
Discord ID: 512031949896810506

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Then why'd you join if you weren't dwgenerate enough? <:bigsmug:581449104102785026>



No anal for egg-kun

Egg-kun gets scared of anal

It's true though, id you dont like it why even be here?

Thighs are too hairy not good for anyone @Zombie

Egg-kun is not a chicc

Egg-kun is

That's saaaaadd

Egg-kun is

C u t o

An egg-kun is

A quack ducc

Q u a c k <:TranceGirlWOW:581449262320320532>

~~Must be good in bed~~

"That's no good!"

^ Retarded juice

I especially love the JAV list

The most hardcore thing egg-kun has is being depressed

Egg-kun cant draw ;-;

Egg-kun could prob make a hentai game tho

Ducks are quackable

Quack quack

Egg-kun is only an egg waiting to break his shell into a goose

Cuz goose are cool and egg-kun is de coolest


Egg-Kun makes music remixes too

Mostly video game music doe


Oh? You're approaching Egg-kun?



Egg-kun loves calling self cute cuz no one else does

So Egg-kun had to pick up slack

C a l l e d i t

So egg-kun declares himself a cute


Y i k e


E g g n o l i k e

E e e e e k

Egg-kun be not hurt but only egg

Cuz egg is eg

Where diid everyone go? <:akashrug:304403453864706058>

Ish sad




All of you


Egg-kun try ro spread love to all cuz egg-kun is love

Yus indeed, and Egg-kun think it is heavy burdon


Tis is

Egg loves all

Egg bet his love


Egg loves that name because egg can imaginr it's part of the message @Quite Simply

Says egg

E g g - k u n

Loves all

Egg-kun also likes dicc too but lov more importaint



An dis egg-kun loves to love

Egg is addicted to love sadly

Egg is a swell dood who just loves oh and loves duccin sicc

Cuz no one else loves egg bacc that's why egg need to make up for it by saying he is a cute

Egg will do all in power to make all feel happi


Egg goes in hiding cannt take COMPLIMENT

Nu UR Breadtaking! @ShiroTheWhiteWolf

Keanu is even more wholesome then egg

Egg is happi now

Well egg-kun will turn into a goose one day

Because goose are beautiful and egg's real name is close to the word goose

So egg will becum a goose

Well egg-kun likes to fucc

So no white ducc

Goose is fluffy too

Egg-kun is fine with bein protecctive

Cuz Egg still luvs all

I wan some pad tai noodles

The person above has bigg pp


Why use a paper towel when egg is here

That mean @madcat

Egg no appriciate


Egg just likes dicc a lot

Egg has a super addictive personality so egg gets addicted on things easily

Egg is actually bi

Right next to chocolate chips egg is addicted to love

Anyways egg's third addiction would be video games

Hen the fourth would be dicc



Was dat?


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