
Discord ID: 216623010566635520

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god you must be 12

give me his rank instea

instead* i'm not a whiney bitch

na well it's called usurping

and i'm a usurper

he's not a king

I loved my brief moment of glory

then don't be a retarded centrist

me wants to go to torture chamber

good roblox is cancer

<@470658063045492747> what roles do you want m8

Jessica come on I don't have all day here I have some lynching to do

Well he's gone, time to delete the messages

ye ik I just saw

w0w so00o cool

I need that script

sounds lit

wow sounds great

I've only heard of socialjusticewarrior.exe but that sounds vastly superior

i'm gonna hax him with my elite batch file

it's called niggernuker5000.bat

lmao he probably heard about the elite haxor tool

So Strasser you don't want me to kick the faggot

fuck off fag

Ok if you're not on I'll just fucking kick him he has autism anyway

Ok cool

I was looking forward to lynching him but I couldn't ban him so didn't want to be a pain if you couldn't actually ban him. Rekt


I love how in 1 day

I took his rank

and he got banned

fucking meme

lmao it must have been a pretty heavy meme

Well if anyone tags you I'll just lynch/kick the cunt

Metal is a traitor to the state REEEE


bye faggot

a spammy fag

Jesus Christ Denmark stop spamming @

die commie fag

@Patty what roles do you want, check in about and I'll give you ze roles

no we lynch gays here

and commie lynchers

ew liberal


you're gonna make me sicc stop posting the devil in chat

no fuck off faggot

i'll tar and feather you along with the other niggers

oh well

I love hate crimes

FUck Sadiq Cunt and his hate crime hub

hahaha nice music

Although I wish Sabaton would portray the Nazis as the heroes, and not the villains

Sitting on the fence because they know they are shit at combat

Yea I do like their music but they are not a fan of the ubermenschen

Powerwolf is sick

Their new album is ace

Sure, do you have spotify?

Oh lol

OKay I'll get it on Jewtube

lmao for me it's blocked in the UK idk if it will be for you so I'll send it anyway

https://www.youtube.com/user/Atilla242/videos they're all here if it's blocked

the 2nd song has a pretty gay name but other than that the album is pretty good

yeet, a lot of the songs I show to Entropy he listens to lol

Pretty much the same as our Conservative party, bunch of fucking indecisive pussies who suck off labour

Lol, do you have PR in Croatia or First Past the Post?

Basically there are constituencies and which ever party has the most amount of votes in that constituency gets the seat representing that area in parliament. It's dreadful.

So you could have a party with 999 votes and a party with 1000 and the party with 999 votes gets nothing for that area (as an example)

Yea that's the disadvantage of proportional representation, both systems are fucking shit.

it's why you need DIRECT RULE FROM LONDON


Especially now that there's a fucking nigger in the royal family

Yup, I wouldn't be surprised if soon the United Kingdom became the United Republic

No he didn't have any kids

Which is a shame

Edward VIII was the monarch that we needed

I don't pay much attention to our monarchy anymore after Prince Harry became a traitor. Technically yea.

Potentially, but I think that if the House of Windsor collapses that will be the end of any monarchy in Britain.

We should have allowed Nicholas II and his family to stay


I'm only going to care until Prince Harry has kids, if he has kids idgaf what happens to the royal family

Because it's just going to be a jerk fest for multiculturalists.




100% spot on

+ it's much worse than Wallis Simpson, at least she was actually white

You said you were a centrist make up your mind

& don't say "but I'm centre-right" because I think that might be even more retarded


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