
Discord ID: 99967339339993088

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Joel Osteen is a heretic

His sermons make me sick

A watered-down bible for more popularity and larger crowds

Preach the truth or don't preach at all

The Jews are trying to follow an Old covenant which no longer works

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'" John 14:6 NKJV

By denying Jesus's being the Messiah or trying to follow the old covenant despite acknowledging his being the messiah, they're making fools of themselves and turning down path which leads to damnation

And Muslims are just as bad, worshipping just as much of a perverted gospel as Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses

Even the devil can quote scripture for his own purposes

Simple as that

Its sad that majority Christian nations are letting in massive numbers of nonbelievers like this and laying down like they're their doormats

Perhaps its the wave of "baby-Jesus" watered-down Christianity

Joel Osteen type shit

Where God loves you how you are and hates the sin, not the sinner

And God has no wrath

That, or the increasing wave of Secularism and Atheism/Agnosticism

Just as much of a plague as heresies and false gospels

If not more, because it's "backed by science"

Besides the pope not taking a harsh stance on it

As Europe has a large catholic "presence"

But then again, how many of those catholics are truly devoted?

Quite a lot less than one would believe, I'd imagine

Granted, I'd prefer to stay out of Christian infighting so I won't start ranting about Catholics too much

Seeing as a Baptist like me has some choice words

Honestly, the ideas of John Calvin as far as communities go aren't that bad of an idea in theory

Where the ideal community is centered around the church and all people of the community are members of the church

Issue is that it'd be just as much of a breeding ground for corruption as any other

A great example is the massachusetts bay colony

They had a witch scare and boom

Salem witch trials

In the spiritual section of Calvin's philosophies, however, that's where a large portion of Baptists place reasoning

There and parts of Luther's 95 theses

Of course, there's more, but there always is when talking of Christian Denominations

What I really cant stand is churches who put females and lesbians in these preaching roles and act like its fine

There are some protestant denominations which have gone extremely sour

Or non-denominationals too

Yknow, the traditional "Mega-Church" that has thousands of attendees and has a TV broadcast

and teaches watered-down theology

If you make the church more like the world to attract attendees, you are teaching heresies and lies


And the thing about the church

Is that people go to IT

The church does not go to THEM

and honestly

The western individualism concept has reached such a level that it's fucked it up too

They want God to bend to THEM rather than accept what they are and submit to God

because they have such pride and hubris that they can't see their true flaws and insignificance

And the muslim faith too

name one sitcom which doesnt have a jewish producer



The media is a business

and when business and profiteering overcomes honesty and wanting to do good

you have an issue

Its the same reason why shootings are so fucking common now in the US

The media LIKES shootings

because the media gets MONEY from increased viewership, ratings, and ads

And because they show the motives

and the face

and the weapon


they make them anti-heroes

and inspire the next sicko

and the cycle continues

And unless we break the cycle

it will continue to escalate and it will FURTHER give the anti-gun narrative more traction in the minds of people who dont realize what's going on

And honestly, think about this

Who controls the media?

The left

Who wants guns taken away?

The left

What happens when a shooting occurs?

The media propagates more shootings

What do the shootings do?

Give the leftist anti-gun motions more traction

Its not random at all

Well, that means something big

The media would've scooped up every issue they could find with him

**If it didnt hurt their narrative**

Perhaps the Las Vegas shooter was an outlier, or perhaps something more sinister?

Hired? Manipulated? Brainwashed?

Honestly, we don't know, but considering the media can easily find reasons for all the shooters now and the shooters before

This guy was special in the sense that his actions were inspired by something else

And the media "couldn't find anything"

These people literally stalk trump in BUSHES to see what shoes he's wearing in a golf game

They know something we dont and they arent letting it get out

Honestly, imagine what'd be possible with an insider in the media

A real nationalist chad as the fly on the wall

Unfortunately, dreams and speculation do nothing

And I'm sure that any trace of his affiliation would lose him his job and land him in a gigantic pile of shit

I think the closest connection I could draw would be similar to The Cardinal of the Kremlin

Faith, Family, Fatherland

"An advocate"

That's a funny way of saying "Shill"

Itโ€™s because theyโ€™ve never known the feeling of being on R A M R A N C H

what's a "finland"

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