Secret Squirrel

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@JowlOwl I think we're talking past each other. Im not trying to convince you America will be mad max by January. Im saying CCP might try something while we have a constitutional crisis going on

you think? Im not aware of why that would be likely.

my hypthesis was that from the CCP perspective, we may be distracted and once we've dealt with this distraction, are attention is turning to them

especially if Trump retains power

lol yea of any place down that way myanmar would be the one. Ocean access and no pesky international law issues in the water.

too bad its the wrong ocean lol

Did you ever watch The Pacific on HBO?

give me the desert bro fuck the jungle

thats theft

I doubt US would put boots on the ground unless it became CCP v US directly

advisors and some tripwires but probably not front liners

granted but I would just hope it doesnt go that way

I dont want boots on the ground in asia any more than we already have.

advise, help with signint, and naval cooperation is enough.

"lead from behind"

and extinguish the communists

damn I step out for a few hours and a war breaks out?

nice this sucks

that sure sounds like war

ya if we dont have one already

I wish I could be in both this and crab

my alt is in crab

I just want to hear the crab noises

I appreciate the videos dmitry

Azerbaijanโ€“Turkey alliance? is that a thing

just keep it for a while. when the dollar crashes you'll have some actual money

Do they think this will turn around or are they enjoying being raped?

NATO looking at Turkey like Bruh why are u like this

wait so Armenia about to have a 2 front war?

Russia-Turkey Proxy war

sooo who are the main combatant fighters between Armenia and Turkey?

what are the odds someone attacks inside Turkey?

boomies are habbening

These are Euros

Lol as if Trump isnt on drugs

* has paid off hack doctor tell everyone he's healthier than he was at 30 yrs old* "See my drug test is clean"

Like trump has done for years

what a stupidly laid trap

except some ppl really believe Trump is in his70s and doesnt have any health problems whatsoever

"look at how old my opponent looks. Nevermind I wear makeup everyday"

Trump cant even touch the floor. gimme a break with this health shit

Clinton has epilepsy, Biden is demented. Such a stupid predictable pattern

Trump is so scared for the debate. it would be funny if it wasnt sad

Yea I went hiking last summer and did a lot of research on it bc I did not want to die like that.

I wasnt going anywhere that would be high risk but I wanted to be as informed as possible just in case.

uh bioterror

yea but there should be a day or so where you can arbitrage

probably like 6 hrs not a whole day lol

why would he not be allowed? Trump is just asking him to. He's under no obligation

lol Data. Postcards arent ballots. Some org sends a leaflet to every address in a district to get the word out; happens all the time.

Thats like saying: "Illegal immigrant sees get out the vote tv ad. VOTER FRAUD"

mfw Trump is in so much debt he's worth less than me

But why would someone with so much money and power want to go into politics? lmao clown shit fr

"take" a job Obama had to leave legally

lol what a petty loser

hmm why on earth would he want to be so cozy with the wealthy oligarch? probably has nothing to do with his deep debt issues.

Im just gloating stop crying

yes thats likely true

depending on how quickly it updates

Pre-election show of force

I want a button that just plays JFK saying "This is obviously a fuck up."

So staring into space ?

leaked debate prep footage would be hilarious. From either candidate.

lmao no Gandalf

thats fuckin awesome

Kek. journos protecting sources is fAkE nEwS but anonymous internet larpers are the real deal.

haircut is even similar

Didnt take that demotion well Im guessing

@amjurfinah My gues is the leak came from the NY fed court that are already investigating Trump for other stuff.

yes gandalf thats true potentially

but they dont have to charge him with being in debt

there are presumably other charges pending in NY, and other charges that could be filed based on his business dealings arising from conflicts of interest and potential breaches of fiduciary duties to his office.

ppl dont need to. thats why there are lawyers

oh for sure NY is looking for anything and everything to take him down.

imo this should happen to everyone trying to be president. If they are not shady it will be open and shut. Prosecutors can look for little things but if the DOJ isnt a corrupt shit hole that stuff will tare out.

also the two party system breeds corruption and tail wagging dog

manufacturing losses. and misrepresentation as to financial stability

theres a reason you dont get security clearances when youre in debt

not millions of dollars no

thats amanagable debt. dont be dense

when your revenue is drastically outstripped by your debt burden, it becomes a liability. when the accounts recievable match up with debt its not an issue

its not rehashed its the same story

he just refused to let it come out.

we'd have more context if he released them like every other modern president

I never said there was criminality

thats pretty much all of the based

they deal in influence

so its not explicit or tangible

but they can put themsleves in positions to become wealthy

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