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Left arm is clean right arm is full and I have a chest tattoo but thats probably allowed

Our country is not a testing ground for commies

Dang we really are divided huh? Now no one cares about terrorists claiming our land as theirs just because its happening in leftist states

Terrorists should be stripped of their citizenship

They do it because we always cave in to their bullshit

But what happens when other leftist parts of our country are taken too?

We all know these people are paid by soros and china

> And unfortunately, theres nothing we can do to stop terrorists and bad people from destroying our country from the inside, without is painted bad
@Spooky Trooper thats what im saying bro so might as well stop cut off the head of the snake while we can

Im not watching Im outside will have to replay the whole thing

Do you want to watch it from the MSM or a small channel?

Half Hispanic half white for trump here ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿป๐Ÿคš๐Ÿผ

It sounded good until I realized its a slippery slope

I like Libertarianism but since not everyone knows what personal responsibility is these days it wouldnโ€™t play out so good

No because you are burning other peoples shit

If you buy a flag at a store you should have the right to burn it

You are endangering other people its not the same

The fire can spread easily and endanger other people that have nothing to do with you

Thing is we dont live in the perfect america that our father envisioned

Sending the marines into chaz really matters

What now we have a soft spot for terrorists just because they are domestic?

<:emoji_10:723010351150661655> <:emoji_10:723010351150661655> <:emoji_10:723010351150661655>

He is definitely losing a lot of libertarian support

I wake up physically sick to my stomach everyday because of whatโ€™s going on

Like I said they only keep on doing this because our republican politicians always cave in to their bullshit

A lot of republicans need to be voted out

My vote doesnโ€™t matter because illegals keep voting

In my state for a citizen a driverโ€™s license is a privilege but for illegals its a right? Come on man

Fox blurring the faces of the people in the background

My weed wants to be part of the third Reich


Every degenerate scapes to argentina after shit goes wrong for them

Most Nazis escaped to Argentina when the Third reich fell

They picked the whitest out of all hispanic countries to escape to

They never mixed like the rest of hispanics

*And Iโ€™m proud to be an Americannnn where at least I know im free

@DirtyBird definitely man thats why A lot of people didnt show up

I hope the people in the rally get home safely

Smh violence for political gain is the definition of terrorism

The military should be outside lel<:emoji_10:723010351150661655>

Allahu akbar guys always remember allahu akbar

Quiet before I make this an abortion procedure

Dang now I feel like Iโ€™ve been missing out on something special

Ya dont sleep lol<:emoji_9:723005092764319776>

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