he’d been making threats of self-harm all week at their Fort Lauderdale house.'

wtf? "after a 3 hour standoff" "We went out and it was very short"

ppl tend to not clean guns with bullets in them.

“Bradley’s speech was slurred as though he was under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, and he seemed to be crying,”

I dont know either of them personally but I have no reason to think she's lying.

why jump to that conclusion?

she did not seem calm on that tape she sounded like she was crying and in shock.

"According to the Sun-Sentinel, the encounter lasted for more than three hours. At first, Parscale barricaded himself inside his home, though he later spoke to the intervening officers..... Only when Officer Christopher Wilson, a personal friend, arrived on the scene did Parscale exit his house."

@Froge That's what they said in 2016 too. Women were supposed to deliver the vote for HRC. Didnt happen. White women voted trump

except they did lol

show me on the doll where the bear touched you

you dont get medical or law degrees in college but yes

who the fuck puts that background music on there

people dont often want to be seen shooting UN workers or peacekeepers. It sometimes works but usually the UN dudes sit on the sidelines and worry while everything continues.

he said full volume what were you expecting?

anyone got an invite to crabchat? I just realized ive been confusing crab with owl this whole time

Eric Trump gay question mark

Clearly he meant the NYC community but why cant he words

ok lads we ready for this

did trump just call Joe jim

pushup contest when

Look at me. I am the democratic party now

Trump is dominating....the moderator

Trump cant stop talking how much adderall did he take

next segment better be a fist fight

Just let them box each other

Thanks for Foobaw

ROgan would just be laughing and smoking weed

Biden gettin angry now

except nobody remembers any of the green new deal fine points.

everyone who liked it just wanted climate infrastructure

the Biden plan is fungible

it wasnt a good tactic no body understands it

twitter is always a cesspool

you dont need to be a prophet to predict that

careful they'll start actually spreading that

youve convinced me

cyborg jobiden is the october surprise im ready for

directly fighting the police is not a great strategy

websites should have the right to cyberattack each other in to protect their rights and property.

I dont understand why people care so much. If you dont feel like you can express yourself in one club you dont cry about it until you make them into what you want. You just go start your own club. How is the internet different? Freedom of association. If you dont want to be part of twitter go to parler or gab

or the other company can just not sell out

they cant force a buyout

low numbers is not a reason though. Every platform starts small

you cant say my political party is stiffled bc there are few of us. you just put out a message and if people like it you grow

if ppl dont like your club they dont join

the same way every club grows. word of mouth and advertising

I dont see how imposing your will on an association is freedom of speech or association. Just build another platform. Parler being a janky site is not twitters problem. get better devs that believe in the cause. its not hard if ppl actually want your message to succeed

discord and telegram are both solid platforms. Both were able to achieve a solid user base.

C230 is fine the way it is. If Trump or anyone else wants to whine about being censored they can move to gab and Parler or somewhere else with an amenable TOS. Trump by himself would bring thousands if not millions of users to the platform. ppl just dont want to lose their follower count or have to learn a new platform they think is inferior. get over it

if twitter of FB comes along and tries to buy them out when they get big they can tell big tech to eat their ass. really not a complicated situation.

@Tony98 's plan is interesting except idk how you elect jannies without doxxing them or having an immutable record of everything theyve done at least on that platform. On an anon or semi anon platform youd just be voting randomly

Does anyone here believe Trump doesn't know what the Proud Boys org is?

thats how shit is now

Duluth Rally goin on rn

this mf spittin

lmao this stuff about refugees

he is a great speaker

just really fun to listen to

you can tell he enjoys this. its like his favorite thing to do

hes right about suburban women too

idk how anyone can say that with a straight face after 2016

I mean every side makes shit up. it works. cant really blame them

how can you refuse bigfoot blowie

my stream froze fuck

i mean bigfoot is probably 8 ft tall 300lbs of raw muscle

his people dont really care for this style of campaigning. Trump's style is pretty unique

not really though

not a rally like trump has a rally

I mean I think its apples and oranges. Biden is actively trying to not have big gatherings

he couldnt compete if COvid didnt happen but its still not the same thing

Biden isnt campaigning on himself or his charisma either. Trump is campaigning almost entirely on that

yea basically cheeto boi bad

yea syle railed way too much adderall

yea its a turnout race

which is why trump hates the mail

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