Discord ID: 472604268487245835

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Did I say it was?

My mac is low on battery, I'll talk another time

... Which is what I said

Kind of was

But in an awfully shitty way

It shouldn't be a big deal

I just vocally oppose the ban thats all

I can't make my point?

I will die on this hill, just sayin

I only expressed my views, thats all

@Crasseus @Donaldus Triumphus What the hell did you guys expect one to conclude from the name literally "THE TRUMP REPUBLIC" with a GOP symbol with Trump's hair

Uh huh sure

Where did I imply you were lying

I never said you guys were literally purging people of different perspectives other than yours, but I solely believe that banning him was dumb, thats fucking all

You aren't consistent in it

You aren't consistent in cherishing that principle

It's selective

LiberalFascist being a good one

Not implying with that you're censoring views however

I mean I did leave BEFORE he was banned

So idk what else he could've possibly said

All I'm saying is im willing to die on the hill of not banning him

Im quite aware

I'm sure If I was banned, chances are that LiberalFascist would oppose the ban are 0

Just saying in a hypothetical scenario

That I'm defending him to say whatever dumb shit he wants to say on here and that he would never do the same had I done it

They're quite asinine death threats if Im being honest

Im not saying the ban should be undone, Im just saying banning him for saying stupid shit is dumb

I voted "NO" in opposition to the ban

Since its a done deal its a done fucking deal

Im aware of that

I only voted in that sense for vocal opposition, that text wasn't necessary

It could've been a YES or NO vote

rather than BAN or UNBAN

Should've been a YES or NO vote, IMO

But its a ban or unban so

I know that

If I was in charge, I would unban him yes

But I'm not so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe we can change the rules

Just my preference

Not saying it has to happen

I shit you not

Ive said it multiple times, that banning him was stupid

banning him for a day or so

Is that a problem?

I don't like it because he can't express his shitty views

I know he broke the rules

I would've preferred a day ban or something

instead of a permanent one

If I were to endorse this ban

A day ban at best

Ive been to alt-right discord servers

they're pretty shitty places

But LiberalFascist wasn't an alt-right or alt-left guy

Just a retard

No, but he can express his views

I don't think he should of either @Tophet

Im quite fucking aware

"No silliness in national debate"

Tell that to the real world

Where everything is just going to hell

The US is pretty batshit insane when it comes to muh Trumpworld

It's both sides

The MAGA MAGA crowd don't want civil discussion with the left and vice versa

Oh sure, but the right has as well

Both political tribes are retarded as fuck

One side that doesn't understand how impeachment works and the other side that blindly goes with whatever their emperor says or does

Lol, yes being principled would make me batshit insane

I would sympathize with a day ban, not a permanent exile

Well okay man

And Obama still deported more than Trump has

And the immigration abuses were more severe under Obama than it was under Trump


I could If I wanted

it's a retarded topic we're rambling on about anywho

It can co-exist

Like I can bash the Donald who is a dumbfuck sometimes, but defend him from mass hysterical backlash or selective outrage

Pains me to defend him at all

He's made the country lose its collective sanity

He's made leftists crazy

I don't think he is

But yet here we are

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