Discord ID: 302377307199242241
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@Anaxagoras why tho ?
@Anaxagoras why does your name remind me of 12 year olds playing cod ?
hi nara
trying to comprehend reality atm...
you ?
a bad raid at that
when the mods can do worse. rip
thanks dim
yeah, don't see the point in raiding this place tbh.
huh, clean again kork
too bad daf doesn't wash off as easily.
still trying to figure out how i ended up with that tag.
i didn't catch the warning.... oof
i just saw the shitty dog link. and then poof daf
i was drinking, so that might have helped.
i wish someone would predict i was going to win the lottery.
wait, does it add 2 inches ? or can you measure 2 extra inches ?
what you using it for whiski ?
doesn't have to with what you like. it has to do with what the state is willing to punish you for.
if the state decided it was illegal to fart on sundays, you would have to follow it or take the consequences. regardles how tarded it is.
(until it was overturned)
uhm, no coat. no
soup has feelings too.
legit prostagma
im going to have my first christmas dinner today.
you are basically boiling it in liquid fats.
that took balls.
we all know it's going to sell.
ive seen it, it's hillarious.
people who run less than 30 fps will be moving slower than base speed, rip.
^ do we have facts or only claims yet ?
oof, the dems will take a huge hit if that is the truth.
the question, are the dems just stupid or are they being framed.
neato tex.
just because hes yellow in piss you stop picking on him ? pff
get rank.
^^are you afraid of poodles aswell ?
hmm, i like that logic, might be why i attract illegal substances.
he talked i on porn ?
@Wonton Hole Puncher nice cancer bro
lesson of today: don't have your payment options tied to the account.
wut ?
i could buy a ps4 here for 350. but meh, i don't need to play rdr2
atleast that way i can get a graphics card for 350 which is pretty decent.
@KaptonK no u
stop with the fred mercury.
he is innocent.
even more of a reason to leave him alone.
@KaptonK we know you like the attention
you know you've been lucky so far @Twat
still, you should know that you are painting a target on your own back.
oddly specific
^ shyboi
who was it kicking ?
that has to be the fastest <@&498259609316884520> ive ever seen.
i always do better when im drunk bowling for some reason.
litterally unable to stand up, and hitting tripple strikes.
^ it's great until you overwork yourself.
so fucking dense.
^ speak for yourself. im special.
well, if you are your own biggest critic there is nothing they could critique that you are not already aware of.
well, crusade memes are ancient in internet time.
rettarded dog.
stop. please.
@mbeckman777 when your inteligence drops low enough.
@Dahaka no u
stem is fun if you have a creative mind.
then that makes it impossible to ever get through it.
coding is fun, for me anyway. but it gets really really mind bending.
well, people should do W/E they want
opp caps
sister doing economy, and cousin doing law.
economy sounds really boring to me, but i can see the use for it.
i slogged through a economy course... taught me alot of philosophy lol
haha, yeah. lazy people.
anyway, im off... class. yay.
tthanks, you too.
question: why do all the furries have "wolf" in their nicks ?
just noticing a pattern.
wings ?
ok guys, we know you want all furries to die but... don't spam us, go spam THEM
^ hope he spent it on hookers and drugs.
not an excuse, create another.
traps, hands down.
well they do a have a skill.
aka milking gullible idiots with money.
why tho.
uhhm... im worried. so no.
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